"Tang Ruolan, what you are doing is not only an outright use of power for personal gain, but also suspected of infringing the interests of other shareholders and seizing the company's assets, which is a serious illegal act!"

"Tang Ruolan, I'm going to call the police in the name of the company's shareholders. Do you have any opinions on other shareholders?"

Xinluo took out her mobile phone and wanted to report the crime on the spot

Other shareholders not only had no opinion, but also expressed their support.

"No wonder Tang Ruolan went to the H country for plastic surgery, and went to buy a house with full money. It turns out that all the money came from this! Hehe, I didn't earn it by myself, it really doesn't hurt to spend it!"

"Yes, how can such a person be allowed to stay in the company? The police must be arrested. Who knows if she has embezzled other public funds!"

"Yes, I have to get all the money back! That's the company's assets! Isn't her husband very rich? Ask her husband to pay!"

Shareholders were outraged.

Several relatives of the Tang family were mixed in, and they didn't dare to say anything helpful.

As for Tang Ruolan, she was still struggling.

"None of these are true, I've never done anything like this, these signatures are forged, this loan is forged, I don't admit it, I don't admit it!"

Tang Ruolan shouted hysterically, but the eyes of the people around her still didn't change, and everyone didn't believe what she said.

She couldn't calm down any longer, and the graceful demeanor she deliberately maintained on weekdays was thrown into the clouds.

Tang Ruolan was emotional, she stretched out her hand and pointed at Xinluo, her eyes were full of resentment.

"You—who are you!"

"Your face is exactly the same as my dead niece. You can even imitate the face of a dead person, what else can't you imitate?"

"Don't believe her words, those things are just like her face, they are all fake! They are all fake! I have never done those things, this person deliberately made a fake face to appear, obviously to smear it on purpose. Mine, don't be it!"

Tang Ruolan talked about the excitement, as if she had suffered a great grievance, and Ji rushed towards Xinluo with her teeth and claws.

It's a pity that Xinluo grabbed his wrist before the person touched it, and pressed his backhand on the face of the large box that he had not yet had time to open.

No one expected that the two would actually fight.

Oh no.

Tang Ruolan was obviously the one who picked the trouble, but now, it was also her who was beaten.

The delicately drawn face was being pressed firmly against the rough-surfaced cardboard box by the woman in the white suit.

Tang Ruolan was about to struggle when she heard a warning behind her ear, "You'd better not struggle, my hand is not easy to control, if I struggle too hard, if I accidentally use too much force, it may slap your face. torn."

"I don't know if the doctors told you not to cause wounds on your face, let alone infection, when you buried the thread. Otherwise, your face might fester and ooze pus."

Tang Ruolan's nonsense words frightened Tang Ruolan to the point of trembling.

It feels like the cheeks are packed in a rough cardboard box, and it hurts.

Tang Ruolan didn't dare to move anymore, her face must not rot!

Xinluo sneered disdainfully when she saw her being honest.

"Such a sentence frightens Mrs. Zhuo like this? It's not fun... However, Mrs. Zhuo don't have to be afraid, anyway, you have Mr. Zhuo who loves you. I think, even if you are half-faced, Mr. Zhuo will not dislike you. yours, right?"

The voice that came from behind her ears was gentle and soft, but in Tang Ruolan's ears, it was like a lullaby from hell.


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