As for whether to send food in the future, how to send it, and what to send it, we will talk about it at that time.

How could Mu Qingli not know her plan? She didn't want to bother with her anymore.

Not to mention that it is absolutely impossible for Mrs. Jiang to honestly send food over there. Even if she did, it would definitely not be a good thing, and her family would not be able to eat it.

She said beautiful things today, but let her be a virtuous person in vain.

"Why is it so troublesome? You don't dare to accept it if you want to give it to me, otherwise I will be disobedient and unfilial! How about it, don't ask for the dowry of the two wild boars!" Mu Qingli said lightly.

Jiang Shi was so angry that she wanted to vomit blood, and tremblingly said: "This, this is not good——"

"Once and for all, I think it's very good! I don't care about taking some losses!" Mu Qingli said firmly: "Who said you are parents!"

Mu Zhihong's family turned pale with embarrassment, unable to move up and down in one breath--damn girl!

Village Chief Zhao smiled secretly, thinking that this girl Qingli is getting more and more powerful, and she can't be messed with more and more.

Seeing that they were feigningly arguing, she nodded and said with a sullen face, "That's it. As a child, it's not worth suffering a little bit. Besides, she beat up a bit too much today, and she deserves to suffer. "

Everyone nodded and praised Village Chief Zhao for being very fair.

Mu Qingli also nodded quickly, as if she was being educated, and said that she would definitely raise her younger siblings well and never let them be wronged!

Mu Zhihong and Jiang Shi are so angry, who suffers? Where did the damn girl suffer? Obviously they are the ones who are at a loss, okay!

"Okay, okay, the matter has been settled, everyone should disperse and go home!" Village Chief Zhao waved to everyone.

The crowd was chattering, and groups of three and four began to disperse.

I've finished watching the excitement, now that Mu Zhihong and Jiang's family is in such a mess, they should clean up, why should I stay here to add to the chaos?

"Hey, I can't leave like this!" Cui suddenly yelled, and angrily said to Village Chief Zhao: "This damn girl pushed me just now, Village Chief, she has no rules with her elders, shouldn't she be punished?"

Village head Zhao couldn't help frowning, what happened to one or two members of the Mu family? Catching a motherless child and bullying it vigorously?

Mu Qingli is not even afraid of Jiang's wonderful white lotus, so how can she put Cui's clown in her eyes?

He said: "You are blocking my way, I will push you away, can't I?"

"That was kind of me, I can't see you smashing your own parents' house!"

"Good intentions? You don't know what happened and intervened for no reason. This is self-righteous! My parents didn't say anything. It seems that second aunt doesn't need kindness, right?"

"Hey you—"

Mu Qingli sneered: "If it was your son she pushed to resist the crocodile, would you still be kind? I'm afraid you would have rushed to fight her desperately!"

Ignoring Mrs. Cui any more, Mu Qingli nodded to the village chief and said goodbye, and led Xiaoluan away.

She still hasn't forgotten to drag the crocodile that was dragged over, without leaving them a single tooth.

"It's all over!" Village head Zhao ignored Cui's obvious provocation, and led his family away. Everyone coaxed them to leave this time.

Mrs. Cui was so bored, she glanced at Mu Zhihong and Mrs. Jiang and muttered: "Cut, what village head, this kind of heart is really out of bounds! Brother and sister-in-law, you are really pitiful, alas, you have raised a White-eyed wolf! This house has become like this, what can I do..."

Mu Zhihong and Jiang's complexions suddenly became even more difficult.

And Cui, who successfully sprinkled salt on their wounds, clapped his hands and turned to leave.

"Father, mother! Is this really the end of the matter?" Looking at the messy home, Mu Fangping bit her lip.

"Hmph!" Mu Zhihong snorted coldly.

Jiang wiped away her tears, and said pitifully and guiltily to Mu Zhihong, "It's all my fault, it's all my fault! I didn't think about it clearly at the time. But Tianbao is still young, I There's nothing I can do, woo woo woo... If I'm really such a vicious person, can I live till now..."

For Mu Zhihong, Mu Tianbao is of course much more important than Xiaoluan.

As soon as Jiang came back with Xiaoluan in her arms, she couldn't wait to cry to Mu Zhihong who had just returned home about the matter, and she wanted to win his support first.

Of course, what came out of her mouth would not be the truth.

She just needs to convince Mu Zhihong that if she didn't push Xiaoluan out at that time, Mu Tianbao would definitely die, and Xiaoluan has learned martial arts, so nothing will happen in a hurry.

In fact, of course Mu Zhihong would believe her.

When she heard that Mu Tianbao had an accident, she was terrified, and coaxed her with her sweetheart. As for Xiaoluan, she heard that Jiang said he was fine, so she didn't care.

Unexpectedly, while the whole family was talking, Mu Qingli called the door...

Hearing Jiang Shi's words at this time, Mu Zhihong blamed Mu Qingli even more: Isn't that damn kid alive and kicking? Since nothing happened, it was a false alarm. What else is there to say? Are you running into the house like a bandit to make trouble?

Not to mention making trouble, but also ruining the reputation of parents, it is an unforgivable crime!

"That damn girl, just wait and see! One day I will deal with her!" Mu Zhihong was so angry that he could only utter a few harsh words, at least for now, he has nothing to do with her.

Jiang wiped her tears and said softly: "What are you still talking about now? In the end, it's my fault... Forget it, let's clean up the house first, alas, otherwise there will be no cooking and no place to stay overnight gone."

The whole family trembled, and hurried into the house to have a look.

Mu Fangping rushed back to her room and saw that there was not a single piece of furniture in the bedroom, the bed was overturned, the wardrobe and the door were separated and fell to the ground, the clothes fell all over the floor, and two legs of the table were broken. The stool barely crumbled to pieces...

"Ah! This bitch!" Mu Fangping screamed frantically.

Mu Zhihong and Jiang Shi's bedroom was not much better either, they were also so angry that they almost fainted.

None of the furniture in this room is usable.

The bed could barely last a few nights when it was straightened up, but two pieces of the bed board were broken and had to be replaced, and the legs of the bed were also broken and kept breaking, so they had to be supported with sticks...

As for the kitchen, the pottery shards all over the floor were even more appalling.

Mu Tianbao was frightened, and cried again, and fell asleep at this time.

Mrs. Jiang carefully put him on a chair and fell asleep. The family of three began to tidy up the house, scolding while tidying up.

The next day I had to go to a carpenter, buy pots and pans, and rebuild the stove by the way.

As for dinner, it was definitely impossible to cook at home, so I went to Mu Zhizhong's house to borrow the kitchen to cook.

Mrs. Cui is the most naughty person, how can she not take advantage of the benefits delivered to her door? Inevitably, some of Jiang's food was stolen. Jiang was angry and hated, so she had to bear it.

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