Domineering Mr. CEO and His Impudent Love (Mr. President, Unbridled Love)

The ninth and forty-fourth chapter father and son get up like a reaction

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Xinluo was used to a man's cute response when he got up.

Facing Youyou again, although he was surprised for a moment, he quickly regained his composure.

She couldn't help but feel it from the bottom of her heart, thinking that before she left, she found out that Youyou might be cute when she woke up.

At that time, I also wondered if this child would grow up and be a cute boy.

Now it seems that my guess at the time was really correct.

"Well, Youyou is good. Aunt Xiaoluo won't leave. Auntie Xiaoluo also likes Youyou very much."

Xinluo picked up Youyou's small body and rubbed the tip of his nose with the tip of his nose.

That's right.

He was obviously a little boy under five years old, and when he was so cute, he should have acted like a spoiled child with his family.

Compared with a mature and sensible genius boy, she hopes that her Youyou will be a carefree baby who grows up.

"Aunt Xiaoluo, you are so beautiful."

Youyou can feel that this woman loves her from the bottom of her heart.

He held her head with his little hands and slapped her face again.

Growing up, he hated the most when others hug him and kiss him.

That feeling is too sticky, especially for some women with heavy makeup and perfume.

Thinking that if you please him, you will be able to please Lu Yuchen.

Every time I hit a nail in Lu Yuchen, I want to start with him.

Seriously, how stupid a woman like that is.

But with this Auntie Luo, who is like his mother, he just wanted to stay in her arms and let her kiss and hug him.

Her embrace was soft and warm, and there was a sense of happiness in her embrace.

"Xiaoyouyou's mouth is so sweet, when you grow up, there will definitely be many girls who like you."

Of course Xinluo was happy when her son said she looked good.

There was a sip on his cute face.

The Lu family's father and son in a cute state when they wake up, whether they are big or small, are particularly easy to coax.

Sure enough, after being kissed by her, a pink blush appeared faintly on Xiao Youyou's skin as transparent as white jade.

Moreover, only the left half of her face that she had kissed was slightly red.

And the right half of the cheek is still white and transparent.

Xinluo snickered in her heart, sure enough, the father and son woke up in the same state of being cute.

Have fun!

Xinluo couldn't help it again, and on the other side of Xiaoyouyou's face, he tweeted.

This time, the little boy who was accustomed to pretending to be somber, his delicate and beautiful face all turned red.

It looks like a little red apple.

Aww, her family Youyou is so cute!

Xinluo looked at such a soft and cute Youyou, and wished he would throw him on the bed and rub him into her arms.

Just as he was about to play tricks on him again to see if he would have any other reaction, the doorbell rang suddenly from outside the door.

So early, who is it?

Xinluo suddenly remembered that before going to bed last night, she had asked Sai Di to come over this morning and help her take Youyou back.

After all, she and Youyou can't stay together forever, and Youyou will go back to Lu's house after all.

She didn't dare to keep Youyou for too long, for fear of being discovered by the Lu family.

Thinking of this, Xinluo's mood was inexplicably low.

But he still managed to squeeze out a smile at Yuyou.

"Youyou, wait a while, Aunt Xiaoluo will open the door."

Xinluo got out of the car and walked out of the bedroom barefoot.

She just moved in last night, and this is the Redington hotel again.

Xinluo didn't think much about the sense of security living here.

Directly wearing a loose white shirt, showing two white thighs, stepping on the carpet with bare feet, he helped Sai Di open the door of the guest room (Lord President, wanton love!)

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