Domineering Mr. CEO and His Impudent Love (Mr. President, Unbridled Love)

Eight hundred and fortieth chapters 2 people alone

As Xinluo ran, she was worried about Lu Yuchen.

He has been busy all day today.

Even if Lu Jiu had brought in the work lunch, but based on what she knew about Lu Yuchen, that man probably wouldn't eat well.

After eight o'clock, they were still working overtime, and now they are drunk in the clubhouse.

A ray of worry came to mind.

Just returned to City A, when she saw him for the first time, she just wanted to hug him and reunite with him.

But now, the more she understands his current living condition, the more distressed she becomes.

I originally thought that her departure would allow Yuchen and Youyou to live in peace, and the better they could get over it.

But now, she deeply regrets it.

She wants to take care of them... take care of their father and son, and compensate them well.

The clear eyes were smudged with a layer of water mist, and in the sparkling peach blossom eyes, faith gathered little by little.


Xinluo trotted all the way to the parking lot and saw Lu Jiu at the entrance.

He was standing next to a black Ferrari.

"Ninth Master, I'm here." She ran over, her breath a little chaotic.

The windows were dark and faintly visible, and there seemed to be a person inside.

"Be quiet, Chen Shao is drunk, rest inside."

Hearing this, Xinluo immediately shut up.

Lu Jiu told her in a low voice, "This is the address, this is the apartment door key and the car key. After you send Mr. Lu home to settle down, put these two keys on the cabinet at the entrance, and then you can leave. ."

Lu Jiu looked at her with determination hidden in her eyes, as if there was something buried in her mind.

Xinluo pretended not to notice, took the key and the note, "Okay, I see."


She murmured to herself,

Why is it not the villa of Lu Zhai or Lanwan Yayuan?

Is Lu Yuchen living alone in the apartment now?

Go there, will you meet Yuyou?

She didn't know that Youyou was not in city a, and there was a hint of expectation in her heart.

If she could see Youyou, even if it was just a glance, she would die of joy.

When Lu Jiu saw that Alice took the key and the note, her beautiful peach blossom eyes shone brightly, and a ray of excitement and anticipation that could not be concealed poured out from her eyes.

Lu Jiu sneered in his heart.

Sure enough, give her some sweetness, and she shows a greedy face.

Tonight's emergency was specially planned by Lu Jiu for Alice.

He didn't believe it. He deliberately created an opportunity to let Alice and the drunk Master Lu be alone.

Under such good conditions, this woman would definitely be unable to restrain herself and do something to Master Lu.

Heh, once she makes a move that goes beyond the norm.

If she doesn't have to say bad things in front of Master Lu, she will annoy Master Lu.

Annoying the fate of Master Lu was very miserable.

Maybe tomorrow morning, he will receive news from the people below, telling him that Alice was sent to the hospital and was beaten to pieces.

"Okay, hurry up, I have to drive the other guests away." Lu Jiu urged her to get in the car and turned around and walked into the parking lot by herself.

Xinluo looked at the back of Lu Jiu hurriedly leaving, and always felt that something was wrong.

Forget it, don't think about it, it's still important to send Lu Yuchen home first and let him rest early.

Xinluo got into the car and found that Lu Yuchen was sitting in the passenger seat.

The narrow space in the Ferrari sports car brings the two closer together.

After getting in the car, she first entered the address into the navigation seriously, and found that Lu Yuchen had not moved, so she dared to sneak a glance at him.

It's still the same deep facial features, but it has more of a cold and abstinence than before.

Xinluo's heartbeat missed half a beat, and then it jumped wildly.

At such a close distance, only the two of them...

[The author has something to say] The update was completed on May 1, and will continue tomorrow night.

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