"Give you five minutes to familiarize yourself with the script, and then start the audition in order."

This voice was the man with the golden glasses just now.

Xinluo followed the direction of the voice and glanced slightly.

Just happened to see the man with gold glasses, standing in front of her right.

And just behind the man with golden glasses, there are several sofas.

From her point of view, she looked down and couldn't see a face.

But he could vaguely see the men's leather shoes and the cuffs of his trousers.

one two three four……

She counted to herself, and there were four people sitting on the sofa, all of them were men.

Here, there must be Qiao Mohan.

Xinluo wanted to secretly see a little more clearly when a tall shadow suddenly stood in front of him.

"Concentrate on your script, don't look around for Lao Tzu!"

The man with the gold wire glasses whispered a threatening voice.

He was rudely reprimanded, Xinluo frowned slightly.

She disliked his attitude very much.

But now, when it wasn't the time for trouble, she suppressed her unhappiness and pretended to be like everyone else, holding the script and pretending to read it carefully.

Five minutes passed quickly.

At this moment, a slightly mature and stable voice suddenly sounded.

"It's almost time, Young Master Chen, look... why don't we start now?"

Chen Shao! ?

Shouldn't it be called Joe Shao?

The apex of the heart suddenly trembled.

Then, the man's indifferent voice came from not far away.

He just 'um', the voice still sounded familiar, but with a strange chill.

It seems to have appeared in her dreams countless times, extremely cold and alienated.

Xinluo couldn't bear it any longer. Ignoring the warning from the man with gold wire glasses, she raised her head without even thinking about it.

The sudden impact made her breathe faster.

She never thought that after being separated for four years, she would be able to see him again.

In such an unexpected situation, in such a close distance!

Beautiful peach eyes, wide open, full of surprise.

The pupils are extremely constricted.

Without any mental preparation, she never thought that she would meet Lu Yuchen under such circumstances.

He was sitting alone, in the center of the couch in the main seat.

A person is like an independent god's mansion.

The long legs overlapped, seemingly relaxed and lazy, but every cell in the body exuded a cold alienation that refused to be three feet away.

The black hair was not as it was in the past, it was meticulously combed to the back, revealing the entire forehead.

He changed his hairstyle, cut his black hair a little shorter, and had more broken hair on his forehead.

This hairstyle makes him look younger and more casual than four years ago.

But those cold eyes hidden behind the black hair made his whole person, inexplicably, add a hint of danger and coldness.

That face was still extremely beautiful.

The narrow phoenix eyes are narrowing dangerously.

Obviously, when Xinluo raised his head hastily, he also noticed her.

In the dark and deep cold eyes, a trace of displeasure flashed.


Xin Luo was dumbfounded.

Receiving the flash of depression in his eyes, the bitterness in her mouth gradually expanded.

At the moment just now, the moment she saw him, she almost couldn't hold back and called out his name directly.

However, the pair of dark, icy phoenix eyes without a trace of emotion reminded her.

who is she now.

what did she do to him...

From the moment he saw her, those long and narrow black eyes were filled with cold indifference as if seeing a stranger.

Immediately afterwards, even the indifference and alienation towards strangers disappeared.

Xinluo saw with his eyes that there was an undisguised displeasure in his eyes.

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