"Tang Xinluo, you... how dare you..."

What a Tang Xinluo, how dare to snatch what she likes!

"You guys—don't sell this dress to her!" Lu Zhiyi suddenly attacked the clerk next to her.

"You don't know yet? This woman has already been dumped by Master Lu. If you sell this dress to her, you won't be afraid of offending the leaders above?!"

When Lu Zhiyi said this, she pulled out Lu Qinghao who was on the side, "See, this is my brother! Lu Qinghao from the Lu family... The dress that our Lu family liked, you dare to sell it to this woman!"

Lu Zhiyi heard Lu Qinghao say that the highest shareholder of Hengfeng Plaza is Lu Yuchen.

She thought that by moving out of the Lu family, she would be able to frighten the clerks of these luxury stores.

However, Lu Zhiyi didn't think about it.

How could these outsiders know about the relationship between Tang Xinluo and Lu Yuchen?

After listening to Lu Zhiyi's words, these shop assistants could only look at each other at a loss.

Lord Lu...

It turned out that Miss Tang was related to Master Lu.

No wonder she would reject a male god like Yue Ze!

This time, the shop clerks looked at Tang Xinluo and became more envious.

Seeing this, Lu Zhiyi couldn't help raising her voice: "Hey, are you stupid and don't understand me?! Master Lu will hold a dinner next week and officially introduce his wife. This Tang Xinluo is just a mistress, she has already Out of favor, out of favor! You immediately kick her out of my house and let her take off her clothes for me, this dress, I'm going to order it!"

Lu Zhiyi almost shouted hysterically.

With such a lack of image, even Lu Qinghao, who was beside him, could not help frowning.

How did Zhiyi become like this?

Such a poor performance, where is there a little girl's appearance.

Several shop assistants were also frightened, they had never seen such a famous lady.

However, they also knew Lu Qinghao's identity.

At this moment, looking at Lu Qinghao and at the black card that Tang Xinluo handed over, it was difficult for him to choose.

Seeing this, Tang Xinluo smiled, "I'm sorry...Miss Lu is young and ignorant, so I'm letting you guys see a joke."

"You don't have to be embarrassed. Isn't there a camera here? Who comes first and who comes last? If someone really wants to complain to the top of the mall, you just need to take out the video. What's more, the clothes are the ones that I see first. , I cut the tag, and now the dress is on me again, if you don't let me pay for it, I'll be embarrassed myself."

Compared with Lu Zhiyi's reckless and arrogant voice, Tang Xinluo's voice with a faint smile was like a stream of clear flow, slipping into his heart.

The store manager holding the black card nodded immediately, "Miss Tang said, I'll swipe the card for you."

After all, he is a store manager who has seen the world, although he has some scruples about the prestige of the Lu family.

But Tang Xinluo, even if it was true as Miss Lu said, was abandoned by Master Lu.

But people came first, made another bid, and put on their clothes. If they really wanted the guests to take them off, it would be a complete smashing of their brand's signboard.

The store manager quickly swiped the card for Tang Xinluo, and when he saw the cardholder's name displayed on the screen, his eyes trembled slightly.

Tang Xinluo took over the cipher, entered the cipher proficiently, and signed it, looking very relaxed.

The attitude on the store manager's face was a little more respectful than before.

Don't care what others say, but at least she saw who the owner of the black card was just now.

The three big characters "Lu Yuchen", but anyone who knew something about the upper class in City A would know that person's name.

If Miss Tang really did what Miss Lu said, she would have been abandoned.

Master Lu, how could she give her his black card.

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