Domineering Mr. CEO and His Impudent Love (Mr. President, Unbridled Love)

The nine hundred and ninetieth chapters break through Zhuo Yunfei's life experience (1)

At the same time, Zhuo Mingfu's mind was undergoing a fierce ideological struggle.

He was not an old lady, so he naturally knew that Lu Yuchen couldn't easily offend him.

But he was also in a hurry at the moment. Seeing his little son crying sadly, twitching and twitching, his usually shrewd heart was completely messed up.

In addition, Tang Mi was still under the table, pressing her foot against his leg, urging him to move.

The son and the charming little heart are urging him, Zhuo Mingfu is anxious, and suddenly forgets the north and south.

He said to Lu Yuchen in a deep voice, "Yuchen, why don't you take Youyou and that woman back today. It's not good for the family to make trouble like this, and the old lady is also getting angry. What's the matter, we'll talk about it another day."

In the end, Zhuo Mingfu still compromised with Tang Mi, Zhuo Yunfei and the old lady.

"Brother, you can't do this!" Zhuo Mingjin couldn't see it and wanted to stop him.

Zhuo Yarong also frowned.

Zhuo Mingfu's decision was clearly embarrassing her son and grandson.

Zhuo Yarong was about to say that she did not agree.

Lu Yuchen, who was beside her, nodded lightly.

"Okay, let's go back first, I didn't want to bring them here."

Lu Yuchen's tone was indifferent, and there was a hidden scrutiny in the eyes of Zhuo Mingfu.

"But there are some things that I don't want to leave for another day. I can make it clear today."

Such a cold look in his eyes made Zhuo Mingfu snort unconsciously in his heart.

Facing the gaze of his nephew, he actually felt an inexplicable guilty conscience.

"Uncle, there's something I've always wanted to tell you. Originally, it's just your family affairs, and I'm not interested in meddling. However, your Zhuo Yunfei is a bit of a jerk."

Lu Yuchen's tone was extremely slow, with a hint of casualness, but what he said was full of warning.

Especially when it comes to the three words 'Zhuo Yunfei', the cool tone is like ice ridges shattering in his mouth.

Who is that kid Zhuo Yunfei? What a bad scolding, but he wants to scold his woman.

The man's gloomy gaze shifted from Zhuo Ming's body to Zhuo Yunfei's body.

It flew from Zhuo Yunfei and fell back to Zhuo Mingfu.

"Uncle, don't say I didn't warn you. Zhuo Yunfei, you'd better put more effort into discipline. Raised in a group of women, it's still in the hands of a woman with a bad mind. You are a single seedling, and you will grow up in the future. Big, I'm afraid it will be difficult to become a climate."

"You... Yuchen, in the end..." Zhuo Mingfu only felt terrified at Lu Yuchen's icy gaze.

He had a secret hidden in his heart, facing Lu Yuchen's sudden accusation, he wanted to ask, but he didn't dare to ask.

Lu Yuchen clearly said that it was only about the child's discipline, but hearing it in his ears gave him the illusion of being a thief and being exposed on the spot.

Zhuo Mingfu desperately told himself to calm down, he must not panic or panic.

But I don't want to, at this time, there are still pig teammates dragging their feet.

The old lady was the first to hold back and stood up.

She shook her hands, pointed at Lu Yuchen and cursed, "Lu Yuchen, why is your child's heart so dark!"

"You're still Feifei's cousin, why do you curse Feifei? Well, it seems that I said just now that your mother didn't discipline you well, and I was right. You really are an uneducated thing!"

The old lady scolded Lu Yuchen, but she didn't realize that the situation was serious, and she said to Zhuo Yarong angrily, "Yarong, what are you doing sitting there! He is your son after all, no matter how uneducated you are, you should teach him. !"


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