Because she knew that Su Qing was not in danger for the time being.

Tang Xinluo withdrew the report and went to the set to deal with the media wholeheartedly.

"Xinluo, you are finally here!" Lin Qian saw Xinluo with a tired look on her face.

It seemed that before Tang Xinluo came, she was already exhausted and coping.

"The media who came today are all heavyweights, and two of them are reporters from the National Channel. After they came, because they didn't see the producer or the director, they seemed to feel that they were being neglected and should Some emotions. When interviewing later, you have to be careful, their questions may not be too friendly.”

Tang Xinluo patted the back of Lin Qian's hand, "I know Sister Qian, thank you for your hard work, leave the rest to me."

Tang Xinluo's voice was soft and gentle, with a smile on his brows and a light smile on the corners of his lips.

When Lin Qian saw it, she immediately felt that her heart, which had been hanging in the air, had been comforted.

Well, it seems that she is too anxious, Xinluo's ability to deal with the media should be no problem.

So, Lin Qian took Tang Xinluo and walked all the way inside.

At this time, the crew did not stop filming completely, and the assistant director was on the sidelines, making up for some less important supporting roles.

The whole set still looked very busy.

Lin Qian led Tang Xinluo across the set, through a row of dressing rooms, and finally walked to the innermost director's lounge.

Su Qing is not here, because this room is the largest, so it will be used as an interview venue for the time being, and it will be vacated.

The door opened, and Tang Xinluo stood outside the door to see what was inside.

There was a single person sitting on the double sofa in the middle of the room.

He was surrounded by many reporters in the center, a dozen microphones were placed in front of him, and next to him stood a lighting engineer and a cameraman.

The door was suddenly opened, and everyone's eyes turned to Tang Xinluo and the others unconsciously.

And Yue Ze, who was surrounded by everyone in the middle, also raised his head at this moment.

Those azure blue eyes, just like that, stared at Tang Xinluo's face without blinking.

The gossip heroine appears!

The reporters in the lounge suddenly became agitated.

"Xinluo, this way."

Seeing Tang Xinluo appear, Yue Ze stood up directly.

In front of many media reporters, instead of avoiding suspicion, he took the initiative to approach her.

"Yueze." Tang Xinluo nodded and smiled.

Yue Ze's tall and slender body shielded her from the reporters' inquiring eyes.

At the same time, he covered Yue Ze and took the initiative to extend his palm to her.

It was obvious that Yue Ze wanted to reach out and hold the big hand on her arm.

Tang Xinluo hesitated for a second, then turned sideways to avoid him without a trace.

She passed him, smiling, and walked towards the reporters.

But Yue Ze, who was avoided by Tang Xinluo, had a slightly stagnant expression on his face, neither angry nor angry.

Picking the corners of his mouth, he turned around and followed behind Tang Xinluo, walked back and sat down.

This delicate interaction between the two was not seen by any reporter because it was blocked by Yue Ze's back.

But Lin Qian was at the door at this moment, just in time to see this scene.

She couldn't help but feel tight.

Yue Ze and Xin Luo...

Wait a minute, those media certainly won't let them go easily.

With such a delicate relationship, can they really be safe and secure to complete this interview?

Just thinking about it, the senior reporter from the National Channel had already threw out the first sharp question.

"Miss Tang, I'm a reporter from National TV. What is your relationship with Mr. Yueze now? Can you think that you have indirectly acknowledged your relationship as a couple when you are interviewed together?"

[The author has something to say] The fourth update will be completed on February 26th, and the update will resume from 4:00 pm to 5:00 pm starting on the 27th! ! ! !

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