In the private room at this time, in addition to Zhuo Yarong's soft dissuasive voice, there was only the sound of Zhuo Yunfei crying.

Zhuo Yunfei was still rolling on the ground.

He was used to being coaxed. At this time, the adults were busy with their own affairs, and no one cared about him at all.

Because no one was coaxing him, Zhuo Yunfei kept rolling on the ground, almost rolling from the dining table to the door of the private room.

However, everyone's attention was now on Lu Yuchen, and no one paid attention to Zhuo Yunfei's arrogant child.

"Yuchen, what you said just now was too serious, don't hurt the relationship between relatives." Zhuo Yarong was still persuading gently, but in her tone, she no longer favored Zhuo Mingfu.

"That's not serious, it's just a fact." The man said indifferently.

Looking down, he fiddled with his phone.

Everyone's mobile phones, including Zhuo Yarong, rang at the same time.

He sent a text message to Lu Jiu. After Lu Jiu received the text message, he immediately sent a message to all the people present using the device he had prepared earlier.

These were all prepared by Lu Yuchen long before he came here.

Today's party, he has already arranged.

If the Zhuo family knew each other and didn't embarrass Luoluo, he would give Zhuo Mingfu a way out.

If they embarrassed his woman, it can only be...

When everyone heard the phone ring, they took out their phones to check.

Even the panicked Zhuo Mingfu and Tang Mi hurriedly dug out their phones.

When I opened the message, a color picture appeared on the screen of the mobile phone, and the picture was a DNA identification report.

Several bold bold characters marked the identification results.

[DNA matching results, 99.99%, the parent-child relationship is established, and the identified person is a mother-child relationship. 】

"Yuchen, this thing you posted... what is this?" Zhuo Yarong was the first to react.

Zhuo Mingjin and Song Xiulan also raised their heads from their doubts.

Yeah, what is this?

They also thought that Lu Yuchen would send some explosive information.

However, such an identification result appeared inexplicable, and it was impossible to see why.

The man hooked his lips and drew a cool arc, "This is the paternity test. As for who the mother and son are on this side, I think..."

He raised his eyes and looked at Zhuo Mingfu with cold and deep black eyes.

"You should ask, my good uncle."

"—Big brother?!"

Zhuo Yarong and Zhuo Mingjin looked at Zhuo Mingfu at the same time.

For a moment, the two even thought that the woman and child in this DNA identification certificate were another lover raised outside by the eldest brother.


What they waited for was not Zhuo Mingfu's unhurried excuse.

All they saw was that the older brother, who had always been mature and prudent, suddenly stepped back under Lu Yuchen's icy stare.

His swinging legs showed his panic at the moment.

Zhuo Yarong and Zhuo Mingjin were both startled and scared.

They had never seen Big Brother show such a flustered look.

Even Song Xiulan was speechless at this moment.

In Lu Yuchen's hands, what kind of control does the uncle have to actually scare him like this! ?

"Oh, it looks like my uncle doesn't want to explain. Since that's the case..."

The man withdrew his gloomy eyes from Zhuo Ming's body.

Turning his head slightly, those two icy, biting gazes landed on Tang Mi's face along the shoulders of the old lady who was already paralyzed by the table.

"Lu Qi, ask Cousin Tang Mi to get up and explain it to us."

The word 'cousin' was deliberately bitten by him.

Men usually never address Tang Mi's cousin.

But now, as if he deliberately reminded them of their identities, he deliberately emphasized these two words.

Lu Qi stood behind Tang Mi and said respectfully and indifferently, "Miss Tang Mi, please explain the question of Master Lu."

[The author has something to say] There are two more updates, I'll fix it, and it's already written. No surprise, no surprise!


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