He coughed lightly and said after a while, "Mimi, listen to Dad. Yuchen...he really can't, he's not suitable for you."

No matter how much I like Tang Mi, I can't cheat my nephew if you say anything.

Tang Mi is not only not the original, but also...

Although Yuchen's temper was getting weirder, he was Ya Rong's son anyway.

What's more, Zhuo Mingfu still has his own selfishness.

"But...but I like Yuchen."

Tang Mi cried with red eyes, staring at Zhuo Mingfu with her watery eyes.

"Dad, please help me. In my life, Fei Yuchen will never marry... A few years ago, when Tang Xinluo just died, it was a good time to get close to Yuchen and help him get rid of his grief. But at that time... It's because of my father that I can't get close to Yuchen."

"I've waited for so many years, and it's hard to wait until now... Since Yuchen's mother asked you to prepare a blind date for him, why can't you recommend me?"

Tang Mi cried so pitifully, her small face with pear blossoms and rainy eyes, with her big watery eyes, prayed to Zhuo Mingfu.

When Zhuo Mingfu was begged by her like this, his ears suddenly softened.

The thought that I had thought well just now that I couldn't fool my nephew had already begun to waver at this time.

"Ming Fu, look at what a good child our Mimi is. With Lu Yuchen, who is married and has a baby, it's not a loss to him, right?"

"Besides, she treats you well and listens to you. If she can marry Yuchen, the relationship between the Lu family and the Zhuo family will only be closer in the future. Mimi does this not only for herself, but also for her own sake. It's for you too!"

Tang Ruolan and Tang Mi's mother and daughter, one spoke softly, the other cried pitifully, and within a while, Zhuo Mingfu changed his mind.

"Okay, don't talk about it... Anyway, Ya Rong also asked me to arrange a marriage for Yuchen. In that case, well, I will prepare a blind date feast as soon as possible, and then the blind date feast, Mimi, you have to behave well."

Zhuo Mingfu fell into Tang Mi's sight and became obscure. He knew what kind of woman Tang Mi was.

If she wants to, in bed, she can serve a man like ********.

I was afraid that this time, Lu Yuchen would not be able to escape.


Zhuo Mingfu has something to do, so he left early.

As soon as he left, Tang Mi's expression changed immediately.

"Mummy, I see that the old man doesn't want me to marry Yuchen at all. He is nodding his head and agreeing. When the time comes for the blind date, what if he doesn't do anything? People only like Lu Yuchen, they don't want to marry anyone else!"

"Mimi, don't worry, Mommy will help you fulfill your wish."

Tang Ruolan hugged Tang Mi and comforted her softly, "Don't worry, Zhuo Mingfu doesn't dare not listen to us, he owes us mother and daughter..."

"What's more, there's Feifei. He's an old man, so if we're not afraid that we'll shake it out, he'll help us out of Feifei's face."

Seeing that Tang Mi was still worried, Tang Ruolan thought about it and took a heavy dose of medicine.

"Or else, just do this. If you don't think it's right, don't wait for the blind date. Find an excuse to ask Lu Yuchen out, and then use that medicine..."

"That medicine!?" Tang Mi was startled, "If you give Yuchen that medicine, if he sees through, then I..."

"What are you afraid of? It's not that you don't know the effect of that medicine. It's a hundred times, and it's guaranteed not to have any impression after the fact... When the time comes, you say that he forced you."

Tang Ruolan wished Tang Mi could get it quickly.

As long as Lu Yuchen became her son-in-law, there was no need for him to come forward, those people would consciously let her out.

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