"What do you want to say, just say it."

"Master Lu, actually... even if you want to divorce the young lady, you don't need to draw up such terms. This... young master, you still have half of your net worth. Such a price is too high."

Meng Ze never knew what Lu Yuchen asked Lawyer Fan to redraw the agreement.

At this time, I suddenly heard what Lawyer Fan said, and his face changed greatly.

little master...

half of the net worth...

Could it be that Master Lu wants to...

"You don't need to persuade me any more, what I have decided will not change." Lu Yuchen coldly rejected Fan Qinyi's proposal.

Even if his heart is twisted like a knife, the perseverance in his eyes remains unchanged.

"..." Fan Qinyi was silent.

But Meng Ze couldn't accept such an arrangement.

"Master Lu, you can't do this! The young master is the only bloodline of the Lu family, as well as your assets, how can you split half of it to Miss Tang!"

Meng Ze had been by Lu Yuchen's side for many years, and after only listening to a few words, he knew what Lu Yuchen wanted to do.


family property……

These are extremely important things that cannot be mistaken.

Why did Master Lu give Tang Xinluo all these things so easily.

Such an emotional Lord Lu almost gave Meng Ze the illusion of being completely unfamiliar.

"Meng Ze, don't say it anymore... I've already made up my mind." Lu Yuchen's cold eyes swept over Meng Ze.

Even the old man who had been with him for many years, at this time, couldn't help being frozen by the frost that condensed under his eyes.

"But, Master Lu..."

"No but, remember, this is my decision."

Meng Ze was given a deep glance by Lu Yuchen's dark eyes.

I just felt a chill running from my back to the back of my head.

The coldness spread all over the body in an instant.

He dared not say a "no" again.

I can only respectfully nod, "Yes, Master Lu. I know..."

Lu Yuchen retracted his deep black eyes and said coldly to Meng Ze and Lawyer Fan.

"This matter, not a word, is not allowed to leak to me. If anyone leaks it, what will happen to the end, I shouldn't need to tell you more."

The two said in unison, "It's Master Lu, I know."

"Also..." Lu Yuchen seemed to remember something, closed his eyes, and hid all the emotions in his eyes.

"Meng Ze, after the divorce agreement is signed, it will automatically take effect nine months later. At that time, all assets will be transferred, and you will be responsible for it. After it is done, send the young lady and young master to go abroad and find a safe place. Send someone to protect them."

"This... Master Lu, this kind of thing..."

"Just do it if you want. If you can't do it, I'll let Lu Qi do it."

Meng Ze's expression changed, and he straightened his back immediately, "Don't worry, Mr. Lu, even if Meng Ze is smashed to pieces, he will do it."

He replied, but his heart was beating so fast.

nine months...

Why does Master Lu's arrangement have the illusion that he is explaining the future.

Could it be that, after nine months, that person...really, is coming back?

Meng Ze was secretly shocked, but he didn't dare to show too much.

He could only stare at Lu Yuchen's back for a long time, unable to let go.


Tang Xinluo stumbled back to the stairs, almost unable to believe what she heard.

"Young madam, why did you come out?" Lu Qi was shocked when he saw Tang Xinluo.

Outside the lounge is a quiet corridor.

Lu Qi was guarding the entrance of the corridor. He had just stood there for a while when he saw Tang Xinluo, who had gone back to rest, came out.

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