Domineering Mr. CEO and His Impudent Love (Mr. President, Unbridled Love)

Nine hundred and seventieth eight chapters birthday party (seven)

Song Xiulan led the way with a smile on her face.

Xinluo looked at her back and shook her head.

Song Xiulan's eye drops should not be too obvious.

Who else came, at first glance, I knew that she was deliberately sowing discord.

However, even if she knew that Song Xiulan was provoking, Xinluo still felt uncomfortable after listening to her words.

She couldn't help lowering her head and asked Youyou, "Have you been wronged when you were inside just now?"

"No..." The little boy shook his head, "Auntie Luo, it's too boring inside, Youyou is waiting for you at the door. Youyou doesn't care at all what they say."

Zhuo Yunfei, that little one, likes to stab himself a few words intentionally or unintentionally every time they meet.

Little Lu Qilin never took this uncle who was still young in his eyes.

Whether his provocation or nonsense, in Youyou's view, they are all boring things.

"Well, Youyou doesn't care what those people say, it's because Youyou is generous and sensible. But that doesn't mean that others can speak ill of Youyou at will. If something like that happens in the banquet hall again in the future, if Aunt Luo I just didn't know that you were not there, Youyou must tell Aunt Xiaoluo. Youyou can rest assured, Auntie Xiaoluo will call the shots for you. "

Xinluo rubbed Youyou's head and looked at his eyes with love.

Her Yuyou was ridiculed by those people because of her negligence.

If she had been by his side since she was a child, those people would not dare to bully her Youyou like this.

Xiao Youyou was comforted by her favorite 'Auntie Xiao Luo' rubbing her head, and her always deserted face became more moving.

Nasty, his nose is a little sour, he doesn't want to be a little crying bag on this occasion!

But what should I do? It's really good to have the feeling of mother's protection.

Xiao Youyou was reluctant to let go of Xinluo's hand, grabbed the woman's hand on his head, and held it tightly in his hand.

He obediently rubbed the back of Xinluo's hand with his little face, and said coquettishly, "Auntie Xiaoluo, Youyou likes you the most. After seeing grandma, you should marry your father quickly. Youyou seems to want you to be Youyou's mother. ."

In fact, he wants to marry his mother.

But the old man would never agree.

So, he could only do the next best thing, let her marry an old man and be his mother.

The little guy looked at Xinluo with a very longing look.

Looking at Xinluo's eyes, black and bright, with small extravagant hopes and prayers.

Xinluo was originally full of guilt towards Xiao Youyou, and seeing his eager eyes, she didn't know how to refuse.

She nodded slightly and said to Youyou, "Don't worry, Aunt Xiaoluo will always be with Youyou. Regardless of whether you marry your father or not, Auntie Xiaoluo will take care of you like a mother."

"No, being like a mother and being a mother are two different things! Youyou wants Aunt Xiaoluo to be Youyou's mother..." The little guy held her hand tightly, as if he was afraid that she would run away.

Xinluo is about to tell Youyou that some things are not up to her.

The man's big palm on her waist suddenly slid down to her delicate buttocks, and patted her gently.

"Don't refuse. The brat is right. I met my parents today and we got married."

The words that Lu Qilin said, rarely made him feel good.


"No buts."

The man interrupted her hesitation coldly.

"It's said that a woman is willing to marry a man with peace of mind when she sees her parents. Do you think that if it wasn't for your peace of mind, why would I waste my time taking you to such a place?"


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