Tang Xinluo remained the same, until dawn.

Since I became pregnant, I have wanted to sleep from time to time. During this period, I have been sleepy, and I seem to sleep very deeply every night after falling asleep.

"Hmm..." After stretching, Tang Xinluo felt that the bones of his entire body seemed to have softened a lot.

Now my stomach is only three months old, if it goes to the back, it is estimated that it will become more and more lethargic.

Thinking like this, she went downstairs and saw Mama Zhang who was smiling earnestly.

"Young madam, you finally got up. The young master ordered before going out in the morning, and there will be a dinner party next weekend to introduce your identity. Young madam, Ma Zhang is happy for you!"

"Mother Zhang, thank you." Tang Xinluo took the honey water handed by Mama Zhang, took a sip, and said lightly.

Seeing that she seemed a little shy, Zhang Ma continued to persuade her: "Young madam, this banquet was created by madam. You can rest assured that it will satisfy you. In addition, the young master ordered you to go out for a walk when you have time. You can buy any jewelry or dresses you like."

In fact, this was Lu Yuchen's indirect release of her ban.

Tang Xinluo was pregnant after all, so being bored at home for a long time was not a good thing.

Although, what Mrs. Lu needs, there will naturally be brochures sent by various brands.

She just needs to sit on the sofa, flip through it at will, click, and things will be delivered to her home.

But it is necessary for pregnant women to move around more.

Shopping makes women happy. This was also what Su Qing said on the road when Lu Yuchen brought Su Qing back yesterday.

"Okay Zhang Ma, I see... I've been bored recently. After dinner, I'll go out with my friends."

Su Qing deserves to be someone who knows Tang Xinluo, and a proposal hits Tang Xinluo's heart.

She was really bored at home for a long time, bored.

I have to say that this time Lu Yuchen asked Su Qing what Tang Xinluo likes.

And act according to Su Qing's advice.

Unconsciously, in the bottom of Tang Xinluo's heart, a lot of good feelings were drawn.

After dinner, Tang Xinluo made a special appointment with Su Qing to go shopping at Hengfeng Plaza.

Of course, there were two bodyguards behind him, who were sent to Tang Xinluo by Lu Yuchen on a special trip.


Inside Hengfeng Square, Su Qing held Tang Xinluo's hand and whispered.

"Xinluo, how long are you going to be with the two strong and muscular brothers behind?"

Tang Xinluo glanced behind her and sighed, "That's someone Lu Yuchen sent. I guess he'll follow us until we finish shopping!"

"You don't like them either, do you? Well, wait and see!"

Su Qing suddenly let go of Tang Xinluo's hand, turned around, and walked to the two big men in black.

I don't know what she said, but the faces of the two big men in black suddenly became very ugly.

Su Qing pointed to the luxury store next door and upstairs. After a while, the two big men in black left together.

"Xiaoqing, how did you do it... why did they all leave?"

Tang Xinluo looked at Su Qing with admiration.

Su Qing pursed her lips and smiled, revealing two cute dimples, "Secret... In short, they are gone. Let's go and enjoy the free shopping time!"

Su Qing took Tang Xinluo's hand and walked into the luxury store she pointed to just now.

"Xinluo, this dress is good, go try it!" As soon as she entered the luxury store, Su Qing saw a blue embroidered dress full of three-dimensional flowers.

I don't know why, but when I saw this dress, I felt that it was a perfect match for Tang Xinluo.

"This lady has such a good eye. This is the latest catwalk model that was just shipped from Milan this morning. All over China, this is the only one for now."

[The author has something to say: This paragraph is not irrigation, it is very necessary, because Xinluo will know the truth soon! (Can any baby guess it?)]

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