"Enough—" When there was a commotion outside the door, a majestic roar came from inside the door

"What are you arguing about here? This is the conference hall, and the shareholders' meeting is going to be held, not the vegetable market!" The dark-faced Wang Dong appeared on the inside of the door.

Tang Ruolan was so harassed by the courier that she completely forgot where it was. When she saw Wang Dong, she suddenly realized.

However, it's too late!

Standing in the door, not only Wang Dong, but also other directors of the board of directors.

As for the other dozens of minority shareholders who attended the meeting, they ran to the door early and watched the excitement for a long time.

There was such a quarrel outside the door just now, and the people inside had long been provoked by good intentions.

Someone took the lead, and everyone else followed and came out to watch.

When the courier saw Wang Dong and the others, not only was he not stunned, but he finally found someone to reason with him.

"Hey, you came just right. You all wear suits, are you the leaders here? I am the courier of Tongcheng Express. The two boxes outside, one large and the other small, are sent by customers. Tang Ruolan's package."

"The customer who sent the package requested that the receipt be signed after unpacking and inspection. This is the company's rule. As long as Tang Ruolan cooperates a little, she will be able to complete the task. As a result, she does not inspect the goods and does not sign. Isn't this deliberately embarrassing us? !"

The courier made things clear in a few words.

When others heard it, they thought it was really not a big deal.

Seeing that he is stocky and honest, he is a grassroots manual laborer, and it is not easy to eat this meal.

Look at the two boxes stacked behind him, one large and one small.

The small box is fine, about the size of an ordinary drawer.

But that big box, darling, can at least hold another person.

It's really not easy for someone to move such a big box from downstairs alone.

It's summer again, and the courier post is still dripping with sweat. On the other hand, Tang Ruolan's makeup is exquisite and elegant, and the two form a stark contrast.

This changed everyone's good impression of Tang Ruolan.

A truly educated elite would never bully ordinary people at will.

Especially those who bully the working people, what kind of noble ladies!

Seeing this, Wang Dong opened his mouth.

"Tang Dong, anyway, the meeting has been delayed, and it's not too short. It's really not easy for him to carry these two boxes alone. You should cooperate with this little brother and check and sign the goods. Let him go back to work."

"But Wang Dong..."

"It's nothing to worry about. We are all waiting for you here, and we can understand. Come on, finish these things, so we can go to the meeting."

It was only then that Tang Ruolan remembered that she had heard that when Wang Dong was young, he worked as a courier.

I'm afraid that when I see this courier, I think of himself.

She wanted to touch the Tang family, and Wang Dong was an inescapable hurdle, so there was no need to offend Wang Dong for such a person.

What's more, there are so many shareholders, big and small, looking at it, and they should think about it for the sake of their own reputation.

"Okay, then please wait a moment for Wang Dong and everyone."

Tang Ruolan didn't talk nonsense, she turned her head and said to the decent-looking courier, "Okay, don't block the door, just open the thing for me. After inspecting the goods and signing your name, you can leave, yes... remember when you leave. Write down your job number and I will sue you!"

"It doesn't matter, if you want to complain, just complain."

The courier didn't care, he happily took out the utility knife and cut the seal of the small box.


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