That makes sense.

Tsk tsk, pounced down and snatched a deer alive. What a ferocious bird of prey. At least in modern times, Mu Qingli had never seen such a fierce bird of prey.

To be able to capture a lamb is already a remarkable existence.

It was also due to the luck of myself and Mo Yunshen that we didn't meet each other when we came here, but Xiaoya'er and Xiaoluan had lived here for a long time, so we met.

"By the way, do you still remember where they came from?" Gao Dashan asked.

Mu Qingli, Mo Yunshen, and A Yuan were also moved in their hearts, and looked at the two little guys.

To be honest, there are such fierce existences in this line of sky, and the four of them are not at ease if they don't find out their specific situation.

Both Xiao Luan and Xiao Ya'er nodded repeatedly, "Flying from the southwest direction."

Mu Qingli raised her eyebrows and said with a smile: "Since this is the case, I don't think we need to rush back to the village. Why don't we go back after visiting those guys' nests?"

Mo Yunshen and the others naturally had no objections.

Xiaoluan thought for a while and said, "They just came to catch sheep and deer yesterday, and they may not come these two days, let's wait."

Mu Qingli and others nodded, seeing that the night was not light, they all went to sleep.

Mu Qingli and Xiao Ya'er slept in the hollow tree hole, and the tree house had two other rooms, which happened to be shared by four men.

Looking at it like this, it seems that the tree house needs to be expanded. Since those big birds won't come, it's free for two or three days...

When talking about this the next morning, Gao Dashan and A Yuan both said that they also had the same meaning, so they planned to dig another hole in a big tree not far away that could not hold six people together, and also built a small wooden house. By the way, build another corridor to connect the two places.

Mu Qingli, Xiao Ya'er and the others had an interesting conversation. After breakfast, everyone got busy.

With Mu Qingli's tools, it's easy to do.

Mo Yunshen, Gao Dashan, and A Yuan will do it together, and Mu Qingli will accompany Xiaoyaer and Xiaoluan around.

The three of them came to the pasture. The animals were grazing leisurely with their tails flicking, or chasing and playing. Xiaoluan suddenly raised his head and said to Mu Qingli, "Sister, I think we can reclaim the vegetable field here! Growing vegetables here is much more spacious than our home!"

"Yes, yes, sister, the two of us were discussing a few days ago! It's a pity that we are too busy harvesting those wild fruits and mushrooms, otherwise we both have already started to open up wasteland!" Xiao Ya'er heard this The words quickly nodded and smiled.

Mu Qingli moved in her heart, nodded and smiled: "That's true! You two may live here often in the future, just to take care of our vegetable fields. Well, but, we have to build fences to reclaim the vegetable fields, otherwise the deer will Ah, the sheep can’t be guarded.”

Mu Qingli suddenly thought of potatoes, taro, yams, corn, sweet potatoes, peanuts, etc. It would be perfect to plant these things here.

Because the place here is big enough, and the work of reclaiming land is not a labor-intensive work for the few of them, and a large area can be reclaimed easily.

Although it seems a bit early to make plans now, it is not a bad thing to make plans early.

You must know that when the time comes to migrate, there will be thousands of people, and rations alone will be a huge problem.

After all, you can't hunt and walk at the same time, can you?

So these are the sooner you plan, the better.

By the way, you can also grow more vegetables here, as well as all kinds of melons. You don’t even need melon racks, just let them climb the trees.

Seeing that Mu Qingli agreed with their opinions, Xiaoya'er and Xiaoluan were very happy, and confidently expressed that when their sister and brother-in-law leave next time, they can start cultivating vegetable fields.

Mu Qingli smiled and didn't say much. Of course, it is absolutely impossible for her to let the two little guys come to reclaim the vegetable field. She, Mo Yunshen, Gao Dashan and A Yuan will do well in this kind of thing.

And she knew where to choose, it was by the stream where she and Mo Yunshen spent the night catching fish that day.

That piece of land is open and flat, close to the water source, and a little far away from the main activity range of herbivores such as deer and sheep. These guys should not go there if they have nothing to do.

Of course, even so, the fence still has to be fenced.

And not far from the stream, there is a large piece of wild grapes, which is also a good thing, whether it is picked fresh and stored directly in the space, or dried into raisins, or made into wine, it will not wasted.

The three siblings wandered around here for a while, and Xiao Ya'er patted his head with a cry of "ah", and pulled Mu Qingli's hand with a smile: "Sister, let's go pick mushrooms, shall we? Sister said color You can’t pick brightly colored mushrooms, but Xiaoluan and I found a lot of red mushrooms in a pine forest over there, which looked edible, but we didn’t dare to pick them, my sister will go and have a look with us!”

There are a lot of pine and cypress trees here, and all kinds of mushrooms can easily grow under these trees. Mu Qingli thought that it would be a waste to waste it, so she nodded and smiled: "Okay, let's go now."

Xiao Ya'er and Xiao Luan lead the way, while Mu Qingli follows behind.

Seeing that the two little guys are familiar with the way, it is obvious that they are quite familiar with this place, Mu Qingli couldn't help but smile, and at the same time secretly relieved: I was worried that they would have a bad life here, It seems that I am overthinking.

They're busy, which is fine.

Not long after, the two little guys brought Mu Qingli to a gentle slope, where tall pines and cypresses were growing as far as the eye could see, as well as some maple, hazelnut, fir, oak and other tree species.

Neither Mu Qingli nor Mo Yunshen had been to this area before.

At the foot of these trees, on the thick layer of fallen leaves, there are indeed many mushrooms growing.

Many of them were taught by Mu Qingli to the siblings, such as fir mushrooms, chanterelles, boletus, gray pine mushrooms, green mushrooms, hazel mushrooms and so on.

The younger sister and brother did pick a lot of these types of mushrooms, and Mu Qingli had seen them in the few baskets they collected.

But the most eye-catching is a kind of dark red mushroom, which is almost everywhere. The sister and brother saw that the color of this mushroom is bright, and Mu Qingli didn't teach them to know it before, so they didn't pick it.

"Sister, we are talking about this kind!" Little Ya'er pointed to the dark red mushroom and said, "There are so many here, it would be a pity if you can't eat it!"

Mu Qingli's eyes lit up, and she laughed and said, "This is a good thing. This kind of mushroom is called the blood-colored pine mushroom, and it is the best kind of mushroom that grows under the pine tree! But it is relatively rare. I didn't expect it to be here. so much."

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