Xinluo left the banquet hall and walked out aimlessly.

She walked out of the hotel door, onto the sidewalk, crossed the road again, and continued on.

An expensive royal blue dress dragged on the ground.

Soon, the hem of the skirt that was dragging on the ground turned into a dirty and broken rag.

It's like the magic the fairies cast on Cinderella.

Everything that is bright and beautiful is only a short-lived dream after all.

When the time limit expires, all dreams will disappear.

Xinluo dragged her dress aimlessly and walked on the road.

It wasn't until she couldn't walk that she sat on the stone steps with her dirty evening gown and crying flower makeup.

It turned out that she had gone so far before she knew it.

Only at this moment did Xinluo realize that she was in the city park in this block.

In the park at night, the lights and shadows are sparse.

Occasionally, there will be night runners who pass not far away against the summer wind.

She was sitting at the corner of the stone steps.

A person, holding a skirt, sitting there.

A few meters away from her, a street lamp was erected.

The light couldn't hit her directly.

But looking at it from a distance, you can see the shadow of the lamp, as if there is a figure sitting with arms folded.

Xinluo was crying, sobbing silently.

Curled his arms, his white and slender neck was buried deep in his arms.

Only the slightly shrugged shoulders revealed her emotions at the moment.

No one cares, this woman sitting in the corner of the stone steps weeping.

In this city, so many people cry every day.

Life brings pressure, and people who are overwhelmed by life,

There is always a backlog that needs to be vented.

People who run at night, occasionally passing by, just glance at her curiously.

Then, he looked away indifferently and moved on.


Until a figure came out of the shadows.

He walked up to her and broke her lonely cry.


"What’s wrong with you?"

A childish voice suddenly sounded beside the empty stone steps.

His voice was deliberately lowered, as if he was learning the calm tone of adults.

The woman crying on the stone steps with her arms crossed did not raise her head.

She was still silently shrugging and crying silently.

This caused the boy standing in front of her, a hint of hesitation flashed in the cold black eyes.

The woman on the stone steps didn't move, and he didn't move either, just standing there.

After a while, the woman was still crying in a muffled voice, and the boy's stern face sank little by little.

He had to accept reality.

It seems that what he said just now was ignored by the woman who was crying so deeply in front of her.

There was a hint of hesitation in his narrow eyes.

Then, he slowly raised his right hand, and with his short index finger, he gently poked the woman's exposed soft white lotus arm.

Poke it, it feels much softer than he expected.

So, poke again.

Xinluo was crying bitterly, she forcibly endured the grief in her heart and gritted her teeth, so she didn't let herself cry out.

But suddenly, the arm seemed to be poked by something soft.

At first she thought it was her own delusion.

Then, again.

Then again, again.

The person who poked her seems to be addicted to poking.

She didn't look up, he kept poking.

Xinluo was instantly angry.

She is already pitiful enough, she just wants to find a place to cry aloud, but why is she hiding here, there are still people to disturb her! ?

Xinluo raised her head suddenly, wanting to say fuck off to those who harassed her.

However, all the movements stopped when her eyes met those long and narrow star eyes.

At this second, she felt as if time had stood still.

The boy in front of him had a pair of long and narrow black eyes that were extremely similar to Lu Yuchen's.


Seeing that she finally reacted, the coldness on the man's face finally softened slightly.

However, the messy makeup on the woman's face made him frown slightly.

He narrowed his eyes, imitating adults, and asked in a deep voice, "Who bullied you?"

[The author has something to say] I am revising while revising, and I wrote 4 chapters at 4:45, which is too stuck. The remaining 26 updates will be updated separately in the afternoon and evening today (May 7).

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