Tang Xinluo could feel that very few of the Gu family's attitude towards her was sincere.

Even Gu Xinheng put her last because of such concerns.

Only Gu Zonghan, like a big tree that can shelter her from the wind and rain, pets and helps her sister.

He can withstand the pressure from Mrs. Gu, take care of her, and help her run the company.

Tang Xinluo felt that for Gu Zonghan, he had already carried enough.

She didn't want to cause trouble to Gu Zonghan because of herself.

So I decided to tell him about the pregnancy when I couldn't hide it.

Fortunately, there are twin babies in the belly, although it looks much more obvious than when you were alone with Youyou.

But I don't know if it was because of the second child, or if the babies knew that their mother was working hard, and her morning sickness reaction lasted only a week, but she suddenly recovered.

A while ago, Gu Zonghan also said that she was getting thinner and thinner.

But during this period of time, not only has the belly become much more obvious, but even the face has become slightly rounder.

She smiled at herself in the mirror, Tang Xinluo was going to go to the hospital for the scheduled examination first, and then go to the agency to ask them to find a reliable nanny aunt.


"The baby's condition is very healthy. It's been three months now. You can add some walking and exercise. You must pay more attention to your diet. I know that in Asia, it is customary for pregnant women to eat and supplement more, but you must remember, It is good to have a balanced nutrition, and you must not supplement too much. As long as the nutrition is comprehensive, it is good to eat more vegetables and fruits, and you must pay attention to controlling the weight of the fetus.”

The blond female doctor was named Rachel, and she treated Tang Xinluo with enthusiasm and care just like last time.

She was also afraid that she would not be able to take care of herself, so she even recommended several nutritional menus to her.

Tang Xinluo had a headache while facing the menu.

To be honest, although she also agrees with the views of foreign doctors, she feels that it is impossible to supplement too much during pregnancy.

However, European and American recipes are full of all kinds of chicken breasts, egg whites, and those terrible dishes that are bland at first sight.

As a Chinese,

Having grown a Chinese stomach, I really can't get used to these.

"Thank you Rachel, I'll consider it."

She took the menu and said goodbye to Doctor Rachel, and just as she stood up, there was a knock on the office door.

"Come in," Rachel said.

A little Asian nurse came in with her head pointed, "I'm sorry to disturb, Dr. Rachel, have you finished the consultation? The young president is here, and the dean said, let you go."

This private hospital is part of the Redington Group.

Although Rachel is only in her thirties, she is a top student who graduated from a famous medical school by skipping grades and has rich clinical experience.

She is one of the signboards of the obstetrics and gynecology department of this private hospital. When the young president comes to visit, the president will naturally let her attend.

Rachel stood up with a smile, "Okay, it's just over, I'll go right over."

Knowing that the young president was coming, Tang Xinluo was the last patient she made an appointment for today. One of Rachel's hobbies is watching beautiful men. How could she miss such a peerless handsome guy like the young president.

Just thinking about it, she suddenly found that the Dongfang Doll hadn't left, and Rachel suddenly blinked at Tang Xinluo, "I'll send you out, and I'll show you the young president of our group by the way. He's very handsome, I promise not to see it. A loss!"

Tang Xinluo: "..."

In fact, she is not particularly interested in looking at handsome guys.

After all, when you see a terribly handsome man every day, you have no interest in other so-called handsome men.

But Rachel's "kindness is hard to resist", so Tang Xinluo had to be dragged by this humorous, cheerful and outgoing doctor to the hospital hall.

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