Because of infection and allergies, the skin on Wan Weiwei's face is no longer as smooth and fair as before.

The face that used to be the size of a slap is now covered with bumps and swollen pustules.

Facing the TV, she cursed Tang Xinluo resentfully.

But I don't know, from the point of view of others.

With a pustule on her face and a ferocious and twisted face, she looked like a witch from a horror movie.

She was scolding vigorously, but the phone rang at this moment.

Seeing the caller number on the phone screen, Wan Weiwei's first reaction was to hang up.


Thinking of the last time, she hung up the phone.

The other party immediately sat on the ground and raised the price, causing her to pay another 100,000 yuan for the hush money.

In the end, he answered the phone resignedly.

"Hey, what's the matter with you?" Although Wan Weiwei tried her best to suppress her tone, she still showed impatience.

This ZTE paparazzi, after working with her originally, has always abide by morals.

But this time, I don't know if it was because she saw her despair, and she actually took advantage of the fire.

It cost her 2 million to buy Tang Xinluo's photos for the first time.

After that, he made two consecutive phone calls, threatening to shake out the fact that she was behind the scenes to smear Tang Xinluo if she didn't pay the hush money.

In desperation, Wan Weiwei gave him a hush money of 200,000 and 300,000 successively.

Who knows, this paparazzi is an insatiable lust. After two successful extortions in succession, these few days, he began to attack her again.

On the other end of the phone, the voice of the paparazzi rang.

"Miss Wan, I have something to do at home recently, and I need your help. 500,000, call my account before the bank goes off work tomorrow."

The other party's tone was taken for granted, as if she, Wan Weiwei, should be his ATM.

"You think beautiful!"

Wan Weiwei is in a fit of rage now, why should Tang Xinluo get into any trouble and someone will help her deal with the aftermath.

And she was threatened by such an unprofessional little reporter.

"When we gave you the 300,000 yuan last time, we agreed. That was the last time we gave you the hush money. We have already settled the two, and I am in urgent need of money now. How can I spare you any money!"

Her face is almost completely destroyed, and it is conservatively estimated that it will cost at least 3 million to remove the injections inside.

Now she has no endorsement, no job, not even a man... All expenses must be paid from her own account.

Two sets of properties under her name have already been sold. If they continue to be extorted, with the level of greed of the other party, even ten sets of properties will not be able to be beaten.

"Miss Wan, don't be so rude. We are in a cooperative relationship after all. Wow, you can give it to me. Anyway, I still have a lot of phone recordings that haven't been exposed. Magazines or companies exposed to Yueze, will they be willing to buy them at a high price?"

ZTE, the paparazzi, has been unlucky recently.

Not only was he opened by the company, but he himself was a good gambler and owed a lot of debt.

If Wan Weiwei can't make money here, he can definitely betray Wan Weiwei.

"You..." Wan Weiwei was so angry that she didn't expect that she would be stuck on such a dog skin plaster.

I wanted to hang up the phone, but I was afraid that the other party would really make a desperate attempt to break the news.

Now that there are finally netizens who speak for her on the Internet, it is absolutely impossible to waste the last bit of turning over.

"Okay, let's say it, the last time. The 500,000 is given to you, and we don't owe each other!"


After hanging up the phone, Wan Weiwei felt unwilling.

A flash of light suddenly flashed through her mind.


Instead of giving the other party another 500,000, you don't have to spend the 500,000 to buy his life.


Buy a murderer!

Only the dead will never betray her!

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