Seeing Mu Qingli like that, Cui couldn't help rolling her eyes, glanced at Jiang, giggled and smirked, and said with a cheeky smile: "Qingli and Sister-in-law Tang are really close, I don't know if I saw it, and I still think you are mothers." As for the girl, hehehe!"

Mu Qingli thought in her heart that you are so stupid! Shrugging and laughing, "Yes, Second Aunt really thinks so! Actually, I don't care. If Aunt Tang doesn't despise me, I can recognize her as a godmother!"

Aunt Tang laughed, patted her and said with a smile: "Okay, I don't have a daughter, so it would be nice to have a goddaughter! In the future, I will also have someone to talk to and relieve my boredom."

When Cui said this, she wanted to provoke Jiang's sourness, but Mu Qingli took her words in a big way, and when Aunt Tang said that, she was taken aback and smiled bitterly. Laughing, but I don't know what to say.

Unexpectedly, Aunt Tang really thought about it for a moment, and smiled at Mu Zhihong and Jiang Shi: "Brother Zhihong, Sister Jiang, I want to recognize Qingli as a goddaughter, please do it!"

Jiang frowned, full of reluctance, and when she was thinking about how to decline, Mu Zhihong smiled happily: "That's naturally good, but this girl is not sensible, don't be naughty and cause trouble for you!"

"No, no, I like her very much, so it's settled!" Aunt Tang laughed heartily.

Jiang was so depressed that her face turned green, she forced a smile and said: "Let's discuss this matter slowly, it's too hasty to talk about it today."

Cui Shi watched the excitement from the sidelines and smiled.

Mu Qingli curled her lips, looked at Jiang's grievance and said: "Stepmother, I have a godmother, and one more person will love me! Are you unwilling to agree, and not willing to have one more person to love me? Sigh, It's no wonder, who told you that you are not my mother..."

Mo Yunshen trembled slightly, and said silently in his heart: Ma'am, I'm really not used to hearing you act like a spoiled child...

Mu Zhihong's expression changed: "What did you say?"

Mu Qingli shrank behind Aunt Tang in fright, and said weakly: "I'm telling the truth, otherwise, this is a good thing, why don't you agree?"

Jiang was so angry that she wanted to vomit blood, her heart was going crazy, and she had to put on her trademark motherly smile and said softly: "Qing Li, you misunderstood, what I mean is that it's too hasty to settle such a major matter, and I'll talk about it later." Let's discuss slowly..."

"Oh, that's because I misunderstood my stepmother. I will apologize to my stepmother." Mu Qingli said.

"Since it's a misunderstanding, how could I argue with you?" Jiang smiled softly.

Aunt Tang couldn't help laughing and praising: "Look at Qingli, she is so sensible, she corrects her mistakes when she knows her mistakes, she is such a good girl! We are all acquaintances, so I don't care about the tricks. Son! Turn around and pass the ceremony, and it will be done! Sister Jiang, do you think it will work?"

Jiang wanted to vomit blood, but her displeasure couldn't stop her at this moment, so she had to respond with a smile.

Aunt Tang smiled and said yes, Mu Qingli immediately called her godmother and elder brother to come, the other family saw them and smiled and congratulated, Mu Zhihong smiled and agreed, and Jiang Shi had to smile too.

Mu Fangping was so jealous, she gave Mu Qingli an annoyed look, and just opened her mouth to recognize Aunt Tang as a godmother——

Does Mu Qingli not know her true nature? Anyway, she just doesn't want to see her good, and she will grab her own things domineeringly. As for whether she likes it or needs it, it doesn't matter at all.

"Godmother!" Mu Qingli hugged Aunt Tang's arm and said first: "You can only be my godmother, don't be someone else's godmother, okay?"

"Okay!" Aunt Tang said with a smile: "Daughter, one is enough, I can't bear more!"

"Thank you godmother!" Mu Qingli stretched her eyebrows and smiled happily.

Just as Mu Fangping was about to say something, she choked abruptly, almost biting her own tongue, staring at Mu Qingli like a knife.

Mu Qingli winked at her secretly, showing cunning, which made her even more angry.

When the barbecue was just finished, A Yuan came back on time with Xiao Ya'er and Xiao Luan. Xiao Ya'er sat between Aunt Tang and Gao Dashan, while Xiao Luan sat between A Yuan and Mo Yunshen.

Mu Fangping originally saw that the barbecue was almost cooked, and she was eagerly wishing that Xiaoyaer and Xiaoluan would not come back. Seeing them now made her feel even more depressed. She just felt that these three guys were really incompatible. It must be all right!

"Finally you're willing to come back? You're really on time!" Mu Fangping couldn't help ridiculing.

A Yuan scratched his head, glanced at her and said with a silly smile: "It's quite punctual, just in time to eat the head."

Embarrassed, Mu Fangping blushed and blurted out, "I'm not—"

Before the word "Say you" came out, Jiang had already cut the grilled meat into small pieces, put it on a plate, and said to her with a smile, "Eat it while it's hot, and feed your brother some."

Mu Fangping had no choice but to swallow the words in her mouth.

It's better not to say it, it will become darker and darker...

The meat that Mu Qingli and the others received included wild boar, yellow mutton, venison, a rabbit and a pheasant, which were rich in variety and sufficient in quantity.

All of a sudden, everyone's barbecue was cooked, cut into small pieces with stone knives, chatted and laughed lively, men used bowls to hold wine, and occasionally one or two women also drank some. The smell of wine and meat is everywhere, loud talking, laughing, clapping and clapping one after another.

The bonfire is raging, and the flames flicker, reflecting the immature or vicissitudes of the face, everyone is smiling, the wind blows, the shadows shake, and the aroma of wine and meat is intertwined in the air, making people intoxicated.

Everyone was eating, drinking, talking and laughing, and a burst of singing sounded out of nowhere, and everyone couldn't help smiling and looked over.

The singing voice is rough and vigorous, with a consistent voice, the voice is clear and earnest, it is not pleasant, but it is very attractive.

Sounding on such a night and such an occasion makes people open their minds and can't help but feel a little carefree and heroic.

Mu Qingli and Mo Yunshen couldn't help listening for a moment, but they didn't quite understand what was being sung.

Gradually, there were more and more singing voices, and they sounded everywhere. Although the tones are different and the heights are different, the various singing voices come together, and they don't feel that they are inconsistent, but there is a sense of harmony and nature.

I don't know when, the singing voices with different accents and lyrics really come together and become a neat chorus. Amidst the raging fire and the shadows of the people, the singing voice slightly reveals vicissitudes and melancholy.

Mu Qingli and Mo Yunshen could hear the lyrics clearly after listening carefully:

"...lift your feet and look around, always think of my parents, how long will it take to go back to the place where the mountains are thousands of miles high...One spring does not grow two spring grass, one life does not make two generations, the mountains are high and the road is far away, it is difficult to turn back, and it is only a few lifetimes I have to go back to my hometown...the crops in the fields are turning green again, and I think about it in my dreams. When my parents are there, the mountain will form a road, and if my parents are not, the road will become a mountain..."

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