Mu Qingli jumped, landed firmly on its wide back, rode on its back, and punched it like raindrops with its fists.

The crocodile roared in anger, swung its body frantically, trying to throw Mu Qingli off and tear it into pieces.

But since Mu Qingli is already riding on it, how can she be thrown off so easily? She bowed her body, pressed the crocodile, fist "嘭嘭" fell, and the crocodile faintly turned, and she shook her tail crazy.

But no matter how hard it tried, Mu Qingli shook the flat boat on the sea in the storm, and it didn't shake it from the beginning to the end!

"Smelly guy, are you still so arrogant when you're alone? Will you be afraid of grandma if you fight one-on-one?" Mu Qingli raised her eyebrows, and after a few more punches, the crocodile's shaking speed finally slowed down, its body froze, and it let out a cry Screaming and wailing.

Mu Qingli's spirit was greatly lifted, and her fists fell like raindrops without hesitation.

It is necessary to kill you while you are sick, and she will never soften her heart just because this crocodile shows defeat.

If instead, she and Mo Yunshen fell into their hands, they would have been torn into pieces long ago, and they would never soften their hearts.

"Qing, Qingli!"

"Ah! My God!"

Two men's voices trembled in shock, and Mu Qingli and Mo Yunshen turned their heads to look, only to see Gao Dashan and A Yuan coming at some time.

Obviously, Mu Qingli's fierce behavior scared the two of them to death!

The two opened their eyes wide, one with their mouths slightly open, and the other with their mouths wide open, as if they had been pinned down and acupointed, they just stood there, staring stupidly at the tough scene in front of them.

Mu Qingli waved her fist and nodded at them with a smile, "Brother Gao, A Yuan! I'll talk to you guys after I clean up this beast!"

Mo Yun touched his nose deeply and smiled wryly, put away the soft sword in his hand and walked towards Gao Dashan and A Yuan.

He is helpless to have such a tough lady!

"Oh my God! My God!" A Yuan snapped back to his senses, so excited that it was indescribable and incomparable, he grabbed Mo Yunshen's arm and pointed at Mu Qingli, and shouted with bright eyes: "Brother Mo, Brother Mo! I read that right, am I dreaming? That is Qingli, is it really Qingli! My God, how did she become so powerful! My God!"

Mo Yunshen: "..."

Gao Dashan coughed lightly, frowned, and said, "How are you? Are you not injured? I didn't expect those crocodiles to come ashore! These guys are so powerful, breaking doors and walls is nothing to them, you have to be careful .”

Mo Yunshen smiled and nodded: "We will make up our minds. Speaking of which, it's the first time I have encountered these big guys today. I don't know if they will come again."

At this time, the purely one-sided killing between Mu Qingli and the crocodile finally came to an end. At this time, the violent crocodile was lying on the ground like a puppy, and let out a weak scream. Is there a trace of the ferocity and violence of before?

Taking a deep breath and punching it hard, the crocodile froze and let out a low scream, raised its tail high and hit the ground with a "boom!", and finally died of exhaustion.

Mu Qingli clapped her hands and jumped off it, and said with a smile, "How did Brother Gao and A Yuan come here? What a coincidence!"

Gao Dashan said with a smile: "Come here to see how you are doing and if there is anything you need to help with. But it seems that we are relieved at the moment. Go back and tell my mother so that she can rest assured!"

Gao Dashan couldn't help raising his eyes to look at Mu Qingli, and his gaze passed over her pair of white and small hands, perhaps because they were slightly red at the moment because they had used a lot of force just now.

Gao Dashan felt a little hairy for no reason, this guy is really - too scary...

A Yuan couldn't wait to run towards the big crocodile, and turned around in a circle, tsk-tsk while turning, surprised, sighed and praised.

Mu Qingli smiled and said: "We're fine. We planned to invite the godmother to come over with you for dinner in two days. Brother Gao, go back and tell the godmother, oh, the day after tomorrow! When you come over directly, we won't go called."

"Okay!" Gao Dashan smiled and nodded.

Looking at the dead crocodile, even Gao Dashan couldn't help admiring: "Qingli, you are really amazing now!"

"Yeah, it's better than me. Anyway, I'm not capable of killing a crocodile. The crocodile in the swamp is amazing! Brother Mo," A Yuan also ran over, praising and sighing again and again, but with staring eyes Looking at Mo Yunshen with infinite admiration: "Brother Mo taught Qingli, right? Brother Mo, you are really amazing! You can teach me sometime!"

Mu Qingli: "..."

Mo Yunshen: "..."

Gao Dashan is not as neurotic as A Yuan. This time and the second time, he seemed to have vaguely understood something in his heart. Seeing that the couple were so admired by A Yuan that he was speechless, he couldn't help laughing secretly, and put A Yuan together. La coughed and laughed: "Okay, don't make trouble. We will help you skin the crocodile, and then you should go home quickly. Don't get sick in such heavy rain!"

Mu Qingli smiled, turned her head and pointed in the direction of the Great Swamp: "Uh, well, I also wanted to ask Brother Gao and A Yuan for help. There are still several crocodiles that need to be skinned over there!"

Gao Dashan was taken aback, and said in surprise, "How many crocodiles have you encountered?"

Mo Yun smiled bitterly and said: "Forty or fifty, they are surrounding our house and knocking on the door. Qingli and I had no choice but to come out to expel them, and then a fight broke out! Eleven or twelve were killed, and the others ran away. .”

Gao Dashan and A Yuan gasped: "..."

When they turned back and saw the crocodile corpses lying all over the ground, Gao Dashan and A Yuan couldn't even express their admiration and surprise.

At this time, silence is better than sound, don't say anything, let's help work!

The four of them worked together to quickly peel off the skin of the crocodile.

Gao Dashan suddenly burst out laughing, and Mu Qingli and the others looked at him.

Gao Dashan looked at Mu Qingli and Mo Yunshen with sincere and warm eyes, and said sincerely: "Brother Mo, Qingli, you are the well-deserved number one warrior. With you joining, I believe we will be able to find a way out , definitely can! Promise me, don’t give up! If even you all give up, maybe no one will ever be able to get out!”

Mu Qingli and Mo Yunshen felt hot, "Brother Gao, don't worry, we won't give up!"

Gao Dashan smiled gratefully and hugged them.

After peeling off all the crocodile skins, Mu Qingli also took away the gallbladder, liver, and heart. These all have very good medicinal effects, and they may be useful one day if they are kept.

In fact, the taste of crocodile meat is quite delicious and tender, but the appearance of crocodiles is really disgusting and unpleasant, so not many people are willing to eat their meat.

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