Xiaoya'er immediately said: "Brother Gao and Brother Ayuan are friends of brother-in-law, brother-in-law personally asked them to help look after the house, if my aunt doesn't believe me, wait for brother-in-law to come back and confront her face to face!"

Seeing that she was making things up for her, Fang couldn't help turning into anger from embarrassment: "It's unreasonable, such a small girl can learn to speak eloquently, and she can't get along with her elders! How did your parents teach you?"

Xiao Ya'er was most annoyed by others talking about her mother. Hearing this, he said angrily: "My mother is gone, don't you know? If my mother is here, if you dare to bully us like this, she will not forgive you!"

"Are you blaming your stepmother for being bad?" Fang asked immediately with her eyes wide open.

Xiao Ya'er snorted, "I didn't say anything bad about her! You said that yourself!"

"Auntie, don't misunderstand that Xiao Yaer's words are making trouble again." Gao Dashan frowned, and said firmly: "In short, without Brother Mo's permission, I will never let you take anything away. Yes. You should give up on this idea! When he comes back, with his consent, even if you evacuate his house, it doesn’t matter to me. If you really like this, then I have nothing to say, so I have to go to the village chief , Let the village head judge."

Xiao Ya'er and Xiao Luan's eyes lit up, and they nodded repeatedly.

Jiang Feng and Fang's faces were so angry that if Gao Dashan and A Yuan were not allowed, they would not be able to move things at all. In terms of fighting, they would not be able to fight or grab.

If they did find the village head—how could they have the face to go to the village head? Originally, it was calculated that Mo Yunshen was not at home, there were only two furry children, and they didn't pay much attention to them at all. As long as the things were moved first, they belonged to them.

Even if Mo Yunshen came back, so what?

Can I go to my own house and move all the furniture back?

Hmph, Mo Yunshen's name is not written on this furniture, so if he says it's his, it's his? Then he said it was his own!

When the time comes, he can't help it.

Unexpectedly, today's bad luck, I ran into two evil stars Gao Dashan and A Yuan.

"The two bastards don't know good people. Hmph, any outsider dares to believe it. You will regret it if you let someone cheat you carefully!" Fang said resentfully, the three of them had no choice but to leave unwillingly.

A Yuan didn't bother to pay attention to their words at all, and said loudly: "Don't worry, we will come here every day, don't open the door if we don't come! Don't be fooled by a rogue with no conscience!"

"Who are you talking about?"

"You don't care who I say!"

After talking about the matter with Mu Qingli and Mo Yunshen, Mu Qingli sneered again and again, patted Xiao Ya'er on the shoulder and said lightly: "Okay, I get it. Hmph, my Mu Qingli's things are not the kind of things that bitches want Take it away. Even if they eat the eggs and meat, they have to spit it out!"

Xiao Ya'er was very happy to hear it, clapped her hands with bright eyes and giggled: "Yeah, I knew my sister would definitely make such a fuss when she came back! The people of the Jiang family are really disgusting!"

Mo Yunshen was also deeply moved, saying that what he had seen before were all intrigues and conspiracies with relatively advanced morals and deeds.

Everyone uses their own abilities to play tricks and scheming, no matter what is going on behind the scenes, which one will not be smiling and affectionate when they really meet?

I've never seen anything as simple as this.

They even blatantly "borrow" the furniture that other people put at home.

The lady said that the Jiang family is a "wonderful flower", and it seems that everyone in the Jiang family is a wonderful flower.

Nothing is as important as eating.

Mu Qingli was suffocated after listening to Xiao Ya'er's eloquent and eloquent narration, and didn't plan to run to Xiacun right now.

It's better to eat first, lie down on your own bed and have a good night's rest, and talk about it tomorrow.

Xiaoya'er happily cooks, bright oil lamps are lit in the kitchen, and there are two more people, as if the originally empty home is suddenly satisfied and full of warmth.

Tonight, I slaughtered a sheep, made braised mutton scorpion, stewed lamb leg with bamboo shoots, made a lamb chop with salt and pepper, fried lamb with cumin, fried lamb blood, and a bowl of haggis braised in soy sauce, and a plate of stir-fried bracken.

Xiaoya'er is the chef, and Xiaoluan is the assistant. The younger sister and brother neatly cleaned up a large table of dishes, and Xiaoya'er was a little embarrassed and said: "My sister said that I want to eat the whole lamb feast, I don't know if it is enough... ..."

Hearing this, Mo Yunshen couldn't help giving Mu Qingli a funny look.

Mu Qingli nodded again and again, raised her thumbs up and smiled and praised: "Enough is enough, my little Ya'er is really amazing! I just said a few words casually, and Xiao Ya'er has cooked so many dishes for a large table , Just by smelling it, you know it's delicious! Sigh, I don't know which bastard will be blessed to marry my little Ya'er back in the future."

Xiaoya'er blushed immediately, stomped her feet and said coquettishly: "Sister! You are still young!"

It made Mu Qingli and Mo Yunshen laugh out loud.

After breakfast the next day, Mu Qingli and Mo Yunshen went straight to Jiang Feng's house in Xiacun with the big turtle in a murderous spirit.

Jiang Feng's family is really lazy enough, it's already this time, it's almost noon, and the family is still sleeping.

Mu Qingli kicked open the door of their house, and the two of them broke in together, and closed the door from the inside.

"Is anyone home?" Mu Qingli knocked on the door of the room and shouted.

In fact, she originally planned to kick open the door and rush in to drag him up, but she was afraid of seeing some eye-catching pictures, so she changed this more gentle way.

"Who is this! Why are you howling? You're keeping people from sleeping!" Mu Qingli knocked on the door loudly. Unless there is a deaf person in the room, how can anyone not hear it?

In fact, Jiang Feng and his wife were sleeping soundly while having sweet dreams. Mu Qingli's knock directly made their hearts beat wildly, and they almost didn't jump up.

Annoyed, Jiang Feng immediately started yelling, halfway through the swearing, he suddenly exclaimed "Ah!", and said angrily, "Who are you? How did you get in here!"

Fang was also stunned, and suddenly rushed towards Jiang Feng with a cry of "Ah!", spitting and rolling, and swearing in his mouth: "You shameless old thing, where did you provoke a woman? They are so early in the morning. They all came to our house to make a fuss! You are shameless, tell my old lady clearly! Otherwise, my old lady will never end with you! Ah, I am so mad!"

Mu Qingli raised her forehead: "..." How much does Fang have to admire her man to say such a thing? Which woman would fall in love with her man unless she was blind?

Mu Qingli just felt speechless, but Mo Yunshen was not happy - mother, that damn woman dared to humiliate his wife like this, it was unbearable!

Mo Yunshen "Boom!" also kicked the door twice and cursed: "What nonsense, you two get out quickly! Master is Mo Yunshen!"

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