"Qingli!" Fang suddenly burst into tears, crying with tears and snot, "Look at your uncle and aunt living so hard—"

With a sound of "Boom!", Mu Qingli kicked a chair over, and the chair fell apart.

"Do you have the heart to force us so much—"

"Boom!" The second chair was completely scrapped under Mu Qingli's feet.

"You—" Fang became angry, and seeing Mu Qingli raised her foot again and changed her color, she hurriedly screamed: "Don't kick! Don't kick again!"

"Hurry up and get it! Make up for the ones eaten by you. If I check later, if there is less, I will go there by myself and get double!" Mu Qingli snorted coldly.

"Okay, here you are!" Fang Shi and Jiang Feng vomited so much that they wanted to vomit blood, their expressions were extremely ugly.

Can it not be ugly? After much difficulty, he happily snatched the things back from Mu Qingli and Mo Yunshen's house, and within a few days, someone knocked at his door asking for them.

The couple had to endure the pain of body, heart, liver and lungs to get the basket of eggs and meat.

The couple originally wanted to use wild vegetables to pay for the meat and eggs they ate, but they needed a lot of wild vegetables to pay for the meat, and they didn't have that much at all.

In the end, I had to fill it with three or four pieces of wild mutton obtained from Jiang's rascal.

"These two damned ones really don't care about kinship at all! As soon as they leave, we'll go find her parents and see if we can't beat her to death!" Fang grinned in pain.

Jiang Feng gave her a cold snort and gave her a blank look: "You don't need to say that? Damn, if she takes it now, just take it away. Later, I will ask her to give me a double copy!"

"It's all here. Well, this is a make-up, but it's not a lot. After all, you've made money!" Putting the baskets and baskets on the ground, Fang said coldly with a sullen face.

Mu Qingli glanced at those things, clapped her hands and laughed, "Sure enough, it's all here. Hey, so we still made money? That's great! This business is very cost-effective, things go out and turn around, and then turn back Then we made money!"

Fang's face became even more unsightly when she heard this.

In fact, it was slightly less than what they snatched back, she said that on purpose.

But Mu Qingli admitted it so honestly and bluntly, which made Fang feel that she had suffered a big loss.

Even Jiang Feng thought so, and couldn't help giving Fang a blank look.

"Get out of here quickly! Leave my house!" Jiang Feng yelled angrily.

It was really an eyesore to see these things being taken away by them.

Mu Qingli smiled, greeted Mo Yunshen, moved the things into the yard, put them down, and called Big Gui: "Big Gui, come!"

She and Mo Yunshen's family are not short of food. Jiang Feng and Fang's have played around with these things, so of course she won't eat them, she finds them disgusting.

But if you want to treat them as if nothing happened, that won't work.

Jiang Feng and Fang Shi were stunned and followed out, not knowing what they were going to do.

"All of these are rewards for you, eat them all!" Mu Qingli pointed to the meat and eggs and said.

The big tortoise rushed forward with a "huh" and slapped it down with one paw, "crash!" With a sound, the basket fell to the ground, and most of the eggs in the basket rolled down and rotted countless times, and all the meat rolled to the ground. To bite those eggs to eat, eat very happily.

"Ah, no!"


Fang's and Jiang Feng's faces were so distressed that they changed their faces and twitched. They wanted to step forward to stop them, but Mu Qingli smiled coldly, and the two of them froze again.

"Mu Qingli, what are you doing!"

"I think the things you have taken are dirty." Mu Qingli sneered, and said coldly: "Listen to me, my things are not for you to take. If you dare to take them back, I will come to pick them up. Go back. Even if everything is destroyed, it won’t be easy for you! Also, Xiaoya’er and Xiaoluan are not something you can bully, so if you dare next time, believe it or not, I’ll kick you until you vomit blood!”

Jiang Feng and Fang shivered with surprise and anger, staring at Mu Qingli speechless.

The big tortoise roughly ate some poultry eggs—of course, it didn't let go of the uneaten ones, and all the paws were slapped to pieces.

As for the meat, the big turtle didn't like marinated meat very much, so he picked it up and crawled to Jiang Feng's water tank, stretched his neck to wash the meat, and then swallowed it in one gulp.

Jiang Feng and his wife were all focused on Mu Qingli, and they didn't even notice the big turtle's movements for a moment. When they noticed, they shouted angrily and ran over to chase the big turtle away.

When the big gun turned to the side, the big water tank rolled over with a "bang", and the water in half of the yard flowed out, causing the couple to shriek in fright.

They should be thankful that this big water tank is quite strong, and it didn't break...

Big Turtle gave them a disgusted look: Isn't it just a water tank? As for the fuss...

Mu Qingli laughed, and walked away with Mo Yunshen and Da Gui.

"I'm talking about my wife, I'm afraid they will go to find their father-in-law when they turn around." Mo Yun said with a deep cough.

"Go and go, I can't stop them with legs growing on them!" Mu Qingli smirked helplessly.

"This, it seems to be too!" The two looked at each other and laughed.

The couple of them walked with the big tortoise, but Jiang Feng and his wife looked at the mess in the yard, and they were so angry that they couldn't cry.

"Oh my god, this is it!"

"I can't live anymore, I can't live this day. That damn girl, she's bullying too much!"

"Father, mother, what are you still doing here in a daze? Go find uncle!" Jiang Xiaoshi came out of the house, saw the mess in the yard and couldn't help being stunned, burning with anger.

"Shut up, old lady!" Mrs. Fang was full of anger and had nowhere to vent it. Although she was usually a treasure, the only son, she couldn't control her anger at this moment. She glared at Jiang Xiaoshi and said angrily, "Damn boy, Bai!" Why didn't you come out to help just now after raising you so big? Hidden aside and watched your parents being bullied by a hairy girl, good luck!"

Jiang Xiaoshi sniffed, and said indifferently: "So what if I come out? You can't beat her, what can I do to help? Mother, you don't want me to be beaten up by that damn girl, right? Really! It's weird, when did that damn girl become so powerful!"

"You heartless brat!" Fang cursed angrily, looking at the egg yolks and egg whites that were dripping all over the floor, then at the water on the floor and the large water tank rolling aside, the evil fire rushed up, and then Annoyed and hated.

Suddenly, he rushed towards Jiang Feng and beat and thumped wildly: "What are you still doing at home? Why don't you get out and find that damn girl to settle accounts with me! Why don't you hurry up and find your sister!"

Jiang Feng woke up like a dream, and pushed Fang Shi away: "You lazy woman, stop me!" Angrily, he went straight to Shangcun to find Jiang Shi.

Jiang Feng was kicked painfully by Mu Qingli, and he went into a fit when he saw Jiang Shi, even Mu Zhihong, his brother-in-law, couldn't persuade him.

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