Tang Xinluo woke up the next day, only to feel that all the fatigue and discomfort in her body had been relieved.

Standing in front of the sink, he rubbed his eyes slightly.

The little woman in the mirror had fair and translucent skin, and her watery peach eyes were slightly swollen than usual.

But it looks good.

Moreover, the degree of redness and swelling of the eyes was much better than she expected.

After wringing out the towel and wiping her face, Tang Xinluo curled the corners of her lips towards the mirror.

She thought that after crying so many tears, her eyes would become red and swollen when she woke up this morning.

But now it seems that it is not as serious as expected.

That's fine, after all, it won't make Mom worry.

Thinking of that gentle and tolerant woman, Tang Xinluo's eyes that had just been chilled by cold water almost turned red again.

She took a deep breath and suppressed the urge to cry.

Looking at himself in the mirror, cheering: "Tang Xinluo, cheer up...for the sake of the baby, for the sake of Mom and Grandma Lu, you must be strong and cheer up!"

After adjusting his emotions, Tang Xinluo changed into the clothes he was out of and went to the restaurant downstairs.

Mom said last night that she was going to take her for a maternity checkup today, and she couldn't keep her waiting for a long time.

As a result, as soon as I walked to the door of the restaurant, I bumped into a tall figure.

The pupils shrank suddenly.

Lu Yuchen, when did he... come back?

Lu Yuchen, who hadn't come back since he left last night, appeared at the dining table as if nothing had happened.

He sat beside Zhuo Yarong and ate breakfast silently.

Tang Xinluo paused and stopped at the door of the restaurant, suddenly wondering if she should go in or not.

The words he said were still echoing in his ears at this time.

"I, Lu Yuchen, paid for you. You'd better find out... who is your financial master."

She is just his cargo.

He's the gold master...the gold master who hates her so much.

If she appears out of nowhere, will it disturb Yaxing's meal?

"Yeah, Xinluo is up..." Tang Xinluo was hesitating when Zhuo Yarong in the restaurant had already seen her figure.

"Come on Xinluo... Come and sit with Mom. Mom Zhang, let the kitchen bring the stewed tonic."

Zhuo Yarong was too attentive, Tang Xinluo could not refuse, so she could only sit beside Zhuo Yarong obediently.

"Mom, morning." She said hello to Zhuo Yarong.

After that, he looked at Lu Yuchen again.

After hesitating for a few seconds, he still greeted Lu Yuchen because Zhuo Yarong was next to her.


Hearing her greeting, Lu Yuchen only nodded slightly, without giving her a side glance.

Sure enough, he hated her.

Tang Xinluo lowered his head and said nothing.

Thinking that Zhuo Yarong was still on the side and didn't want her to worry, she forced a smile, as if she didn't care.

Forget it, he will come back, probably not for himself.

Mom came here, even if Lu Yuchen hated him again, for mom's sake, he would come back.

Zhang Ma quickly brought up a cup of supplements, which was steaming hot, with a smell of medicated food.

Since Tang Xinluo had no morning sickness reaction, his appetite gradually increased.

But Rao was like this, facing such a cup of supplements that smelled of medicinal food, and sitting opposite Lu Yuchen in the dark of the twilight, no matter what, he felt that he couldn't eat.

"Xinluo, eat more, it's good for your body."

Zhuo Yarong urged her, and she could only barely take two sips with a spoon.

While drinking the soup, he secretly raised his eyes and looked at Lu Yuchen who was sitting across from him.

He only wore a clean and tidy white shirt. Although it was just a very simple white shirt, it complemented Lu Yuchen's beautiful face even more deeply and handsomely.

Although the face is handsome, the whole person seems to be shrouded in ice.

To be honest, such a cold big living person sitting opposite is really unappetizing.

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