Domineering Peasant Girl is Not Easy To Mess With

Chapter 141 Carnival before the rainy season

Mu Zhihong couldn't help but glanced at her again, and said, "Then, less. Less..."

Jiang shi hurriedly said with a smile: "How much less is appropriate for the village chief?"

Village head Zhao said in his heart, I don't think it is the most suitable! Of course he knew that if he said this, Jiang Shi and Mu Zhihong would not agree, so he snorted: "Discuss it yourself."

The final decision was 800 catties. Although Mu Zhihong was still not satisfied, he didn't make any more trouble after all.

One storm is over.

Mu Qingli and Mo Yun thanked the village head deeply and said goodbye to go home.

She couldn't help but sighed deeply to Mo Yun: "Oh, what a pity! Those skinned wolves shouldn't be thrown away! That's more than eight hundred catties!"

Mo Yunshen smiled "Pfft!", glanced at her and said, "Are you sure that if you send such a wolf there, he won't ask you for the leather?"

Mu Qingli said: "What he wanted was meat, not leather!"

Mo Yunshen laughed loudly, "My lady is right!"

When Mu Zhihong and Jiang Shi returned home, without Mu Zhihong asking, Jiang Shi first explained the reason for his retreat, and Mu Zhihong really thought about it. It would be bad if the village chief and his family misunderstood them. They couldn't help but feel pain, and said through gritted teeth that it was cheaper for Mu Qingli and Mo Yunshen.

At this time, the rainy season is getting closer and closer. The weather has changed significantly recently. The clouds in the sky seem to have lowered a lot, and the sun is not as hot as before.

As usual, before the rainy season comes, the village will hold a grand dinner party in the big square.

Every household contributes a portion of food and firewood, and at night, piles of bonfires are lit in the square, and everyone gathers together.

This year is no exception.

Every year, 80 fires are lit, and there will be a super big fire in the middle, surrounded by small fires, and about 20 or 30 people will form a group.

Every year, the village head will appoint a special person to be responsible for arranging this matter.

For firewood, each family took the initiative to carry two bundles to the square, and someone specially assigned to count them.

There are also special personnel who collect the meat handed in by each family and other foods that can be buried in the fire, such as taro and yam, to be cleaned together, packed in baskets, and distributed according to the fire.

As for the largest pile of bonfires, of course it was the position of the village chief and other elders with status and respect in the village.

There is no regulation on how much food each family should hand in, but in principle it depends on the population size and wealth of each family.

Some families have more, some people have less. If the family is really difficult, just mean it. Some families are generous and rich, and they will give two or three times their share.

For example, the village head’s family produces a lot every year. The year before last, it was a basket of yams, taro, a sheep, and 100 catties of venison; last year, it was a whole deer and half a basket of yams.

There are two such gatherings every year, one before the rainy season and one before winter.

The atmosphere in the whole village suddenly became lively, full of laughter and laughter.

Each family began to invite friends and companions, and agreed that those people should be in a group, and when the number was almost the same, they went to the village head's house to sign up and talk about it.

After all, if there are elders in the family who are not separated, there are usually eleven, twelve or more members in the family. Those with two families with large populations, or those with three or four families with small populations form a group.

Mu Qingli and Mo Yunshen don't care how much food they hand over, anyway, they don't have any shortage, but when they think of joining forces with Mu Zhihong and Mu Zhizhong, let alone two people, plus the two younger ones are full of food. unwilling.

Especially when I think of another time before winter, I am even more unhappy...

In Mu Qingli's words, facing them, let alone something to eat, they will spit out the food overnight.

But Xiao Ya'er and Xiao Luan said that they couldn't eat it at all, and they didn't dare to eat it.

However, they are juniors, and Mo Yunshen has no family here. According to the established rules, they have to be with the elders...

Mu Qingli made a decisive decision, there was nothing she could do, at least she asked a few more powerful people to take care of her, so she found Gao Dashan, A Yuan, and Aunt Tang, and invited them to join.

Gao Dashan and A Yuan don't care, especially A Yuan, who is very happy to be with Mu Qingli and Mo Yunshen, but Aunt Tang is not willing to be with Jiang Shi and Mu Zhihong.

Even if they didn't know each other before, after getting so close to Mu Qingli and the others, they naturally understood a little bit.

Aunt Tang was not very willing to associate with such a person.

But seeing how pitiful Xiao Yaer and Xiao Luan were, she also agreed with a smile.

So, Mu Zhihong and his two brothers, together with Mu Qingli, Gao Dashan and the others, and another small family that Gao Dashan and the others found, formed a group.

For the joining of Gao Dashan and A Yuan, Jiang Shi and Mu Fangping are not very willing, because it is clear that those two belong to the "group" of Mu Qingli's dead girl, and the mother and daughter dare not confront Gao Dashan. How about A Yuan, but he detested them in his heart.

But Mu Zhihong and Mu Zhizhong were very happy to be with them, not because of anything else, because Gao Dashan and Ayuan were skilled in martial arts and were good hunters. It's certainly not a bad thing to have a good relationship with them.

Before Jiang could speak, Mu Qingli spoke first to lure Mu Zhihong into agreeing, and they couldn't say anything more.

By the afternoon of this day, the whole village was boiling with joy.

A lot of meat had to be washed and cut into pieces, and people from every household ran to help. When the sun gradually set, the elderly and children from every household mobilized together and came to the huge square on the west side of the village one after another. There are moving figures and laughter everywhere.

On weekdays, every tenth day is an exchange day in the village.

On this day, if anyone has extra fruits, prey, vegetables, yams and other food that they want to exchange, they can bring them here to set up a stall and exchange goods with others.

As for how to exchange, it depends entirely on the intentions of the two parties to the transaction, and there are no rules.

Of course, forced exchange is prohibited, and if someone reports to the village chief, things will be confiscated.

There are often villagers from the lower village who will come and visit, and people from the upper village will go to them on fixed exchange days in the lower village from time to time.

This large square is all paved with flat stones. I don't know how many years of wind and frost it has experienced. It reveals the vicissitudes and antiquity. The stones have been polished very smooth and flat by the years.

In the middle of the front of the square, there is a locust tree that the ancestors got from somewhere, which means "embracing". As for what is missed? The outside world, of course.

The old locust tree is very old. It is estimated to be more than six meters in diameter and tens of feet high.


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