Domineering Mr. CEO and His Impudent Love

Chapter 475: Winston Cut Hus (2)

The psychology of the kidnapper leader gave birth to a kind of almost fearful psychology for the first time.

"Big brother, please be forgiving! We are all dealing with people's money and disasters. We are all brothers on the road. Don't worry, after getting the money, I will share a share with you. Please, let me go. it is good!"

The leader of the kidnapper knew at a glance that the foreigner was not sent by the Lu family, so he wanted to use money to lure him.

"Money... can you afford the money I've bought?"

"Of course..."

Before he finished speaking, the kidnapper leader had fallen to the ground.

When he died, maybe he didn't know what he said, which offended the foreign man in front of him.

Winston, wearing sunglasses, took out the cloth towel from his bag and wiped his hands silently.

Humph, he hates people most, talk to him about money.

The tall Winston kicked off the kidnappers who got in the way and stepped onto the back compartment.

"Two women?" Frowning at the woman lying in the carriage, obviously unconscious.

The look of trouble flashed through his indifferent eyes.

I hate women most.

Had it not been ordered by the Duke himself, he would not even want to touch a woman.

What's more, there are two more here.

Winston walked over and saw the faces of Tang Xinluo and Qiao Yinyin.

"****!" He exploded with an indifferent expression, then took out his phone from his bag.

In order not to leave a trace, he would change to a new phone every time he performed a task.

Fortunately, this time, he kept a mindful eye in advance and saved the photo of the mission target in his phone.

Winston took the photo for a long time to compare.

He was born with facial blindness, which almost affected his career as a killer.

After watching for a long time, he finally determined that the woman in the white dress is the target he needs to take away tonight.

Tang Xinluo, the woman who made Shao take the initiative is her.

Very easily, he hugged the petite Tang Xinluo in his arms.

He held Tang Xinluo and walked directly outside the carriage.

Just as he was about to get out of the back compartment, he suddenly stopped.

The man turned his head.

From behind the sunglasses, the indifferent sight fell on Qiao Yinyin's face, who was still faint.

"****!" He exploded again.


On the other side, Lu Yuchen finally received news from the police.

A passerby reported to the police that a vehicle that was suspected to be a kidnapper and a hostage was found on a remote trail.

"Lu Ye, the news has not been confirmed yet. The police said they would send someone over immediately...We have also sent someone to follow, and there should be a response soon."

Meng Ze brought the police news to Lu Yuchen.

"No, I will go there myself."

He stood up, unwilling to wait for a moment.

At this moment, Lu Qi also came in from outside, "Master Lu, our people have discovered! That black jeep has been found, and there is another truck's tire print beside it. According to the tire print, that truck It should be re-driving back to the downtown area of ​​City A. Our people have already followed, but..."

"But what?" Lu Yuchen asked sharply.

Lu Qi felt a pain in his heart, and said honestly, "However, there are blood stains on the tires and traces of dragging...I, I'm afraid it is..."

I'm afraid it was the traces left by the young lady jumping off the car on impulse.

When Lu Yuchen heard the news, his figure shook.

Such a tall person almost fell like this.

"Master Lu..." Meng Ze immediately supported him.

"Lord Lu, don't worry about it. The young lady Ji Ren has her own heaven, and the young master also has God blessing, there will never be anything wrong!"

Although Meng Ze comforted Lu Yuchen, he still had a deeper understanding than Lu Yuchen.

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