"Xuaner, don't worry, your heart transplant operation was successful this time. The most important thing now is to take care of your body with peace of mind, marry Yuchen in the future, and give birth to you and Yuchen's child. About that woman, Mommy You have your own measure. Xuan'er, you just need to take care of your illness, and Mommy will handle the rest for you."

Her Xuan'er is too simple.

Since that woman has already occupied a place in Yuchen's heart, how could she allow her to give birth to the heir to the Lu family!

If so, even if they are separated now, maybe in the future...

Gu Xuan'er pretended to hold Shen Wan innocently and didn't speak.

Seeing Shen Wan, who has always been gentle, a ruthless and decisive light gradually condensed in her eyes, and then she reassured herself and buried her head again.

very good……

That woman, she was waiting to see her good show.


As soon as Lu Yuchen left Gu Xuan'er's room, Meng Ze walked out from the shadows.

He approached Lu Yuchen and lowered the volume.

"Master Lu, even with severe punishment, the two white doctors still insisted that they just acted maliciously. They never pierced Miss Gu with a needle, and they never injected her with drugs. At most, they admitted that they had screwed up with their hands. Miss Gu..."

Speaking of this, Meng Ze's voice was even lower, "Lord Lu, you seem to be right, Miss Gu... she lied."

Meng Ze never expected that Gu Xuan'er, who looked so innocent and weak, could tell such a lie.

She should know what kind of execution those two white doctors will get after what she said.

If Master Lu hadn't suddenly become suspicious of her, maybe the two of them would be a mess by now.

Hearing Meng Ze's report, Lu Yuchen's expression was still cold, and he did not show a look of surprise.

He seemed to have guessed the result early in the morning.

Seeing that Lu Yuchen didn't speak, Meng Ze just walked forward with brows fixed, so he had to hurriedly follow.

"Master Lu, what should I do now? Miss Gu is obviously lying. She is not only ruthless to others, but even more ruthless to herself. You can pierce so many needles in your arms, you really want such a woman..."

"Meng Ze." Lu Yuchen stopped suddenly.

He turned his head and cast a warm look at Meng Ze.

"You said, when will he come back?"

Meng Ze opened his mouth to answer, but his lips began to tremble, "Master Lu, you mean who..."

"No, I'm not talking about him. He will come back sooner or later. Why does grandma go to Qinglong Temple every year, isn't it just to let the outside world know that her body is still very strong? After a while, when the old lady can't go up, He should be back."

At this time, Meng Ze hoped that the person Lu Ye said was not the person he thought.

However, he suddenly understood at this time.

The 'he' in Master Lu's mouth did not refer to the person suppressed by the old lady.

"Master Lu, have you asked President Lin about this? Will there be a turning point..."

Lu Yuchen's thin lips suddenly raised an ambiguous smile, "No one knows better than me when he will come back, at most nine months, he should come back. I can feel his eagerness to move. , so... Gu Xuan'er is just Gu Xuan'er, as long as it's not Xiao Luo."

After saying this, Lu Yuchen didn't say anything more and walked into the darkness.

Meng Ze stayed where he was, unable to digest what he just said for a long time.


What Mr. Lu meant was that regardless of Gu Xuan'er, he really wanted to let such a scheming woman become the wife of the family master?

Meng Ze still wanted to catch up and persuade him a few more words.

But he knows.

Perhaps the arrangement of the young master is right.

That man, such a dangerous man.

In addition, after the old lady's body gradually aged, another person came back.

At that time, the young master was gone.

Let Miss Tang stay in the Lu family alone to face those two people, young master, how can you feel at ease? !

[The author has something to say] The first update~

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