However, this plastic barrel is not a container for storing good wine, and it can be replaced after returning.

Each of the two was in charge of an oil barrel, unscrewed the spout, watched the wine rush down, the rich aroma of the wine rushed into the nose and invaded the lungs, they couldn't help but took a deep breath.

The wine was flowing, and the two stared happily and nervously.

The opening is small, unlike the wooden barrel last time, the aroma of the wine did not spread so easily. Until the two filled the two large barrels, there was still no movement outside.

Screw the lid on, put it in the space, Mu Qingli shook her hand, and took out two same big buckets.

If all goes well, four barrels will be nearly two hundred catties, enough for them to drink for a long time.

Of course, it would be better if you could take more.

Anyway, these two big wine barrels are so huge, a few hundred catties is nothing more than a drop in the bucket.

After successfully taking out two buckets again, the two looked at each other, and Mu Qingli decisively took out two more buckets.

This time luck was not so good, the scent of these monkey wines was too strong and mellow, even though they had thought of a way to minimize the overflow of the scent, the scent of the wine would still be exposed in the end, the difference was only sooner or later.

But this kind of opportunity is only once. Of course, they can take as much as they can. Anyway, they can escape quickly and are not afraid of being chased.

One must know that after this time, it will take some time for these big guys to forget about this matter and have a chance to come again.

"My lady, I heard something! Let's go!" Mo Yunshen listened attentively to the commotion outside, and when he heard the footsteps of a big guy coming, he immediately said to Mu Qingli.

"Well, let's go!" Mu Qingli started to unscrew the lid while speaking. This kind of thing has to be decided immediately, otherwise, it will be difficult to escape if you are blocked in the cave by these big guys.

The two moved quickly, putting away the plastic vat that was almost half full, putting on the chameleon skin, and speeding up to the extreme and galloping away.

Smelling the aroma of the wine, the two old apes rushed over to see what was going on, and were startled by the two dark gray shadows coming out of the cave like lightning. When they came back to their senses, Mu Qingli and Mo Yunshen were already running towards the entrance of the valley. In the past twenty or thirty meters.

After all, the giant ape's brain turned a little slower, and it was stunned again. When Mu Qingli and the others had already rushed three or four hundred meters away, it came back to its senses with a roar of "嗤——".

As it roared continuously, the other giant apes roared together. Everyone understood what was going on, and roared angrily and chased after Mu Qingli and Mo Yunshen. Hurrah with the wind.

"My lady, hurry up! They're coming!" Mo Yunshen exclaimed with a shudder in his heart as he increased his speed with lightness kung fu.

He heard the whistling wind that was chasing after them, these big guys were indeed too powerful, not only were they extremely powerful, but their speed was also heart-shattering.

Fortunately, the brain is not very good, and the reaction is more or less slow, otherwise, it would be really difficult to escape from their fists.

Mu Qingli didn't speak, but her speed increased significantly.

Even so, the distance between the two of them and the giant apes was not opened, but stalemate.

At this moment, apart from rushing forward recklessly, the two of them were still secretly praying: Don't come back if you're looking for food, don't come back if you're looking for food...

Unfortunately, their luck was as bad as ever. In other words, the angry roar of the housekeeper apes was heard by all the apes looking for food.

They have their own set of language used by each other, understand the meaning, how can those big guys who are looking for food outside be able to bear it? They all howled angrily and rushed back, almost making dumplings for Mu Qingli and the other two!

All of a sudden, the once deep and quiet mountain forest suddenly became extremely lively. The roar of the giant apes was earth-shattering, and the birds singing on the branches were frightened to quiet down.

"It's almost there!" The two of them lifted their spirits, and they didn't look back, but they were more motivated to charge forward.

Finally, the river and the pool appeared in sight, and the two plunged into it without hesitation.

The surface of the water became turbulent for a moment, splashing bursts of water.

Covered by the turbulent water surface, the two had already dived into the bottom of the river and swam to the opposite bank, hiding in the dense aquatic plants, motionless.

The giant apes stayed on the river bank for a while, yelled angrily, then yelled happily, then turned and left.

They don't think too much, anger is that the treasure of brewing has been stolen, and joy is that these two wine thieves are finally forced to dive to death by them, and their vengeance can be regarded as revenge.

Mu Qingli and Mo Yunshen didn't dare to take it too seriously. After the giant apes had left for a full quarter of an hour, they came out of the water and let out a big breath, stretching their muscles and bones.

Then swim back toward the bank where you dived.

Climbing to the shore, the two looked at each other and laughed out loud when they saw each other's mess.

However, seeing his wife's exquisite figure, Mo Yun's eyes narrowed, his heart skipped a beat, he wanted to take a few more glances but subconsciously avoided his gaze.

Mu Qingli didn't think much of it. In other words, although the clothes were wet and stuck to her body, they were so tightly pasted that nothing could be seen. Besides, ancient clothes were not the kind that intentionally showed her figure. I feel that I have no figure at all at this moment, so of course I am not afraid of Mo Yunshen looking at me.

However, Mo Yunshen is an ancient man after all. To him, heck, this is actually very, very - so what...

Throwing a set of dry clothes to Mo Yunshen casually, "Hurry up and change clothes, call the big turtle and let's go! You can still spend the night in the tree house tonight, and you will go home early tomorrow morning."

Mo Yunshen reached out his hand subconsciously to grab the clothes, and gave a dumbfounded "Yeah", seeing her turn around and burrow into a clump of thick grass before changing clothes, he smiled wryly, and hurriedly pressed the button that was ready to move, ready to move. His mind was distracted, and he hurried to change clothes.

After the two of them changed their clothes, Mu Qingli put the changed clothes into the space, and said with a smile: "I don't know if Da Gui is a little smarter, but if he is a little smarter, he should move to the original path , instead of waiting there to die, we—”

Mu Qingli's voice stopped abruptly, her eyes widened suddenly, and her body froze.

Mo Yunshen was listening to her with a smile on his lips and a gentle expression, but she stopped talking after listening to her. Mo Yunshen was very surprised, looked up and was about to ask her, when Mu Qingli grabbed his wrist suddenly Shouted: "Run!"

Before Mo Yunshen could say "Ah?", he was dragged forward by Mu Qingli involuntarily.

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