Domineering Mr. CEO and His Impudent Love

Chapter 540: Make Gu Xuan'er a target (2) [See what the author has to say]

"If you are like this, if Xin Luo finds out... alas... I really don't dare to think about it."

Lu Yuchen saw Zhuo Yarong's eyes red, knowing that she was sad.

But he, isn't it?

He lightly patted Zhuo Yarong on the shoulder, "Mom, don't worry... you will be well soon. When Xinluo gives birth to the child in peace, everything will be easier. Xinluo is pregnant with the child, the goal is too It's big. If you don't put Gu Xuan'er tree in front, I'm afraid that person will attack Xin Luo."

Zhuo Yarong wiped her tears. Although she complained about Lu Yuchen's hard-heartedness, she also understood that this was the best solution right now.

That person has already begun to act.

This time Yu Chen was attacked, and although he was unscathed, it was only because the protection and response of Lu Qi and others were fast enough.

As soon as he came back, he attacked his own son.

Humph, it's really that person, his usual practice.

Zhuo Yarong was about to say something to Lu Yuchen.

Meng Ze came in hurriedly from outside the study.

"Young master, madam, Gu Xuan'er is here."

"What?!" Zhuo Yarong stood up from the sofa quickly, "She actually dared to come directly, really as if I was no longer there?"

For these words, Meng Ze felt that the answer factor was too difficult to answer.

Lu Yuchen said with relief: "Mom, don't say that. Why curse yourself for such a woman."

"I don't care." Zhuo Yarong rolled her eyes at her son elegantly, "Whatever plan you have outside, I will never allow this woman to step into the door of the Lu family."

"Yueze, where is she now?"

"Madam, don't worry, she is still outside the gate. We will not let her in without your permission."

"Very good." Hearing this, the color on Zhuo Yarong's face finally looked better.

Lu Yuchen laughed instead of anger, for Zhuo Yarong's'childishness'.

However, this happened to give him a better idea.

"Mom, do you really dislike Gu Xuan'er?" He suddenly asked in a low voice.

Zhuo Yarong nodded without hesitation, "Of course."

"Well, for the next thing, you will ask your mother to go out in person. However, let's say it first, you can't rely on me afterwards, saying that I ruined your image of your expensive wife."

"Oh? What do you want me to do?"


Outside the iron gate of the Lu Family Mansion, the petite and poor Gu Xuan'er stood in the cold wind.

The whole person looked so sad and pitiful.

Although it is now in spring, the weather is still as cold as early winter.

Gu Xuan'er was not in good health. She stood outside the door and blew the cold wind for more than ten minutes. The Lu family didn't say to invite her in and sit down. Even the door was not opened for her.

Li Ma, an old man from the Lu family, was put in by guards.

Now, I was going in and interceded for her.

Originally, Gu Xuan'er didn't have to stand up.

But she didn't expect that Lu Jiaran would really shut her out of Lu Yuchen's "savior" and "sweetheart".

Secondly, to show her sincerity, she came out in advance.

At this moment, even if it is too cold to bear, I want to go back again.

But no matter what, I can't pull down this face.

In the cold wind, I stood for nearly ten minutes.

Just when Gu Xuan'er was almost numb with cold hands and feet, she was unconscious.

From a distance, I finally saw the figure.

A graceful, graceful lady, with more than a dozen servants, and Li Ma, walked over.

[The author has something to say] Today’s 10 is updated, and the update time will be changed in the future. It is temporarily scheduled to update at around 8 pm~~ If I write fast, I will put it up first, if it is slow, it will be around 8 pm. Be sure to remember!

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