"It's one thing for Yunshen and Qingli to be filial to us as parents, but it's another thing for us to take our share! Is it too much for the second brother to do this?"

Mrs. Cui smiled and said: "Oh, sister-in-law, you are so stingy! Why did the eldest brother of your Jiang family come to your house every three days to get things, but he didn't see what he said. My man is not the brother of the elder brother. It’s all about half a crocodile, and my sister-in-law is so talkative? My sister-in-law thinks we only get close to my mother’s family, so she wants to get closer, right?”

As Cui said, she glanced maliciously at Mu Fangping and winked.

"Second brother and sister, what are you talking about! Can you say that in front of children?" Jiang was a little embarrassed.

But Mu Zhizhong caught Cui's words and said arrogantly to his brother: "Brother, I'm your real brother!"

Jiang's face was sullen, and it was hard to say anything else. Cui's woman is a piece of hob meat, God knows what ugly things she will say later if you talk to her again?

"Okay, you guys take it!" Mu Zhihong finally nodded, and it was true, Jiang Feng ran home all day to get food, and his younger brother wanted half a crocodile that was not included in the income plan, so what is there to argue about? of? He hasn't asked himself for anything throughout the year.

"Thank you, big brother!" Mu Zhizhong chuckled, and suddenly said with a smile: "I don't know if big brother knows, but this time Yun Shen has done a great job, showing his face in front of Village Chief Zhao, and there will be many benefits in the future Let’s go! Sigh, I don’t know if the eldest brother and sister-in-law have the ability to enjoy the blessings! I hope that the eldest brother and sister-in-law can enjoy the blessings, you eat meat and I drink soup!”

Cui smiled and said: "Brother and sister-in-law have always taken good care of us, why would they let us drink soup when they eat meat? Surely we have meat too! Right, brother and sister-in-law?"

"Ah, yes, yes, I believe this, hehe!" Mu Zhizhong nodded repeatedly.

Jiang glanced at them in disgust, and turned back with Mu Zhihong.

"Damn girl, I really forgot about my father. If there is no father, where would she be today! This unfilial daughter, hateful village chief Zhao is also a fool, and still protects her." Mu Zhihong was very annoyed when he returned home. .

Mu Fangping also pouted, full of jealousy and unwillingness.

Rainy days are boring and boring. Of course, a little girl like her can't stay at home and be bored every day. Of course, she will go to other houses to rush to other houses. A few little girls sit together and chat, and do some housework by the way.

The hottest topic recently is of course the crocodile.

The girls discussed and talked about Mo Yunshen and Gao Dashan the most.

The audience praised Mo Yunshen, especially when it was mentioned that Mo Yunshen was Mu Fangping's brother-in-law, they all looked at her enviously, and when they said she was blessed, Mu Fangping's stomach was full of bitterness.

What luck does she have? She had to think sourly, their family didn't take advantage of her brother-in-law at all, and if she really wanted to say "blessing", it was also Mu Qingli's damn girl.

Jiang Shi felt upset, so she said, "Forget it, let's talk about it after the rainy season! Since she is so heartless, we won't take advantage of her, call Xiao Ya'er and Xiao Luan back, we don't have to rely on them."

Mu Zhihong felt that it was not easy for Jiang Shi: "They are all like that, and you would rather suffer a loss than take advantage of them. Alas, why don't they feel blushing!"

Jiang shi also sighed a few words, but she had already made up her mind secretly.

Of the three big crocodiles, Mu Qingli and Mo Yunshen only peeled off the skin, took all kinds of guts and hearts that can be used as medicine, and fed the rest of the meat to the big turtle.

The big tortoise eats meat and vegetables with gusto.

After waiting for a whole day and not seeing anyone coming from Mu Zhihong, Mu Qingli rubbed her forehead and wondered, "It's true that the sun is coming out from the west, didn't the scumbags come over to make a fuss?"

Mo Yun couldn't help but laugh when he heard it deeply, and said with a smile: "Are you not used to them not coming?"

"No," Mu Qingli gave him a white look, and said, "If something goes wrong, there must be a monster. They don't look like people who don't take advantage of it. I'm afraid I'm holding back some bad ideas!"

Mo Yun thought deeply about what she said was reasonable, so he smiled and said, "There's no need to worry, I just know that ten more of them will not be my wife's match."

Mu Qingli laughed.

This is true, if she doesn't buy it, it's useless if the Heavenly King and Lao Tzu come.

Sure enough, the village calmed down, and no crocodiles came to the village to show off their power.

The patrol was on duty for three days and there was no movement or abnormality, so Village Chief Zhao announced that the patrol would be canceled from this day onwards.

If the patrol continued like this, the villagers would be overwhelmed.

After all, not everyone has such good physical fitness as Mu Qingli and Mo Yunshen, and does not have as many medicines as Mu Qingli. Because of the crocodile incident, many people have contracted cold and fell ill.

Fortunately, Granny Gao's medicine is also powerful. After taking the medicine, everyone can basically recover, and there is no tragedy of death due to wind, cold and fever.

According to Mu Qingli, this is still related to the local water. Water nourishes people!

After the crocodile incident, it rained for another ten days, and it gradually stopped when everyone was about to lose patience. First it fell intermittently, and then it was cloudy for a while, and it lasted for three or four days. This morning, the sun finally tore through the clouds and revealed its face, shining the sun for thousands of miles.

This year's rainy season is exceptionally long, seven or eight days longer than before.

However, as soon as the sun came out and the sky cleared, not many people noticed this.

Only Village Chief Zhao sighed and worried: This is not a good omen, it means that the climate has changed... But I can't see anything right now, let's see what happens next year! If next year's rainy season also gets longer, it's really not a good sign!

The whole village immediately burst into cheers, the shouts shook the sky, the children cheered all over the village, and the adults also came out of the house, talking, laughing, and discussing with each other, as if they were beaming in the New Year.

After a long rainy season that made people almost moldy, no one is not happy when the sun is seen again.

It was as if the heart had brightened for a moment.

In the next few days, everyone was busy checking their roofs, walls, doors, windows, foundations, etc. to see if they needed repairs.

Move all kinds of furniture, clothes, leather, etc. to the yard to dry to drive away the musty smell.

Mu Qingli's family is no exception.

The tarpaulins covering the peach trees by the pond were also removed, allowing the peach trees to see the sun again.

In other words, if the tarpaulin is not used to cover it, I am afraid that there will be few peaches left on the tree.

Even so, a lot of peaches and leaves have fallen from the tree, and it would be nice to have half of them left.

There are also other flowers and trees planted by the pond, the ones whose leaves fall the same are miserable.

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