The place was completely chaotic.

The reporters were no longer interested and went to ask questions about Tang Xinluo and Yue Ze's relationship.

Everyone focused their attention on the issue of Yue Ze Xiying.


After more than an hour, the interview ended.

The reporter was sent out by Lin Qian and Blank. In the lounge, only Tang Xinluo and Yue Ze were left.

"Yue Ze, why did you spread the news of Xiying when I announced my married status?"

Tang Xinluo is not stupid, she can feel it.

During the interview just now, Yue Ze was deliberately interrupting himself.

"Am I interrupting you?" Yue Ze lowered his eyes, his brows showing innocence, "I'm sorry, I didn't know you were going to announce your marriage. I thought you wanted to announce the news of retiring for me."

"I don't know at all, you want to take a break!" Tang Xinluo was slightly annoyed.

"Really? I thought Blank had already told you."

Yue Ze raised his eyebrows, leaned on the armrest of the sofa, his eyes were slightly cold, "I will stop filming after filming this drama. In this way, when "The Beloved Concubine" is released, it will definitely create a myth of ratings. How about it, produced by Tang Da Are people still satisfied with the news?"

"Yue Ze, I don't need you to use Xiying to hype it up for me." Tang Xinluo looked at Yue Ze with serious eyes.

Yue Ze smiled when he heard the words, suddenly stretched out his right hand and hooked Tang Xinluo's chin, "Why, you are worrying about me now, eh?"

"I don't." Tang Xinluo stepped back, avoiding his palm.

The warm and greasy touch on the fingertips suddenly disappeared.

Yue Ze couldn't help frowning, "Xinluo, that's not hype. What I'm saying is the truth. I've made a decision a long time ago, and the movie will stop after filming."

"You..." Tang Xinluo looked at Yue Ze's serious eyebrows and couldn't help trying to persuade him.

He is an extremely rare, talented actor.

Such a talented person.

Don't you think it's too early to stop filming at a young age?

However, when the words came to the mouth, they got stuck again.

For Yue Ze, what qualifications does she have to persuade him?

Yue Ze's life should not have been arbitrarily interfered by others.

I have no position to persuade him.

"As a friend, if you make the decision to quit the movie, I will respect you. However, quitting the circle is no trivial matter, and there are many interests involved. Wouldn't the agency behind you have any opinions? And those fans and advertisers ...After this news is exposed today, you may be hindered a lot, you ... must be careful."

What Tang Xinluo said was obviously a very important and serious topic.

But Yue Ze smiled after listening to her.

The smile went straight to the bottom of his eyes, and the eyes of Can Ruo Xingchen were sparkling, "So, now, are you worried about me?"

The smile on the corner of Yueze's mouth is purely sincere and beautiful.

Tang Xinluo closed his eyes and didn't look at his smile, "I do care about you, but that's just a concern among friends."

Tang Xinluo admitted that she liked Yue Ze very much.

However, that kind of love is not a love between men and women.

For him, there is gratitude and concern from friends, but it never means that.

If Yue Ze wasn't like this, he would be too good for her to resist.

In fact, she was very happy to befriend him.

"It's okay." Yue Ze's eyes were still on Tang Xin's face.

Focus and earnest.

"No matter what kind of concern you have for me, as long as you care about me, that's enough."

Tang Xinluo: "..."

The undisguised feelings in Yue Ze's words made Tang Xinluo unable to resist.

She could only smile awkwardly and was about to change the subject when she heard Yue Ze say, "By the way, I want to ask, do you know about Xingchen Orphanage?"

[The author has something to say] The second update~

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