After walking aimlessly for a long time, my mind was still messed up and empty.

Suddenly regaining consciousness, Mu Qingli couldn't help but knocked on her head, and cursed secretly: What are you doing? Isn't it just a kiss? Are you still disturbed by this? What a ghost! What's so great about a kiss?

Look at yourself, all of this, all of this—oh, she's too embarrassed to say it herself, why is she so fascinated?

It’s not wrong to be serious, it’s really inappropriate to just think about what’s there and what’s not!

Knocking her head and scolding herself, Mu Qingli breathed a sigh of relief, and finally regained her senses and ordered herself to concentrate on doing business.

Unexpectedly, Mo Yunshen came after him at this time, and shouted excitedly while chasing: "My lady! My lady!"

Mu Qingli staggered and almost tripped, her heartbeat quickened suddenly, her face was slightly red, and she couldn't help but secretly scolded this guy for being shameless and skinless - chase after him and dry his hair?

Especially when she heard his excited tone, Mu Qingli felt a little bit annoyed, just as if he was proud of kissing her last night, and came here to tease herself on purpose - what a bad guy...

"What are you doing here? I think it's more appropriate for us to go separately like yesterday." Mu Qingli said in a calm tone with a sullen face.

Mo Yunshen didn't seem to pay attention to her tense face and somewhat stiff and indifferent tone, still smiling with eyes shining, he stretched out his hand to hold her arm with a smile: "My lady, come with me! I found the entrance!"

Mu Qingli, who was about to shake off his hand, was startled, and said in surprise: "What did you say? The entrance?"

Mo Yunshen pulled her away hurriedly while nodding and laughing: "That's right, it's the entrance leading to the back of the cliff, you'll know if you come with me, lady!"

Mu Qingli was overjoyed immediately, and said, "That's really great!"

When the two came to a place, Mu Qingli looked ahead, and there were still cliffs and countless vines and shrubs growing at the foot of the cliffs. She didn't see any entrances or passages, so she couldn't help raising her eyebrows at Mo Yunshen.

"Miss, look here!" Mo Yunshen stepped forward, pushing aside a cluster of densely entangled vines that grew on the cliff.

Mu Qingli's heart skipped a beat, and she went to look forward, and sure enough, there was indeed a passage in front of the place covered by the vines, but this passage was not a straight line, so it was impossible to see what the other side of the cliff looked like from this side. , because this passage turned a corner after twenty or thirty meters ahead, and I don't know what's going on in the future.

Moreover, this passage is very narrow, only allowing a thin and thin person to pass sideways, and a slightly fat person will definitely not be able to pass through.

This is a veritable line of sky.

"Hey, maybe I'm thinking things too simply! I don't know whether it's a cave or a passage! Maybe it's just a deep cave." Mo Yunshen sighed suddenly, a little annoyed the way.

"I don't think your previous judgment was wrong. This is more like a passage. Come on, let's go in and try!" Mu Qingli said.

Both of them are of the petite type, so there is no problem trying to pass here.

However, it is natural not to be reckless, and the preparations that should be made still need to be done.

His body was smeared with anti-venomous snakes, mosquitoes, poisonous ants, and various poisons. He wrapped his whole body neatly, only a pair of eyes were exposed. One hand held a bright and sharp dagger, and the other held a bamboo stick hidden weapon. This is the beginning of the thin line of sky.

Mo Yunshen took a step ahead.

There were too many vines and thick ones, so he could only move forward while cutting off the vines with the dagger in his hand. Mu Qingli followed closely behind him, watching the front, back, left, and right.

Fortunately, although this line of sky is very narrow and difficult to walk, apart from these annoying vines, there is no other danger. This is already the best situation for the two of them.

The further you go in, the fewer vines.

When turning that bend, the light suddenly brightened.

The two raised their heads, and the upper part opened up a lot, and they could see a rather large corner of the sky.

However, at a height of more than two feet from the ground, it was still a very narrow passage, not wider than before, and the two of them could only lean sideways against the stone wall and move inside bit by bit.

It's just that the dagger in his hand is no longer needed, because there are no more entangled vines here.

Just moving bit by bit like this, I don't know how long it has passed, and finally saw the sudden light ahead.

The two of them cheered up: Sure enough, this is a passage!

Mu Qingli took out her pocket watch and saw that almost an hour had passed! It was almost like climbing a tall mountain.

Coming out of the passage, what you can see in front of your eyes is a hilly pasture with bushes and bushes, rolling and undulating, extremely wide.

These dwarf shrubs can't be named, the branches and leaves are like acacia, and there are clusters of rose-red pompom-like flowers, like a large green carpet, embroidered with rose-red flowers, very beautiful.

Not far away, a large herd of elk was grazing leisurely with their tails flicking.

In another place, a large group of antelopes are also grazing leisurely with their tails flicking.

And several other herds of deer, sheep, and wild horses also occupy a place leisurely, flicking their tails and grazing leisurely.

It was peaceful and peaceful.

Apart from various herds of deer and sheep, I could occasionally see a few muntjacs, wild donkeys, marmots, hares, etc. As for the ferocious bison and other carnivorous beasts, I didn't see a single one.

"I didn't expect this to be a pasture!" Mu Qingli exclaimed: "These animals look easy to catch. I think we don't have to worry about food anymore!"

In the future, when the food is finished, just run here to hunt a few heads, and there is no need to go all out to find them.

Since this place is surrounded by cliffs, it might be a huge deer and sheep pen.

Mo Yun smiled deeply: "Well, only a lady is qualified to say this."

Mu Qingli was taken aback.

Mo Yunshen said with a slow smile: "Except for the lady, no matter how much prey others hunt here, how can they get it out?"

Mu Qingli laughed loudly, and said with a smile: "What you said is that there is no room for others!"

With her alone, no matter how many prey are hunted here, it is not a problem to take them out.

But the two of them didn't come here for these prey today. After a few pointers and discussions, they walked towards the forest not far away.

"Do you feel that the air in this place is particularly fresh, and these shrubs, grasses and trees seem to be particularly full of vitality and growing very well." Mu Qingli said while walking.

Mo Yun nodded deeply, and said: "I also have this feeling. Everything here does look different from the outside. The majestic vitality and vitality are incomparable outside!"

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