Domineering Mr. CEO and His Impudent Love (Mr. President, Unbridled Love)

Chapter 956 All Lu Yuchen's love and regret for her are sealed

"Sister Xinluo, the night you left, Brother Yuchen came out of the military..."

Qiao Yinyin's eyes were a little empty, as if recalling.

"It was my brother who picked him up, as well as Meng Ze and Lu Qi. Later, I heard my brother mention the scene of that day. He said that at that time, Brother Yuchen's muscles were twitching and twitching, but he was still insisting... …”

"What is he insisting on?" Every time Qiao Yinyin said a word, she felt her heart being torn apart.

"I'm holding on to..."

Qiao Yinyin didn't dare to say anything.

She felt that Xinluo's situation was very bad.

After hearing her talk about dual personalities, her face was always bad.

Pale and weak, with tears all over his face, the blue veins on his forehead are all prominent.

"Yin Yin, you said... I can hold it."

Lu Yuchen was able to endure that kind of pain, but this little pain in her heart was nothing.

"Okay, then I'll say it."

Qiao Yinyin leaned against Winston's arms, took a deep breath, and said it all at once.

"Brother Yuchen's body has always lived two people, one is the brother Yuchen we know, and the other is his other personality. He has always used drugs to control the second personality, but the second personality His character is very strong, even more domineering and cruel than Brother Yuchen."

"As time went on, it became more and more difficult for drugs to control the second personality in his body. In addition, the second personality had a deep hatred for Brother Yuchen's father. During that time, Lu Huanting's comeback also indirectly stimulated the second personality's anger. conscious response."

"So, on that day, when you said that you were leaving Brother Yuchen... The belief that Brother Yuchen had always maintained collapsed."

Xinluo understood, and immediately understood.

Both personalities want to dominate the body.

And to decide whether they are strong or weak, in addition to drugs, the willpower of the two is left.

At that time, it was almost impossible for drugs to maintain their effect.

Of the two personalities,

The idea of ​​supporting the second personality is hatred for Lu Huanting.

And supporting the first personality is...

Xinluo closed his eyes in pain.

She finally understood why Zhuo Yarong rejected her and why she didn't want her back.

Not to mention Zhuo Yarong, now, even herself, wish she hadn't come back.

"Yin Yin... I was wrong, I was really wrong... I personally destroyed him, destroyed his determination, and destroyed his last belief..."

If it wasn't for her at that time, maybe Yuchen could still win.

He will not be swallowed by the second self, and will not fall into a perpetual slumber.

"No, Sister Xinluo... You misunderstood Brother Yuchen." Qiao Yinyin shook her head, tears welling up in her eyes.

When she knew the truth, she cried for a long time.

For brother Yuchen and sister Xinluo.

"Brother Yuchen didn't blame you until the last moment when he lost consciousness. The reason why he was carried out of the army with convulsions was because he still wanted to protect you at the last moment when he fell into a deep sleep."

"protect me……?"

She did something like that, but he still wanted to protect her.

Xinluo only felt that his head was blank, and he could only take a deep breath.

"Yes, he wants to protect you in the end."

"Under normal circumstances, the moment you left, his body should be occupied by the second personality. But he didn't. He kept holding on. Even if he endured convulsions and convulsions, he still held on to the hospital."

"It is because he was able to remain conscious when he arrived at the hospital, so he was able to cooperate with the doctor to perform deep hypnosis on himself and seal his memory."

Deep hypnosis seals all memories of Xinluo in the subconscious.

In this way, when the second personality controls the body, for him, the three words 'Tang Xinluo' will only become a code name.

All Lu Yuchen's love and regret for this woman were sealed.

[The author has something to say] Listening to this "Chengdu" writing, I cried when I wrote it... continue, there are two more

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