All the crocodiles became frantic for a moment, and suddenly increased their speed, chasing and beating the two of them.

The two retreated hastily, leading the crocodiles towards the trap hole.

A Yuan was too nervous, if Mo Yunshen hadn't reminded him in time, he would have almost run into the trap, and almost broke out in a cold sweat when he came back to his senses!

The crocodiles rushed in like a tide, and their huge bodies stepped on the thin bark and branches covering the trap. With the sound of "click, click!", the leading crocodiles fell down together When they fell, the sharp bamboo sticks pierced their abdomens, and there were screams in an instant. The first crocodiles were either dead or disabled, and more than a dozen of them were wiped out in a blink of an eye.

However, it can only kill a dozen heads and slightly injure a dozen heads.

Because their bodies are huge, the dozen or so that fell first covered the entire bottom of the pit, and the others fell down again, although they were frightened, they could not cause actual damage.

Instead, a steady stream of crocodiles surged up and fell from behind, crushing the ones below them so that they could not move.

All of a sudden, the pit was extremely lively. Those who were pressed down screamed and struggled with their tails flicking. Can't get out.

In a blink of an eye, the entire pit was full.

Mo Yunshen shouted: "Where's the powder? Hurry up and sprinkle it! Light the fire! Trip the horse Sola, prepare the bow and arrow!"

The villagers, who were a little foolishly frightened by the dense flood, suddenly regained their senses and took action together.

Those in charge of spreading the medicine hurriedly sprinkled the crocodiles one by one, and those in charge of lighting the fire took out the wrapped turpentine and thin wood chips soaked in camphor oil, lit them, and threw them into the big pit.

Fortunately, the rain was not heavy today, and the drizzle was not so easy to extinguish the burning fireball. The crocodiles in the pit were burned by the fireball and smoked by the turpentine camphor oil. They all screamed and roared.

The huge tail flicked, no matter whether it would hurt other crocodiles, a scene of cannibalism was staged.

The scene in the pit is so tragic that no one dares to approach it.

Gao Dashan saw this, and the strong villagers lifted up stones and smashed them, counting as many as they could hit, and adding chaos to them.

And on the ground, the fighting started likewise in full swing.

The tripping rope was pulled hard, and the half-buried small bows and crossbows were fired together. The crocodiles were confused and screamed, and many were injured.

Because the small crossbows are half-buried in the soil, when they are fired, they stick to the ground and aim at the relatively soft abdomen of the crocodiles. Almost every small crossbow is not wasted, piercing into the crocodiles Under the skin and flesh, the crocodiles screamed again and again.

Because of being staggered by the horse rope, his body was staggering, and a corner of his soft abdomen was exposed. Gao Dashan led the crowd to shoot arrows with bows, and the arrows rained like locusts, causing a lot of damage to the crocodiles.

After a wave of arrow rain passed, there were more than a dozen corpses of crocodiles in the field.

The crocodiles were irritated, roared upwards, and rushed towards the stone walls piled up on both sides.

"No! Hurry up and throw stones! Hurry up and shoot arrows!" The villagers were startled when they saw this, and shouted one after another. For a while, they shot arrows desperately, and desperately picked up the stones in front of them and smashed them hard.

"Don't panic! Shoot arrows at the mouth and eyes, and throw stones at the head and nose! They are drugged and move slowly. Even if they can't be beaten, everyone will not be unable to escape!" Mo Yunshen shouted loudly.

He shot out the stones in his hand, aiming at the eyes of the crocodiles, and soon blinded several heads, and the blinded ones ran wild for a while, which hindered the speed of the crocodiles.

Gao Dashan's arrows were precise, and the arrows aimed at them, which also injured many crocodiles.

Under the leadership of the two of them, the villagers saw that Zhao Xiaobai, A Yuan, etc. were very calm, and gradually calmed down, and the stones or bows and arrows in their hands could be aimed more accurately.

There are also big tortoises, blocking the crocodiles' back path in a high-spirited way, and pawing at one of the crocodiles, killing three big crocodiles with the strength of one tortoise.

All the crocodiles also found out that it was such a ferocious opponent, and several of them rushed towards it with their bloody mouths wide open. The two sides fought fiercely without giving in.

The blood of the villagers is boiling with enthusiasm. Although the crocodiles have rough skin and thick flesh, it will still hurt if the big stones weighing more than ten catties are smashed down hard.

The rocks fell like rain one after another, making them dizzy and slow in their movements, and in such a slow time, sharp bamboo arrows came through the air with a strong wind, aiming more accurately, and stabbing them hard soft spot next to the eyes or nose. Some arrows even pierced their mouths, causing them to writhe in pain, flicking their tails and slapping the ground frantically.

Gradually, there were more and more crocodile corpses. The rain washed the ground with a faint red color, and the stone walls that had been piled up were also dismantled, and the stones used as weapons were almost exhausted.

But at this time, all the crocodiles approached, opening their jaws wide open, and they could knock down a person with just one more pounce.

"Not good! The crocodile is coming!"


"A group of three, everyone, don't panic, don't get confused! The spearman stepped forward, and the archer stepped back to aim!"

Mo Yun let out a deep cry, stabbed out with the long sword in his hand, and killed a badly injured crocodile instantly.

Seeing this, the villagers cheered up, and fought bloody with the crocodiles with spears in their hands. For a time, the venue was extremely lively.

At this time, more than half of the crocodiles had been killed or injured, and the remaining fifty or sixty were also injured in varying degrees of severity, and were also affected by intoxicating drugs, so their movements were indeed much slower—maybe the villagers didn’t feel much, but Mo Yunshen, Gao Dashan and others who have fought against crocodiles know very well that the movements of these crocodiles have indeed become much slower, otherwise the villagers would have no way of resisting them!

Even so, it is still very hard and dangerous for the villagers to deal with them.

Someone was swept by the tail of the big crocodile, and immediately rolled out with a scream of pain, and could only reluctantly get up and leave the battlefield.

Mo Yunshen, Gao Dashan, A Yuan, Zhou Dali, Zhao Xiaobai and others stood in different positions, looked around, and stepped forward to help out when they saw a critical situation.

With their support and relief, the advantages and disadvantages will be reversed immediately.

With them on the sidelines, the hearts of the villagers gradually calmed down, shouting and screaming, and fighting became more valiant and fierce for a while.

The whole venue turned into a Shura field.

On the other side of the big pit, the surrounding area was also full of villagers, shouting and yelling that the spears in their hands were poking down like raindrops, and the crocodiles who fell into the pit had no chance to escape and were all wiped out.

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