On the other side, Xinluo was visiting Lin Qian and having lunch with her.

After lunch, the two sat together and chatted for a while.

Xinluo saw that Lin Qian's emotions had stabilized a lot, and after a little hesitation, she chose to tell her about her next plan.

"Sister Qian, Tang Ruolan has now been detained in the detention center, and the case will be in court soon. The crimes she is currently suspected of are mainly economic crimes. The Zhuo family is rich and powerful, and if the evidence on our side is conclusive, she is also very strong. Possibly after paying a large amount of compensation and buying other shareholders and directors, he was given a lighter treatment."

The law has always served the rich and powerful.

If Zhuo Mingfu is willing to compensate Tang Ruolan for the 500 million loan.

As long as they are private, talk to other Down's shareholders and directors and give them a favor.

At that time, Suan Xinluo still insisted on suing Tang Ruolan, and in the end, the court would not impose a heavy sentence.

Bai Yu analyzed with her that for economic crimes, as long as the amount of the crime is compensated, most of them will be sentenced to probation.

At that time, Tang Ruolan won't even need to sit in jail, and will be able to get away with impunity directly.

Therefore, the only way to kill Tang Ruolan was the last criminal case of buying a murderer.

"Sister Qian, in order not to damage your reputation, we used some methods to control the wanted criminal. He now insists that he took Tang Ruolan's money and killed you for her."

"Don't worry, he doesn't dare to reveal anything else. When the time comes, Tang Ruolan will break the jar and take out the photos she took to testify for herself. We also have a way to turn those photos into fake photos of PS."

"However, lawyer Bai Yu said that if you want to increase your chances of winning, the best way is for you to testify in person. I think this may make you feel embarrassed, and it has already been rejected for you."

"But... After rejecting it, I thought about it again, and asked for your opinion in person. How is it, Sister Qian? If you don't want to court, I will arrange the fastest flight to send you to Europe. Leave here and start a new life. life, maybe it's better for you."

Xinluo didn't plan to tell Lin Qian about this.

But she later thought that after all, this was about Lin Qian's own life, and she had no reason to point fingers.

Therefore, she made up her mind to visit Lin Qian at the medical center and tell her the latest news of the case.

"No, Xinluo... You don't have to send me to Europe. I want to stay, and I want to testify against Tang Ruolan in person."

Lin Qian's tone was firm, and her black pupils flashed stubbornness and stubbornness.

She was never vulnerable.

After this period of treatment, Lin Qian's psychological fragility has been gradually repaired.

She only had the last enemy left, the wanted criminal who violated her at the beginning, and Tang Ruolan who was instructed behind her.

Xinluo and the others can control the wanted criminal. She believes that in the end, that person will definitely get the justice he deserves.

But Tang Ruolan...

If she doesn't stand up this time, as long as she backs the Zhuo family, she will eventually make a comeback and do bad things.

Lin Qian couldn't allow such a person to continue to enjoy the glory and wealth and harm the world.

She wants to expose her dark and dirty face to the sun with her own hands!

"Okay, Sister Qian. If this is your expectation, I will do my best to cooperate with you. Later, lawyer Bai Yu will come to see you in person, and he will tell you what to do."

"Also, I'm still looking into other things about Tang Ruolan. When I have a look, I believe I can bring her down."

To bring down Tang Ruolan, not only must we start from the law, but also from her backers.

If the relationship between Tang Ruolan and Zhuo Mingfu can be separated, it will only be a matter of time before Tang Ruolan's reputation will be ruined.


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