"Over the banquet, if you have any ideas, you can tell your mother. Your mother will prepare dresses and jewelry for you. If you are bored, go out for more shopping, and buy whatever you like. Remember to bring your bodyguards... Cover the quilt when you sleep at night. Well...and..."

"What else, eh?" Tang Xinluo held the phone, and the smile on the corner of his mouth never stopped.

It turned out that this is the feeling of someone caring and being loved.

Lu Yuchen...

Why is he like this, she doesn't think he's long-winded at all.

Instead, do you feel that you are so happy?

"Cough, and..." Lu Yuchen on the other end of the phone also realized that his advice was a little too much.

He could only clear his throat, pretending to be deep and saying, "Also, remember to call your husband."

"Heh..." After waiting for a long time, I wanted to say this.

Tang Xinluo couldn't help laughing.

"Okay, I see. I'll stay home and wait for you to come back... My dear, my husband."

The two remained warm for a while before ending the call.

Hanging up the phone, Tang Xinluo just thought.

The current self is so happy, as if surrounded by a lot of pink bubbles.

As long as he thought of Lu Yuchen's gentle care, a happy smile appeared on his face.

"Young Madam... Young Madam..."

After seeing Tang Xinluo hanging up, Ma Zhang kept smirking all by herself.

Had to whisper, remind her.

"Before you went downstairs, your company's assistant called. She said she was looking for you in a hurry and asked you to get up and call her back."

Just now, Mother Zhang was in a hurry to prepare Tang Xinluo's breakfast, and she forgot about it for a while.

It was not until I received the call from the young master that I remembered together.

When Tang Xinluo heard what Zhang Ma said, she immediately knew that Lin Qian was calling for her.

She turned off her phone and kept forgetting to turn it on.

I once called Lin Qian's villa, she would call the villa in such a hurry, something must have happened.

Thinking of this, Tang Xinluo immediately turned on the phone and called Lin Qian back.

"Sister Qian, what's the matter... is something wrong with the company?"

"Xinluo, I finally got in touch with you. No, it's not the company's accident, it's... it's Director Su..."

"Xiaoqing, Xiaoqing, what happened to her?"

"Director Su... Director Su is missing!"

"Missing!?" As soon as Tang Xinluo heard it, she immediately thought of the last 'kidnapping' incident, "Could it be that Qiao Mohan did it again?"

"It shouldn't be... Young Master Qiao is Young Master Chen's friend. It is impossible for him to tie Director Su again for a Dong Yaru without giving Young Master Chen face."

When Tang Xinluo heard Lin Qian's analysis, she also felt that it made sense.

Xiaoqing was taken from Qiao Mohan by Lu Yuchen himself.

Qiao Mohan and Lu Yuchen's friendship, she knew, they couldn't have a conflict over a little star.

On the other end of the phone, Lin Qian continued to analyze, "Director Su agreed yesterday that he will go back to the crew to start the night scene, but we waited very late and she didn't show up. I thought it was a temporary event, so I didn't care... ...However, as of today, at this time, Director Su still hasn't appeared."

"Also, her cell phone was turned off long ago. I called the hotel where she was staying and asked, only to find out that she didn't go back at all last night!"

"There must be something wrong with Xiaoqing!" Tang Xinluo was extremely worried at this time.

With Su Qing's skills, ordinary people can't help her at all.

She must be in big trouble!

"This way... I'll call Shao Qiao first. No matter what, I'll ask him about the situation first. If it is determined that Xiaoqing is not with Shao Qiao, we will call the police immediately!"

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