He coldly shook off the ribbon from his hand and continued to examine the entire room.

Lu Yuchen probably guessed who the woman who drugged him and dragged "him" to bed.

Tang Mi, who invited him to dinner last night.

Oh, she thought that when he got on her, he would be responsible?

The man sneered and walked to the bathroom, preparing to wash away the smell that the woman had left on him.

He really didn't understand why the other self could tolerate Tang Mi's approach.

"He" was clearly sober, but allowed this body to embrace a disgusting woman.

Fortunately, last time, when 'he' was drugged by that woman named Gu Xuan'er, he still 'helped' 'him' like that.

Lu Yuchen was in a bad mood, and irritably brushed the broken hair on his forehead with his fingers.

The other hand was on the faucet and was about to turn it, but the movement suddenly stopped.

He faintly smelled a sweet, sweet scent.

Like, it came from the fingertips?

The more obsessed with cleanliness, the more attentive they are to everything they come into contact with.

Lu Yuchen brought his fingertips close, carefully discerning the scent on his fingertips.

Lu Yuchen frowned slightly, his narrow eyes narrowed slightly.

The fingertips are stained with a layer of fragrance that seems to be absent.

The scent is very light, although it has no real specific smell.

But he was sure that this fragrance definitely did not belong to Tang Mi.

Whenever that woman gets close, he will physically want to erase her from this world.

If it was the scent she left behind, he couldn't have felt this way.

Very strange, not disgusted, not nauseated, he did not have any physical rejection of the smell left by this woman.

A trace of doubt flashed from the bottom of the man's dark eyes.

He began to doubt,

The woman who spent a ridiculous night with him last night was not Tang Mi.

Even so, the man still looked like ice.

Even if the smell didn't bother him, he didn't like the feeling of hugging a strange woman unconsciously.

Now, he only hoped that the other's own vision would not be so bad that it made him sick to his stomach.

After all, the other Lu Yuchen, Gu Xuan'er, who treated him differently, was a woman who made him completely unable to swallow.


Lu Yuchen came out of the bathroom with only a towel wrapped around his waist.

He walked to the bedside and saw the introduction of the hotel on the bedside table, his cold eyes paused.

This five-star hotel is in the city center, next to the high-end restaurant where Tang Mi asked him to meet last night.

The chilling chill stained the man's icy eyes.

He hates being calculated the most.

But now, it was clear that the one who calculated him was Tang Mi.

The hotels and restaurants so close together must have been pre-planned by Tang Mi.

The man's eyes darkened slightly, and he was puzzled by the smell he smelled on his fingertips just now.

If it was planned, how could it fail?

Was the woman last night really not Tang Mi?

He picked up the landline by the bed and dialed Lu Jiu's number.


Twenty minutes later, Lu Jiu, who was in a hurry, brought a large group of men in black to the hotel floor where Lu Yuchen was.

Standing outside the door of room 2280, Lu Jiu rang the doorbell nervously.

"Don't be that stinky bitch Tang Mi who opens the door, don't be that stinky bitch Tang Mi..."

Lu Jiu cursed silently, wishing to kneel down and pray.

It took eight lifetimes of bad luck last night to be deceived by that stinky mother-in-law Tang Mi.

It was all his fault when he was careless when he accompanied Lu Ye into the restaurant.

Tang Mi suddenly said that she wanted to drink the red wine treasured in the Lujia wine cellar.

If you can't drink it, it will affect your mood, and there is no way to tell Master Lu about the young master.

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