Mu Wan is the first sister of Qiao's entertainment. Maybe Qiao Mohan will actually appear at her birthday party.

"I'm afraid of him? Xinluo, you think too much..."

That said, Su Qing's ears were still red unconsciously.

Tang Xinluo saw his friend with a sullen expression.

Seeing her red ears again, she held back her smile and said, "Okay, you're not afraid of him. If you meet Young Master Qiao tonight, don't pull me out as a shield."

"Xinluo, you're thinking too much, there are many supermodel red stars attending Mu Wan's birthday party, if Qiao Mohan really goes, with his nature living in the midst of thousands of flowers, he might be so lost that he can't walk. He has no time to provoke me!"

"Really?" Tang Xinluo felt that there was a bit of jealousy in Xiaoqing's words.

"Of course!" Su Qing nodded unnaturally, and suddenly changed the subject, "By the way... What are you going to give to Mu Wan?"

When Tang Xinluo heard Su Qing's question, she remembered that she hadn't prepared a gift for Mu Wan at all.

"Where will the birthday party be held tonight? I'll go buy a present first, and go straight over later."

"In Rongyuan, you can buy one for me too, a little more decent..."

"Then let's give Mu Wan an expensive and important gift together. After all, she is the heroine, and filming is also very hard."

In fact, Tang Xinluo knew that after Su Qing left the Su family, she didn't have much money for her.

She has been staying in a hotel every day recently. It is estimated that the economy is not easy. If two people give gifts together, she will be able to help her friend get her share out.

"Alright, anyway, I believe in your vision. But you can't help but accept my share of the money..."

"Okay, don't worry, I promise to accept it!" Tang Xinluo didn't tell Su Qingduo, she took her bag and left first.


Tang Xinluo was sitting in the car, and the driver was driving the car to Hengfeng Square.

In view of the first two shopping trips to Hengfeng, you will always encounter ghosts and ghosts.

If you want to come to City A to say whether it is big or small, the best shopping place is Hengfeng Plaza, where top luxury goods are gathered.

Going back today, although Tang Xinluo was with a bodyguard, he really didn't want to have a dispute with someone who was inexplicable, so he called Hengfeng Square in advance.

Hengfeng's actual owner is Lu Yuchen, and in a few days it will be made public that Mrs. Lu is her. At this time, Tang Xinluo will no longer hide her identity.

"Don't worry, Mrs. Lu. Before you left, Mr. Lu explained that we will clear the venue immediately if you come to shop. We will arrange for someone to go down to clear the venue."

"You don't need to clear the field..." Tang Xinluo couldn't help but help her forehead.

She was just shopping, and Lu Yuchen was too surprised. He even gave an order in advance to let them clear the scene.

"I'll be there in about thirty minutes. Arrange someone to accompany me. I want to buy a gift for someone."

"Okay, Mrs. Lu, don't worry, we will arrange it properly."

After hanging up the phone, Tang Xinluo happened to see a real-time news push on his phone.

"At the just-concluded Geneva auction, an extremely rare heart-shaped pure pink diamond was finally bought by a mysterious person at a price of 300 million Chinese dollars. At present, the transaction price of this pink diamond has set a pink price. A worldwide auction record for a drill."

Just a normal piece of news.

Tang Xinluo glanced at it and saw that the heart-shaped pink diamond in the picture was indeed big and beautiful, and then turned off the news screen.

[The author has something to say] The four changes are over, continue tomorrow afternoon~

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