When Gao Dashan said this, A Yuan also understood, suddenly enlightened, lifted his spirits, and said with a smile: "Then what are we waiting for? Go over and have a look!"

"Okay!" The four immediately continued to move towards the cliff in front of them.

Although I can clearly see the towering cliffs in the distance, the distance is still quite far.

At this moment, the place where they were standing was on a mountain ridge, and after crossing this mountain ridge, there was a long slope extending forward, until the vast grassland under the cliff.

In addition to pastures, there are rivers and lakes.

The meadow is not all grass, it is sparsely covered with various kinds of dwarf shrubs half the height of a person, looking around, it looks like the vast meadow is covered with mushrooms one by one.

In the distance, groups of herbivores are also looking for food, and the number seems to be more than the pasture on the entrance.

A Yuan couldn't help but said: "These guys are also strange. Why didn't the prey at the door of the house fly so far instead of killing them?"

Mo Yunshen and the others were also a little confused about this question.

Mu Qingli took out the binoculars from the space, looked around, thought for a while and smiled: "The animals here are different from the ones at the entrance. Maybe they just want to change their taste? Otherwise, they won't It’s been so many days.”

"It's possible!" Mo Yunshen and Gao Dashan felt that this statement was not unreasonable.

Seeing A Yuan looking at his telescope curiously, Mu Qingli smiled and handed it to him: "Try it, you can see far away.

A Yuan hehe thanked him for picking it up, and as soon as he aimed his eyes and looked forward, he exclaimed "Ah!": "Ah! Why did you become so close and so big all of a sudden! Ah, I can see so clearly Ah! It's amazing!"

Mo Yunshen explained to him with experience: "This is called a telescope, and it is specially used to see things in the distance, so that people have the feeling that they are right in front of them."

"Yes, yes, it's right in front of you! It's right in front of you!" A Yuan was so full of novelty that he almost jumped up in excitement.

Seeing Gao Dashan with an inexplicable expression on the side, Mu Qingli took out another one and handed it to Gao Dashan with a smile: "Brother Gao, take a look too."

Then she spread her hands towards Mo Yunshen. This kind of thing is really useless to her in modern times, so there are only these two in her space.

Gao Dashan tentatively pointed the binoculars at his eyes, looking into the distance, just like A Yuan, he said "Ah!" in a low voice: "Sure enough, we are right in front of our eyes, and we can see everything that we couldn't see clearly at once Clear! This is amazing!"

What Mu Qingli said is right, although the grassland here is wider than the one at the entrance and has more animal populations, the species are really different.

There are herds of wild horses and wild donkeys here, which are not found there, or only occasionally very small populations appear there.

The deer and sheep here are of different breeds from those over there.

For example, there is a kind of deer here. The antlers of the antlers are extremely branched and high, and they look like two little uncles on the head, but the color of their fur is a dark red.

There is also a kind of deer with almost no horns. It is extremely huge, more than twice the size of ordinary deer. There is a circle of snow-white hair around the lips, eyes and tail, and the color of the body is light brown. .

There is also a kind of sheep, with a pair of horns coiled around the head, but the tail is extremely sharp and sharp, it looks fierce and aggressive.

In addition to these, there are other types that have never appeared there.

Maybe those raptors really want to change their tastes!

Mu Qingli glanced at the animals grazing happily, and said: "It seems that there may be a lot of those raptors, and there is nothing to block us going forward, we have to be more careful. "

If the number of raptors is too small, these animals may have reproduced happily, and the environment will be destroyed.

But at least judging from the current situation, it is in a kind of balance.

Now that it is in balance, the number of raptors can be inferred from the population size of these animals.

Mo Yunshen and the others nodded their heads, and went further, and there were grasslands as far as the eye could see, and those mushroom-like low shrubs could barely be regarded as cover, but when walking, the slightest cover was not enough. No.

However, with so many animal populations, it would not be so easy for those birds of prey to deal with them. As long as the animals are induced to cause chaos, they can naturally use the chaos to escape.

Putting away the binoculars, the four continued to move forward.

The four people's footsteps were not slow, and the towering cliffs in the distance gradually became clear, and the sense of oppression that the huge cliffs brought to them like Optimus Prime could not help but increase.

The cries and running sounds of various animal populations gradually approached.

Soon, they passed a herd of deer with brown and yellow and milky white stripes on their bodies.

These animals have obviously never seen human beings before, and they don't know that they are actually the food in their mouths. They looked at them curiously, flicked their tails and continued to eat grass, playing and playing, and they didn't bother to pay attention to them. .

A Yuan clicked his tongue twice, and said with a smile: "I haven't seen this kind of deer before, so I don't know if roasted venison is delicious."

Mu Qingli smiled and said: "I haven't seen it either, let's go back when we go back!"

"Okay, okay!" A Yuan was immediately very happy.

"Let's concentrate on our journey. We're very close to the cliff, and those raptors can fly over with a few flaps of their wings." Mo Yun said with a deep smile.

Several people hurriedly withdrew their gazes and continued to move forward with vigilance.

There are more and more animal populations passing by, and they are getting closer and closer to the cliff, and finally, they come to the bottom of the cliff.

The four looked up at the towering cliff, still feeling unattainable and dizzy.

Today's weather is very good, the top of the high cliff is not covered by clouds and fog, it is rare to see the whole picture.

However, the more so, the stronger the dizziness when looking up.

"It's too high and too steep, and I don't know where those big guys live." Gao Dashan sighed.

Mu Qingli took out the binoculars again and looked up, but did not find any caves or lairs.

"Let's divide into two groups. One group will walk in one direction. After half an hour, we will return to meet here." Mu Qingli said.

All three nodded in agreement.

Mu Qingli handed them one of the binoculars, and Mo Yunshen and herself took one, and they left in twos.

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