The big tortoise stretched its neck, and its four claws flew like flying.

Mo Yunshen performed lightness kung fu, and Mu Qingli also adjusted her physical condition to the best. She looked very calm but followed up without slowing down at all.

As soon as the two of them came back here, they saw Zhao Xiaosong standing not far from the cave and looking over here. He couldn't help being overjoyed when he saw them. Qingli and the others are back!"

"Just come back!"

"Finally home!"

Everyone let go of their hearts and greeted them with smiles.

Seeing the harvest on the back of the big turtle, all the villagers were even more surprised and praised.

Mo Yun said with a deep smile, "Whoever's deer was bitten by a wolf before, let's replace it with one from here."

"Oh, what a shame."

"Yes, yes, Brother Mo, you really feel sorry for calling everyone that way."

The few villagers who lost their deer were naturally elated and happy, but at the same time they were a little embarrassed.

Mo Yunshen smiled faintly, and said: "We are all from the same village, so there is no need to treat others like this. We are supposed to take care of each other this trip, right? If I have any embarrassing things in the future, just ask everyone for help. "

"That's true."

"Brother Mo, you should remember this. If you need my help at any time, don't be polite."

The villagers felt much better now, and thanked each other with smiles, and took the prey from the turtle's back.

Zhao Xiaobai was also grateful and delighted, patted Mo Yunshen on the shoulder and sighed with a smile: "Brother Mo, I really don't know how to thank you!"

This time he led the team, and seeing the distressed expressions of the villagers who were attacked by wolves made him feel uncomfortable.

However, wolves are the most vengeful animals, and no one dares to take the risk of staying here for too long, so they must leave as soon as possible.

He could only try to comfort them, and then on the way back, he would see if there was any chance to hunt some small animals to make up for it.

Unexpectedly, all the problems were solved by Mo Yunshen and Mu Qingli, and everyone was happy.

"Brother Zhao is polite, he's from a village, hehe!" Mo Yun smiled deeply.

"Brother, remember this affection!" Zhao Xiaobai patted Mo Yunshen on the shoulder vigorously and said with a smile.

"You guys came back really fast, and we've only been here for a while, Brother Mo, Qingli, you are really amazing!" Zhao Xiaosong was so excited that his eyes lit up, and he looked at Mo Yunshen and Mu Qingli with admiration.

It's just another copy of A Yuan.

Mu Qingli chuckled and said, "Actually, it's all thanks to your Brother Mo and Big Gui. I'm exhausted, so it has nothing to do with me."

"Then you are also very good," Zhao Xiaosong glanced at Mu Qingli and looked at him secretly.

She was still the same thin little girl who walked with her head bowed in the past, and her body was not as good as her own.

However, how could such a huge force erupt from this small body?

"Qingli, you are really good," Zhao Xiaosong was both admiring and confused: "When did you become so powerful?"

The villagers also had this kind of doubt in their hearts, but it was not convenient to ask. When Zhao Xiaosong asked, they fell silent for a while, and countless pairs of eyes looked at her.

Mu Qingli smiled, and kicked the ball to Mo Yunshen without hesitation and guilt: "He helped me."

"Ah?" Zhao Xiaosong was stunned, and blurted out in surprise, "This can help too! No, no, brother Mo, I don't mean anything else, just, just——can this help too? It's so strange!"

Mo Yunshen expressed that he was very bitter and internally hurt. Since she caught a strong man and became her husband, although life was very happy and wonderful, but from time to time he felt pain.

For example, at times like this, his wife would always throw the problem to him without any scruples.

"Ahem," Mo Yun rubbed his nose deeply, and said with a smile, "Actually, it was a coincidence. I happened to pick a kind of purple vermilion fruit in the big forest once. After eating Qingli, I combed it for her. Once again, she often practices martial arts with me, and it is somewhat effective. Ha ha! The only thing is that the stamina is insufficient, and it is fortunate that the size of the wolf pack today is not too large, otherwise everyone would be in trouble."

Everyone was convinced of this, and suddenly realized: So it is!

"Then Zi Zhu Guo, who knows where Brother Mo found it?" Someone couldn't help but ask.

Mo Yun shook his head deeply and said, "I don't remember either. The forest is so big, and I also ran across it by accident. It's not so easy to come across such treasures."

"That's true!" All the villagers sighed and dismissed the idea, all envious of Mu Qingli's good fortune.

The most ridiculous thing is that this matter spread quickly in the village, and Mu Zhihong was so angry that he jumped.

Yelling, since Mo Yunshen got such a rare treasure, why did that damn girl Mu Qingli ruin it? Why not honor his father-in-law?

Even if you don't give it to him, you should give it to Tianbao!

What a loser's toy.

Mo Yun was speechless and didn't bother to talk to him.

The villagers who had received Mo Yunshen's favor were not happy, and couldn't help saying behind their backs: A son-in-law is a son-in-law, and he belongs to the Mo family, not your Mu family. Why don't you give it to your family first if you have something good? According to what you said, all the son-in-laws in the village should stop working for their own families, stop raising wives and children and fathers and mothers, and take care of their father-in-law first!

You go to ask those who are son-in-law if they are willing? Go and ask if the family who is the son-in-law is happy?

Whoever father-in-law dares to do this, is afraid that his daughter will be divorced and returned to her natal family.

If you dare to say that, don't you just bully others? Brother Mo is an outsider and has no relatives...

Mu Zhihong was so angry that he had nothing to do, and he wanted Mo Yunshen to teach his precious son Mu Tianbao Kung Fu. As a brother-in-law, Mo Yunshen couldn't refuse, right?

Mo Yunshen still ignored him, saying that this is a unique knowledge passed down from his family, and he would not pass it on to outsiders.

At the same time, he told Xiao Ya'er and Xiao Luan not to show their signs in front of outsiders at will.

Mu Zhihong was helpless, so angry that he cursed at home, and he didn't look good for several days.

Besides, now that everyone is back, everyone will start making dinner.

Zhao Xiaobai and others took the initiative to let Mo Yunshen and Mu Qingli rest.

In fact, neither of them needed to rest much, but it seemed that it was not good to act too superpower in front of the crowd, so they took a rest with peace of mind after thanking them.

Dinner is still a simple two pieces of yam and taro baked in the fire, plus a piece of marinated bacon.

This night, the night watchmen were extremely vigilant, and those resting in the cave did not dare to let go of their sleep.

Everyone is very worried whether the wolves will come to retaliate.

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