Domineering Mr. CEO and His Impudent Love (Mr. President, Unbridled Love)

Three hundred and fiftieth chapters surprise (three)

That's why, just now in the dark.

When she exclaimed, there was a reason for the bell to ring.

Lu Yuchen's eyes darkened slightly, the more he looked at her, the more obvious the feeling in his lower abdomen became.

Such a delicate and fascinating underwear, translucent white veil.

That kind of translucent fabric was wrapped around the little woman's delicate~soft~human body.

Simply, charming, and sinful.

Plus, those jingling bells... disturbing.

Such a picture of blood spurting, it is really a test of his concentration!

"Do you even know what you're doing!"

Lu Yuchen resisted the urge in his heart and scolded with a cold face.

The sound of the heart beating, thumping.

After scolding, he hardly dared to keep his eyes on her.

The black eyes have long since moved away.

"I know...I just wanted to..."

"Forget it, you don't need to tell me." Lu Yuchen interrupted Tang Xinluo decisively.

Turn around and go out the door.

He had no choice but to stay.

If you continue to stay here...

He was afraid that he would tear it with his own hands, and there was hardly any veil on her body that could cover her.

"Wait, I'm not finished yet!"

In the past, Tang Xinluo might have been hurt by Lu Yuchen's indifferent performance.

Retreat because of shame and hurt.

But now, she knew that all of this was just a false appearance by this arrogant man.

Lu Yuchen, he had been secretly doing that kind of thing to her...

Maybe he, like her, was annoyed by the quarrel and alienation between the two!

Thinking of this, Tang Xinluo chased after him without hesitation.

"Wait a minute, I have something to tell you!"

Hearing this, Lu Yuchen stopped, but did not look back.

"If you want to say something, just say it." He murmured.

Strongly suppressed the urge to turn around and embrace this little woman.

"Lu Yuchen, if you don't turn around, how can I talk to you, eh?"

Delicate and soft voice, tail sound, even with a slight vibrato.

It was as if he was deliberately ditching him.


Tang Xinluo's sly peach eyes blinked.

Yes, she was deliberately trying to lure Lu Yuchen.

She knew that he couldn't deny herself.

He must have liked her too!

Hearing the words, the man took a breath.

But still, he suppressed Qi Nian, who jumped up from his lower abdomen, and said coldly, "Let's just say say it, I'll listen."

It seemed that he had made up his mind and refused to turn around.

Humph, what a tough guy!

If that's the case, then she can only use her trump card.

Tang Xinluo thought to himself, a delicate crimson flashed across his palm-sized face.

She walked over gently, towards the man whose back was to her.

Lu Yuchen stood on the spot, stiff all over.

The back, unconsciously, hit straight.

Hear that jingle bell.

Get closer.

He didn't stop until he came behind him.

He could feel that the little woman who was thinking about it day and night was standing behind him.

The sweet and pleasant smell seems to linger on the tip of the nose.

On her body, there is a mixture of shower gel and body fragrance, a sweet and greasy fragrance.

Just like the feeling she gave people, she was delicate... but so soft and charming, making people want to take care of her in her arms.

"Husband..." Behind him, a voice suddenly sounded, with a faint moan.

Like a cat tickling, gently, tickling his heart.

All the muscles in Lu Yuchen's body tightened at this moment.

next second.

A delicate body hugged the man from behind, a sturdy body.

"Husband, I miss you so much... I miss you so much... You, don't you just miss me at all?"

[The author has something to say]: The 2nd update on February 24~~ No update on the afternoon of the 24th, it was early in the middle of the night!

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