Things like coriander and celery are about to bloom and bear seeds.

Bearing seeds is also a good thing. After harvesting the seeds, you can take them to the sky and sow a lot.

Eggplants, cucumbers, and beans have also matured a lot, and many of them have grown old.

There is no way to eat eggplant when it is old, so we can only let it continue to grow and save it for seeds. Slightly older cucumbers, peeled and used to pickle pickles are good, and older ones can also be reserved for seeds, and the same is true for beans.

What surprised Mu Qingli the most was that the peppers and tomatoes had grown up. Mu Qingli picked a handful of peppers and two tomatoes that were not too big or too small. She smiled covetously and said to Mo Yun: "Tonight, ask Xiao Ya'er to fry beef with green peppers and tomatoes, then make tiger skin green peppers, and then make tomato and egg soup, that will be delicious!"

Mo Yunshen was very fresh looking at these peppers, tomatoes, cauliflower, etc., and felt a little emotional again. He said that although he had never grown vegetables before, he always ate them, but as far as he had eaten Judging from the vegetables, most of them didn't match up with what I saw in front of me.

In other words, more than half of the vegetables planted by the lady were things he had never seen or eaten before.

Mo Yunshen's heart was hot for a while, food is the most important thing for the people, if all these vegetables are sold, it will be difficult not to make a fortune...

The two stopped by to look at the melon shelf again.

Compared with a month ago, the melon shelf at this moment has changed a lot. The whole shelf is covered with various melon vines, some of which have begun to bloom or bear small fruits.

The wax gourd is as big as a fist, and the fluffy hair is very long and white.

The pumpkin is slippery and green, and it looks like it can be picked in two days.

I found that three or four of the pumpkins had grown to the size of a water gourd, and there were finger-sized yellow and white spots on the dark green skin. Such pumpkins were edible.

There are also chayote, loofah, etc., and it is almost time to pick the freshest and freshest ones.

The lotus leaves in the pond also spread out densely, covering most of the water surface. It seems that in two or three months, the pond will be full of lotus roots.

The peach trees planted next to the pond also grew luxuriantly, and the peaches continued to grow. This place is close to the ground milk water, and these peaches seem to grow bigger than when they were on the mountain.

The two looked around and were very satisfied.

Although not at home, these things look very good.

Bringing the peppers and tomatoes back to the kitchen, Mu Qingli explained to Xiao Ya'er how to fry them, and Xiao Ya'er nodded repeatedly to show that she understood.

Unexpectedly, there was another knock on the door. When I opened the door, it turned out that it was Xiaosong who brought them a basket of various wild vegetables, a few pieces of yam, a hare, and two pieces of wild boar. Xiaosong smiled and said, "You just came back. , I think the food prepared at home is not enough, so let’s deal with it for now. My father and mother said, if you have any difficulties, you can go to our house and talk about it. It’s not a problem to have some food evenly for a while.”

Mu Qingli and Mo Yun looked at each other deeply, and they knew that Zhao Xiaobai must have listened to Jiang Xiaoshi's muttering, went home and talked about it, and Village Chief Zhao asked Zhao Xiaosong to bring them food.

In any case, this love deserves it.

Mo Yunshen took the food and thanked him with a smile.

Xiao Song waved his hands with a smile, looked into their yard with his head, rolled his eyes, and said, "Then what, what about Xiao Ya'er and Xiao Luan? Are they back too? Brother Mo, Qing Li, what are you doing?" They also took it, and it went well?"

Mu Qingli smiled and said: "They are all back, it's better than being at home!"

Xiaosong let out an "hey" when he heard the words, scratched his head and didn't know what to say, after all, Mu Qingli's family is in a special situation.

Smiled at Mu Qingli and the two: "Then I won't bother you, come and play again in two days!" After saying that, he left.

"The village head's family has a heart." Mu Qingli said.

"Yes! This shows that our popularity is not bad." Mo Yunshen nodded, and the two looked at each other and smiled.

After a while, the choking smell of chili from the kitchen made the two people in the room on this side sneeze profusely. Xiao Ya'er and Xiao Luan, who were cooking in the kitchen, were even worse, also sneezing profusely.

The younger sister and brother couldn't take it anymore and had to leave the pot and shovel and run outside the kitchen to get some air.

"Sister, why is that thing called 'pepper' so choking? Is it really edible?" Xiao Ya'er ran into the room here, sneezed loudly twice, and asked Mu Qingli.

Mu Qingli herself also sneeze in a mess, but she smiled so much that her brows and eyes were crooked, and she nodded at Xiaoya'er repeatedly: "Don't worry, when did my sister lie to you? Never? Have you heard that the meat with chili is delicious? Isn’t it extra delicious? You’ll know it’s good when you eat it later! Hurry up and go back to the kitchen, hold on, it’ll be fine next time! I can’t help but want to eat it!”

As Mu Qingli said, she sneezed two more times.

Xiao Ya'er and the others smelled it, and sure enough, the smell of meat wafting in the air was different from the smell of cooking, frying, frying, stewing, frying and roasting in the past, and it had a very special and attractive smell.

"Okay, I'll go right away!" People with high culinary skills are different. Even if the chili has not yet been eaten, Xiao Ya'er has already keenly felt that this is really a good thing, turned his head decisively, and rushed in. in the kitchen.

Xiaoluan thought for a while, then followed in while pinching his nose.

Mu Qingli took two hard breaths, and said intoxicated: "That's the taste, stir-fried beef with green peppers and tomatoes, this is my favorite taste! Ah, it's so nostalgic! Ah-choo-ah sneeze!"

Mo Yunshen: "..." Before he could say anything, his nose itched and he sneezed again.

The beef with green peppers, tomatoes, and green peppers came out of the pot, and the spicy and choking taste of the next tiger-skin green peppers went up to a higher level. The four of them sneezed and sneezed inside and out as if they didn’t need money (it didn’t cost money at all~).

Fortunately, their family lived far away from other families in the village. If they lived close, the fun would be great!

However, as Mu Qingli said, this choking and spicy taste brings a particularly attractive fresh fragrance, which is really very attractive. Obviously it should be a very dreadful and unpleasant taste, but it just makes people miss it uncontrollably.

After the tiger skin and green peppers are fried, the mushrooms, bamboo shoots, and pheasants stewed on the stove are ready to be cooked. Xiaoyaer makes another tomato and egg soup, and the meal is ready to serve.

The kitchen was still filled with that spicy and strongly irritating smell, so the dinner was served in the main room.

Mu Qingli has already adapted to this taste, she is only full of intoxication, and she no longer sneezes, but Mo Yunshen, Xiao Ya'er, and Xiao Luan don't.

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