Domineering Peasant Girl is Not Easy To Mess With

Chapter 111 Sleeping in the Forest

After Mo Yunshen listened, he smiled and said, "Your family shouldn't have any food shortages, right?"

Zhao Xiaosong smiled and said, "My father is the village chief. We are all in the same village. We must help, right? Besides, my brother is very good at archery. Don't look at him as not very strong. Brother Gao is not far behind!"

Mo Yunshen and Mu Qingli suddenly realized, and they couldn't help admiring Village Chief Zhao. Shangcun is lucky to have such a village chief.

"So, Brother Gao and A Yuan should also lead the team into the big forest every year?" Mu Qingli asked with a smile.

"Of course," Zhao Xiaosong nodded, and said as a matter of course: "He is so powerful, it's hard to justify not leading the team!"

Mu Qingli and Mo Yunshen couldn't help looking at each other and smiling.

After being isolated from the world for so many years, the villagers are actually very simple in nature, and they have inherent bottom lines and principles when encountering major events.

If it is outside, how can there be such a reason? Whoever has the best kung fu has the responsibility to lead everyone to take risks? joke!

The three of them were chatting, and soon the twilight became thicker, just like when Mu Qingli and Mo Yunshen spent the night in the forest alone, this is the time when the birds are returning to their nests in the forest, and all kinds of flapping wings Voices and various chirping sounds filled the ears.

The shadows of birds, big and small, can be seen everywhere.

But no one hunted them, because everyone came for the big prey, and no one wanted to be troublesome.

What if hunting a pheasant attracts some other terrible behemoth? Isn't it worth the candle.

In this place where the crisis is hidden step by step, everyone must keep in mind to be careful, prudent, and not to do too much.

The taro and yam are roasted, just eat a little, and each person has a piece of barbecue, which is dinner.

Twenty-three people chatted, laughed and ate dinner, and Zhao Xiaobai announced the arrangements for the evening.

Night watch is a must, divided into the first half of the night and the second half of the night.

"Don't doze off the vigil. Those sleeping in thatched huts will also wake up a bit. Everyone pay attention to the people around you. If you find anything wrong, you must tell it in time. Qing Li and Brother Mo don't have to be on duty at night. We here There were not many people this time, so everyone squeezed into the big room and let the two of them live in the smaller one. Alright, the one whose name was called just now stayed vigil, and the rest sat down for a while and went into the room to hurry up rest."

Zhao Xiaobai ordered neatly, and everyone agreed with a smile, and no one had any objections.

Mu Qingli's personality is not talkative, but she is still cheerful, and she doesn't have all the bad habits of ordinary girls, and she is half-familiar with everyone along the way.

In addition, she rode on the back of the big tortoise all the way, and she didn't yell about her back pain and asked to stop and rest. She didn't drag everyone down, and everyone's views on her gradually changed.

In addition, she led the way on a big tortoise, and the big tortoise rolled over it, which made it a very convenient road to walk, which made it much easier for everyone to travel, and everyone was very grateful.

Therefore, no one raised any objections to Zhao Xiaobai's arrangement.

Mo Yun smiled deeply: "This is not good, let Qingli sleep, I'd better watch the night with everyone!"

"It's not bad for you," Zhao Xiaobai said with a smile, "It's not right for Qingli to stay alone in the room, it's better for you to stay with her, so that everyone can rest assured."

No matter what their relationship was when they were in the village, once they came out, once they arrived at this place, they would be a whole. If something happened to anyone, everyone would feel bad, and it would be a very unlucky thing.

So everyone laughed and said yes after listening to Zhao Xiaobai's words, let them rest at ease.

Seeing this, Mo Yunshen had no choice but to stop insisting, and thanked him with a smile.

Mu Qingli also thanked with a smile, then took Mo Yunshen for a walk, calmly took out the medicine powder for preventing poisonous snakes, insects, etc. from the space, and sprinkled it around calmly.

Also sprinkled around both houses.

He also told the turtle to be more vigilant at night.

This night passed without incident. Seeing the light shining through the cracks in the leaves and the sky gradually becoming brighter, everyone subconsciously breathed a sigh of relief: the night is finally over!

"Last night, there were not even a single mosquito. It's really strange!"

"That's right. In previous years, there were ants crawling up and biting my neck twice, and it swelled up. This year, it didn't either."

"Hey, isn't it just right? Don't you want to have it?"

Everyone laughed, and the person who spoke before said with a smile: "Of course not, I just find it strange."

The big tortoise stretched its neck and crawled towards the spring pool to drink water. By the way, it caught some fish and shrimps in the not-so-deep stream to fill its stomach.

Because there were no mosquitoes to disturb them last night, people who slept in the house or kept vigil outside were very relaxed. Everyone had a good rest this night, and now they wake up in a good mood and full of energy.

After simply eating something, Mu Qingli continued to sit on the back of the big turtle to clear the way, and the group continued to move forward.

At dusk, I finally arrived at a mountain depression. On the mountain wall about two meters away from the foot of the mountain, there was a cave with a wide opening.

Everyone will live in this cave tonight, and go hunting tomorrow.

The hunting place can be reached by turning over the mountain ridge with a small slope but not a small height in front of you.

Finally arrived at the destination smoothly, everyone's spirits were even more lifted, chatting and laughing one after another sorted out their bows and spears, these are the tools for hunting tomorrow.

Hunt tomorrow and see what the results of the hunt are. If it is not satisfactory, you have to continue hunting the day after tomorrow. If the harvest is good, you can return the same way in two or three days. If you are unlucky, you may have to stay here for four or five days.

Five days is the limit. After five days, no matter what the result is, you have to return.

Arriving here, although it is farther away from home, but in everyone's heart, it is closer to home, and the spirit must be lifted.

Dinner was still simple, Zhao Xiaosong and Mo Yunshen got a lot of dense branches together, and separated a place in the cave to make it convenient for Mu Qingli to spend the night.

Mu Qingli felt more and more that saving Zhao Xiaosong was the right thing to do.

This kid is really good! Be very careful, don't let Mu Fangping give in.

The next day just after dawn, everyone got up. With a solemn and silent expression, he prepared the things in his belt and was ready for battle.

"Okay, it's not the first time for everyone to come back, you should pay attention and believe that you know it in your heart, if everything is ready, let's go!" Zhao Xiaobai looked at everyone and said solemnly.

Everyone nodded and said "I know!" and started to climb over the mountains.

Because Mu Qingli and Mo Yunshen came back for the first time and did not understand the situation, Zhao Xiaobai asked Zhao Xiaosong to go with them and talk to them along the way.

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