Domineering Mr. CEO and His Impudent Love (Mr. President, Unbridled Love)

Chapter 906 Who was the woman you dated last night?

Lu Yuchen led her down to the underground parking lot.

As soon as he arrived, he saw Lu Jiu leading someone and waiting beside Lu Yuchen's car.

"Master Lu, Xilong's place has been reserved, you can come over at any time."

"Yeah." Lu Yuchen nodded coldly, and with Xinluo he was about to get into the car.

Lu Jiu respectfully opened the rear door for them.

On the surface, it seems calm.

As if it was not unexpected at all, Alice and Lu Ye appeared together, and their fingers were intertwined.

But in fact, Lu Jiu's eyes were always on Xinluo.

All the time, do not pay attention to her every move.

When Lu Yuchen was about to get into the car, he suddenly stopped.

"Lu Jiu."

"Master Lu, do you have any orders?"

Lu Yuchen nodded with a cold expression, "I suddenly remembered that the document I gave you before get off work will be used for the meeting tomorrow morning."

"Ah?" Lu Jiu didn't understand.

"Thank you for your hard work, work overtime tonight." After the man finished speaking, he got into the car.

All that was left was Lu Jiu, who was stunned.

That document, printed out and stacked together, is as high as a desk!

Master Lu didn't say that it was only used next week, how could it suddenly be used for the meeting tomorrow morning! ?

Poor Lu Jiu, I still don't know.

The reason why he works overtime is all because his eyes are not good at seeing the road.


Xinluo and Lu Yuchen arrived at Xilong, and during dinner, she ate very seriously.

She hardly ate anything all day today.

He was also pressed on the bed by a man, doing that kind of thing all day,

Physical loss is severe.

So after a meal, she just ate it, and didn't have time to chat with Lu Yuchen.

As for Lu Yuchen, he was a master who didn't like to talk.

After the two of them ate this meal, it was very dull, and only the sound of eating could be heard during the meal.

After the meal was full, the waiter served fruit and refreshments.

Xinluo finally sorted out her thoughts and wanted to talk to Lu Yuchen about her problems.

"Yuchen, I think we should have a good talk."

Xinluo made a great determination to start this conversation.

After all, she has a bit of an ostrich mentality.

The 'reconciliation' between her and Lu Yuchen went too smoothly.

She always felt that this feeling was a little unreal.

As if all this was not enough was a dream.

Even, she was a little afraid to speak to him.

She was afraid that her dream would be shattered by asking this question.

When the man heard what she said, the expression on his face was still light, "What do you want to say?"

"Well... just like what happened yesterday."

She has too many things to talk about with Lu Yuchen.

From leaving four years ago, to Youyou, to Shen Yi, and to twins.

Too many, too many threads.

After thinking about it for a long time, she decided to start with the simplest and least likely to hurt feelings.

After hearing her words, Lu Yuchen frowned slightly, "Yes, I should ask about what happened yesterday."

Xinluo smiled, "Yeah, do you think so too?"

The man nodded expressionlessly, and then asked her seriously: "Do you think I was better last night, or is it better in the office today?"

"Ah?" Xinluo was stupid for a long time, but he didn't understand what he meant by asking.

After waiting for a long time, I suddenly understood.

"Lu Yuchen, why have you become so rude!?" Xinluo said to him with a blushing face, "What I want to talk about is not such a thing at all."

"I wanted to ask you, who was that woman you were with last night? You, do you like her... that's why you dated her?"

Finally asked the exit.

As soon as the words in her heart were asked, Xinluo felt a sense of relief.

She fixedly looked at Lu Yuchen, waiting for his answer.

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