However, this kind of thing, he was afraid to scare the little woman out.

So, when she mistakenly thought he was just scaring Tang Mi, she didn't explain much.

Lu Yuchen listened to her and kept talking about herself.

With a dignified and solemn face, there is a touch of pampering.

Xinluo was still thinking about Lu Yuchen, "But, if you do this, will you offend your uncle? After all, you are relatives. It's not worth it for a Tang Mi."

In Xinluo's impression, Zhuo Mingfu was a good man.

But now, he has become the backer of Tang Ruolan and Tang Mi, which made her very incomprehensible.

"Don't worry, no, uncle is not such an unreasonable person."

Lu Yuchen was reluctant to watch her worry, and just after comforting her, he suddenly thought of something.

His eyes darkened.

"However, not necessarily. After all, in addition to this matter, I have to do something to offend my uncle."

"What's up?"

Xinluo asked him worriedly, but she didn't realize that she was slowly taking the bait.

"Uncle organized a blind date for me, and I'm not going to attend." He looked at her, his eyes focused and deep.

When he looked at him with such a sight, her heartbeat suddenly missed half a beat.

"Lu Yuchen, I'm sorry..." Xinluo mistook the dim light in his eyes as a complaint about her past.

She sincerely apologized, "I didn't think things would turn out like this, I..."

If it weren't for that year, she wasn't strong enough or brave enough.

When it was, she wouldn't leave with twins.

If she didn't leave, Lu Yuchen would not get divorced, let alone announce to the public that he was single and widowed.

Xinluo said sorry, what she wanted to express was her apology for this matter.

But Lu Yuchen obviously misunderstood.


If you're really sorry, just accompany me to the blind date. "

The man looked down at her, his cold and stern gaze softened when he touched her blushing little face.

"I... can I?" Xinluo was a little confused.

In Lu Yuchen's statement, she had already "died in a car accident and exploded." If she appeared again, wouldn't it affect him?

"Of course." The man nodded, his eyes slightly brightened.

"If I don't attend the blind date, my uncle will definitely be angry. This will affect our relationship. But without you, I would never attend the blind date. So, if you go, I'll go."

"I..." Xinluo hesitated a bit.

If you go to a blind date, you will meet the Lu family members and Zhuo family members that you have known in the past.

But if you don't go...

She raised her head to look at Lu Yuchen, and felt that she couldn't bear to reject the man in front of her.

"Good, you should trust your man."

Lu Yuchen stood up, walked to Xinluo's side, and gently hugged her into his arms.

"Actually, I don't care what other people think at all. However, in order to give you a justifiable identity, I have to wrong you this time."

When he said grievances, he meant to arrange a fake identity for her and then send her to the blind date dinner scene.

At that time, he will choose her among the many famous ladies.

Zhuo Mingfu will definitely invite countless unmarried ladies that night.

At that time, he only said that he would not marry Alice if he liked her.

They can be together justifiably.

After all, Lu Yuchen knew that it would be much more difficult for him now to marry an ordinary woman than in the past.

Lu Huanting was using his sons and daughters to marry again. As the head of the Lu family, he also had to deal with one or two.

But it was the exact opposite of what Lu Yuchen thought.

Xinluo thought that the so-called 'justifiable' in his mouth, the so-called 'wronged her'.

I just want her to go to the dance as Yue Xinluo.

[The author has something to say] The first update of 50 chapters on the 5.6th is completed, and another 20,000 words (20 chapters) will be updated that afternoon, and it should be updated before five o'clock. See you in the afternoon~ I'm going to bed, okay~

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