"Miss Su, what's the matter with you? Didn't you mean to come to the set... Why did you just leave?"

The one who was in the lead, Tang Xinluo knew, was Qiao Mohan's assistant He Bin.

When He Bin saw Su Qing, he immediately put on a pleasing smile.

"If you want to find Qiao Shao, I'll take it to you!"

Su Qing was just embarrassed to face Tang Xinluo, she didn't want to leave the studio at all, let alone meet Qiao Mohan.

"No, I just...I went the wrong way!"

Su Qing had no way to go out, so she turned around and walked back.

As a result, when she turned around, she saw Tang Xinluo standing behind her.

"Xiaoqing..." Tang Xinluo tilted her head to look at her and blinked, "Did you have something to say that you forgot to tell me?!"


Being blocked by Tang Xinluo, Su Qing just wanted to hide, but there was nowhere to hide.

She had no choice but to follow Tang Xinluo to an empty lounge.

After entering, Tang Xinluo checked Su Qing from top to bottom.

When she opened Su Qing's collar, she saw her neck, collarbone, and bruised hickey on her chest.

Face, bang, red!


Su Qing was very calm, pulled up her collar and nodded, "Yes, Qiao Mohan and I are sleeping."


Why, how could Xiaoqing be so calm and say these two words! ! !

"Xiaoqing, tell me, did Qiao Mohan force you? Did he take you away and force you..."

"No, Xinluo, leave me alone, don't worry, I'm fine, I'm really fine."

"Why are you alright, you..."

"Oh, Xinluo, don't ask, I'm really fine!"

Su Qing hugged Tang Xinluo, rubbed her neck hard, trying her best to act like a spoiled child, "I am Su Qing, how could I be forced? You can rest assured!"

What happened last night was too complicated.

Her biological father, Su Zheng, for the sake of her half-sister, even wanted to sell her to a playboy like Ren Xudong who was keen to abuse women in bed.

Although she doesn't like Qiao Mohan either.

But I have to admit that, at least, Qiao Mohan is better than Ren Xudong.

"Really, are you alright?" Tang Xinluo was still uneasy.

"Really...Look, I'm not doing well." Su Qing looked natural as if nothing happened.

She didn't want Xinluo to worry, Xinluo's own feelings were now a mess.

Let her know that she was persecuted by the Su family, and she would probably be anxious.

"Well... that's fine." Tang Xinluo knew that with Su Qing's temper, if she really didn't want to say it, she might not be able to ask.

Forget it, Xiaoqing should be the first time last night.

Thinking of the pain she felt for the first time, Tang Xinluo touched Xiaoqing's head in distress.

"Otherwise, you'd better not direct the show today. Go back and have a good rest for a day and sleep... For the first time, it's very painful."

"Pfft, Tang Xinluo... Listening to what you said, why do you seem so emotional?"

"I hate it, what time is it, you are still laughing at me!"

The two girls were laughing in the lounge.

But soon, the troubles were thrown to the back of his mind.

After a while, when the two of them left the lounge, Lin Qian happened to find them.

"Director Su, Xinluo... Well, Qiao Shao's subordinates brought a lot of gifts to the crew to express their condolences. It's useful, something to wear, and something to eat... Well, now outside, everyone is thanking Qiao Shao and Director Su. ."

[The author has something to say] The fourth update is completed, and will continue at 4 pm tomorrow~~ I received a notification from the editor that it is ready to be put on the shelves. I am lucky to be able to drag it to 45W before putting on the shelves. It is currently expected to be on the shelves on March 14th or March 21st, so! ! ! ! Everyone, hurry up and watch the free ones now. After they are put on the shelves, they will be charged. Free more than 40 W is the author's greatest ability. I hope the babies can understand~~ I love you~~

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