Obviously, she also recognized that this is definitely not someone knocking on the door.

No one knocked on the door with such force, and the dull sound made it even obvious that the two doors were vibrating.

He casually fished out two raincoats from the space, put them on, and ran towards the gate of the courtyard.

Mo Yunshen jumped onto the wall, looked outside, and couldn't help but slightly changed color and exclaimed: "Lady, crocodiles! There are so many crocodiles!"

Mu Qingli was also taken aback, took a deep breath and climbed up the wall lightly, standing side by side with Mo Yunshen on the top of the wall, looking at the dark cloud, there were at least thirty or fifty crocodiles, rubbed her eyes, and was stunned .

These crocodiles all seem to be adults, with a body length of more than four meters and an extremely huge body. According to visual estimation, their weight will not be less than three thousand catties.

It is conceivable that forty or fifty of these behemoths block the door of the house, how spectacular and frightening it is to look at.

Because he has lived in the mud of swamps for many years, the skin on his body has a blue-gray color similar to that of mud, and the pitted skin is ugly. Coupled with this lifeless blue-gray color, it makes people disgusted when they look at it.

At this moment, the leading crocodile bared its teeth, and its rough-skinned, thick-skinned head slammed against the door forcefully, with a muffled "Boom!"

Mu Qingli frowned.

"It can't go on like this," Mo Yunshen retracted his gaze, and said to Mu Qingli: "No matter how strong this door is, it is impossible to withstand so many vicious guys. If they continue to hit it, they will hit it sooner or later." fall down."

If these guys rushed into the yard, with their huge size and strength, they might be able to knock down the house.

Crashing down a house is no fun in a rainy season like this.

"There's no other way but to beat them all down!" Mu Qingli cracked the knuckles in her hands.

Mo Yun took a deep look at her slender and white hands. Although he knew that these hands possessed infinite power, he looked at the crocodiles like black old bark and imagined her fists hitting them down. It hurts for her.

"Although it won't be easy to get rid of, but there seems to be no other good way right now!" Mo Yun smiled deeply, and finally couldn't help saying: "Isn't the big lizard skin we got last time made into gloves? The lady wears gloves." Wear gloves to protect your hands, don't be too straightforward!"

Mu Qingli "Puchi!" smiled, took out gloves from the space, put them on, and threw a pair to Mo Yunshen by the way.

He took out the machete, took off the raincoat and threw it in the yard, nodded and smiled at Mo Yunshen: "Let's go!"

Mo Yun smiled deeply, and suddenly raised his hand to gently wrap around her waist, tapped his toes, and leaped with lightness kung fu, landing firmly on the ground.

The crocodiles didn't expect someone to fall from the sky for no reason, they subconsciously leaned back half a step, their eyes widened like light bulbs, and stared at them coldly.

It was raining heavily, and in the rain, the two confronted a large group of crocodiles.

"What are you waiting for? Kill!" Mu Qingli yelled, leaped forward, raised her fist and smashed a crocodile on the forehead.

The crocodile was hit by her fist and roared in pain. It couldn't help but backed up more than a dozen steps, and the crocodile behind it was dodged one after another.

However, it is not dead.

It survived Mu Qingli's punch.

On the contrary, Mu Qingli's fist hurt slightly, and she couldn't help shaking her hand, rubbing her fist, and said to Mo Yunshen, "These guys have such rough skin! You have to be careful."

Mo Yunshen's heart sank slightly, nodded and said: "You too!" Glancing at the crocodiles, he said again: "Shoot their eyes! Watch out for those teeth!"

"Haha, good!" Mu Qingli smiled boldly, raised her eyebrows, and was about to rush forward, when the big crocodile that had been punched by her raised its round blue eyes and glared at her viciously, showing a sharp mouth. Grinding his teeth, he opened his mouth and roared, flicked his long tail, and rushed towards her.

Mu Qingli sneered, turned her body lightly and jumped to the side to dodge, the crocodile jumped into the air, turned around quickly, and rushed towards her again with bared teeth.

At the same time, two other crocodiles near her also rushed towards her.

Mu Qingli was caught off guard for a moment, so she had to keep dodging.

At this time, Mo Yunshen had already started to fight the crocodiles, and the soft sword in his hand flew like a flower, bringing up the afterimage of the snow-white sword light, and for a while forced the crocodiles to take two steps back.

"My lady, lure them away before you do anything!" Mo Yunshen performed his lightness kung fu, pointing his toes on the backs of the huge monsters and skimming like swallows, heading towards the big swamp.

"Okay!" Mu Qingli immediately understood what he meant.

In any case, the two of them are going to start a killing spree later, but if these behemoths go crazy, the force is definitely not small, don't stay far away from your own yard, in case they smash the yard wall with their tails Injustice?

Mu Qingli finally understood, no wonder no one in the village built houses on the edge of the village, there would be troubles.

The two punched and stomped on these crocodiles, easily angering the irritable guys. The crocodiles turned around one after another, bared their dark white teeth, and chased after them. .

Despite their huge bodies, they are not clumsy at all, on the contrary, they are quite agile.

It quickly overtook them.

The two stopped at a place far enough away from their own yard, staring coldly at the approaching big guys.

Mu Qingli also held a weapon in her hand - a machete.

With a shout, the two of them leaned forward and attacked a crocodile respectively, taking each other's eyes.

The two of them used their speed to the extreme, and the sword flashed before them.

Perhaps these crocodiles, as the tyrants in the swamp, have never been attacked like this before. Although they moved sensitively, they couldn't avoid it for a while, only heard two "poof, poof!" The weapons in their hands were inserted into the crocodile's eyes quickly, accurately and hatefully.

This time, the hornet's nest was stabbed, and the two crocodiles ate the pain, opened their bloody mouths and screamed "Woooooooooo", their huge bodies were writhing, their huge tails were flapping, their eyes were dripping with blood, and their eyes were cold. The cold glow was fierce and gloomy, and a gust of wind was blown up, recklessly counterattacking at the two of them.

Stimulated by them, the crocodiles all moved for a moment, bared their teeth and opened their mouths, their sharp white teeth shining brightly, attacking in groups...

"Damn! These bastards!" Dozens of crocodiles moved at the same time, rushing from all directions, even Mu Qingli and Mo Yunshenyi were so bold that they were forced to panic for a while!

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