Domineering Peasant Girl is Not Easy To Mess With

Chapter 176 Mother and Daughter Provocation

"Since Dad is so angry when he sees me, why don't I go back to my sister and brother-in-law! Don't make Dad unhappy!" Standing not far away, Xiao Luan's voice was a little cold, but also a little mocking.

"Dreaming!" Mu Zhihong glared at him and sneered, "Tomorrow, I will wake up early, sweep the floor, chop firewood, light the fire, and clean the house. I will feed you for nothing!"

Xiaoluan glanced at him, and went straight back to the room where he lived before.

After entering the room, he immediately frowned - before the three of them shared a room with two beds, he slept in one, and Xiao Ya'er and eldest sister slept in one.

But now, let alone a lot of things piled up in a mess in the room, there are also a lot of things piled up in a mess on the two beds.

Couldn't sleep at all.

Xiaoluan thought for a while, then went out and knocked on Mrs. Jiang's door: "Mother, where should I sleep at night?"

Jiang said coldly: "How long has it been since you came back? You can't even find your own room?"

Mu Zhihong was even more direct, scolding: "Get out!"

Xiao Luan turned cold, turned his head and went back to the room, but unpacked all the bundles on the bed, finally found the cover of the bed, made it himself, and fell asleep like this.

Of course, here, he didn't dare to sleep peacefully at night. Mrs. Jiang is not a good person, and Mu Fangping is not a good person.

Who knows if these two will do something dark.

As for the confused father, he wouldn't do anything when he was not provoked by the mother and daughter to lose his temper and get angry.

However, who knows? Even though Xiaoluan was young, Jiang's methods had already made her feel chills.

She has always been like this, one side is human and the other side is ghost.

It was already dawn when he opened his eyes, Xiao Luan rubbed his eyes and got up from the bed, opened the door, walked out, left the yard, and went back to his sister and brother-in-law's house.

He's not that stupid, he got up seriously to do housework for the family and boil face water.

As soon as there was a knock on the door, Xiao Ya'er rushed over to open the door. Seeing that it was really him, she was overjoyed, and hurriedly pulled him in, checking him nervously: "Are you okay? Have you been beaten?"

Xiao Luan laughed, scratched his head and said, "No, Second Sister!"

"That's good!" Xiao Ya'er felt a little guilty, she was the older sister, and she should have gone back. Who knows but let the younger brother suffer.

"I'm fine, Second Sister, Eldest Sister is right, I'm a man, I should do this kind of suffering!"

"I'll cook something delicious for you!" Xiao Ya'er smiled, beckoned him to wash his face, and turned back to the kitchen to cook.

Mu Qingli and Mo Yunshen also got up, instructed him to perform a set of punches in the yard, and praised him a lot.

Let's talk about Jiang's family, originally Jiang didn't get up too late in the morning, but this morning, he purposely got up half an hour late, so he woke up gently.

Naturally, Mu Tianbao hadn't woken up yet, and if he didn't sleep until the sun was high, he would never get up.

When Mu Fangping heard her mother get up, she got up too.

The mother and daughter looked inside and outside the house, and it was deserted, no one was boiling face water, and there was no one in Xiaoluan.

"Where is Xiaoluan? Mother, why is Xiaoluan missing!" Mu Fangping cried out in surprise and anxiety.

Mrs. Jiang immediately said: "Oh, don't let anything happen! Quickly search inside and outside the house, and if you can't find anyone, go to the village to search again!"

When Mu Zhihong heard the conversation between the mother and daughter, he couldn't help being filled with anger. Last night he clearly asked him to get up this morning to light the fire and sweep the floor to clean the house, but how about that brat? There was no one in sight!

"What are you looking for? Let him die outside!" Mu Zhihong sneered.

Everyone doesn't pay attention to him as a father, so if you say you don't see him, you will disappear? What were his orders last night?

It's better for Mrs. Jiang, and I'm still worried about that brat!

Mu Fangping's heart moved, and she said: "Father, Xiaoluan could be——go to the elder sister and brother-in-law's house again?"

"No way!" Jiang said with a smile: "I don't think that child is so ignorant, they have already returned, how can they trouble them?"

As the mother and daughter sang together, Mu Zhihong became even angrier, and said with a sneer, "I think it's probably gone, Fangping, go and bring him back to me!"

"Okay, Dad!" Mu Fangping was eager for the sound, turned around and ran out.

Mrs. Jiang hurriedly laughed again: "Oh, it's all my fault. Last night I put Tianbao to sleep a little late, and I woke up late this morning too! Just wait, I'll start a fire and cook."

Mu Zhihong was filled with guilt, and couldn't help but gritted his teeth, "Thank you for your hard work, you son of a bitch, no one can rest easy!"

Besides, Mu Fangping hurried to Mu Qingli's house, Mu Qingli opened the yard door, and didn't even let her in, and said lazily, "What's the matter?"

Mu Fangping suddenly became angry. She hated Mu Qingli's appearance the most, and she felt angry when she saw her.

"I'm here to find Xiaoluan, it was my father who asked me to come!" Mu Fangping snorted.

Mu Qingli raised her eyebrows: "When did Dad change his career to learn fortune telling? Didn't Xiaoluan go back? Did you come to the wrong place?"

"He's not at home, so he must have come here! Dad is looking for him, let him go back with me!" Mu Fangping choked with anger.

"You didn't understand me when I said he wasn't here?" Mu Qingli still looked lazy.

"Hmph, I don't believe it!"

"what ever!"

"You—" Mu Fangping said angrily, "I want to go in and look for it."

"No. This is my house, what are you looking for!" Mu Qingli naturally wouldn't let her in.

Mu Fangping suddenly became angry, but Mu Qingli didn't let her in, she had no choice but to go back in resentment.

Mu Zhihong was even more furious when he went home to complain. He said with a sneer, "If he doesn't come back, since he won't come back today, don't eat at home anymore! Don't do his part."

"Isn't that bad? How do you say—"

Before Jiang's hypocritical words were finished, Mu Zhihong waved his hand and sneered: "That's it! I'm not using my food to feed white-eyed wolves."

Jiang forced a smile and said: "That child is a bit wild, too stubborn, maybe his temper will change after two days of lessons, that's good..."

Mu Fangping was triumphant, her own food should not be given to that little bastard, does he deserve it?

So breakfast was prepared, and after the family had eaten, Mu Zhihong went out to work. Mrs. Jiang ordered Mu Fangping, "Go look for that little bastard everywhere in the village!"

"Mom! Why are you looking for him? No!" Mu Fangping curled her lips, full of displeasure.

"You say that..." Jiang smiled kindly, but her eyes were vicious.

Mu Fangping's eyes lit up, she nodded and said with a smile, "Okay, okay, mother is smart, hehe!" After finishing speaking, she ran out.

Mu Fangping searched for Xiaoluan everywhere in the village, and when she saw someone, she asked if she saw him? In words, he said that he went home yesterday, and he had an awkward fight with Tianbao's younger brother. He ran out of the yard this morning when he got up this morning, and he hasn't eaten yet...

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