In the evening, Mu Qingli fed Xiao Daimeng with her own hands, and Mo Yunshen imitated her and tried to feed Eagle Father and Mother Eagle, and the effect was not bad.

Feed them meat and drink water, Mu Qingli thought about it, and took out two handfuls of fresh and tender cabbage in pain. Father Eagle and Mother Eagle's eyes lit up when they saw it, and they rushed over without hesitation. The mouthful was quickly eaten up, and then he looked at Mu Qingli eagerly.

Mu Qingli couldn't take it anymore under the gaze of those eager little eyes, so she could only sigh in pain, and took out several peaches and threw them to them.

The two ate again unceremoniously, and also fed Xiaodimeng by the way.

"Let's eat too!" Mu Qingli hardened her heart and smiled at the eager eyes and said: "Tomorrow, dear, I will feed you tomorrow."

As he spoke, he took out the food and prepared dinner with Mo Yunshen.

Even if the two of them were extremely courageous, they would not dare to start a fire in this lair.

Fortunately, there is still cooked food in the space. Although it is not hot, let's just make it so reluctantly tonight.

Go down again tomorrow morning, cook some food, and hunt two wild sheep and bring them up.

The two each ate a piece of roasted mutton and some fruit. The last ray of sunlight in the sky was also put away, and the twilight gradually deepened.

Mu Qingli hugged Xiaodimeng and played with it all the time, Xiaodimeng was familiar with her and Mo Yunshen, and she was not afraid at all, and she cried tenderly, very happy.

Father Eagle and Mother Eagle seemed a little curious, thinking that it was getting late, but these two guys seemed to have no intention of leaving.

But they don't know how to ask, and they don't know how to drive people away. Seeing that they are not detrimental to their own family, they don't bother to pay attention to them.

However, the sky was getting darker and the stars gradually covered the entire sky. Father Eagle or Mother Eagle finally couldn't take it anymore, and screamed in the direction of Mu Qingli and Mo Yunshen.

The two of them were actually a little startled, they looked at each other, and said to themselves: These two bald chickens won't turn their heads, right? Skydiving at night is a bit more dangerous than during the day...

Unexpectedly, the little Daimeng in Mu Qingli's arms struggled towards its parents, fluttering its small meaty wings, and swayed towards its parents.

When Father Eagle and Mother Eagle saw it coming, they stretched out their wings with a tuft of feathers but not a tuft of feathers to protect Xiaodaimeng, and the family of three flapped their wings and entered the half of the nest that was covered by a roof.

Then I don’t know whether it’s Father Eagle or Mother Eagle, turned around, and stared at Mu Qingli with round eyes, as if to say: This is where our family of three lives, you two are not allowed to come with us grab.

Both Mu Qingli and Mo Yunshen understood the meaning, and couldn't help laughing as they looked at each other. At the same time, I also let go of my heart.

"I knew it would work! We can finally stay in the right place."

Mo Yunshen smiled slightly, put his hands on the pillow on the back of his head, lay down and looked up at the sky, and said with a smile: "Actually, it's pretty good, look how bright the stars are all over the sky, and how close they are to the sky! This feeling... Well, it’s still quite fresh and novel.”

"Who says it's not!" Mu Qingli smiled, and followed suit by lying down beside him. She had never experienced this kind of experience before.

The two of them were lying in the cliff eagle's nest, looking at the sky full of stars, talking without saying a word, it was really a rather wonderful experience.

The night wind was a bit cool, so Mu Qingli called out Mo Yunshen, spread two layers of thick reed mats on the flat place, took out a long blanket, and laid it down from the edge of the nest, which can well cover the nest. The wind blowing in through the gap is blocked.

Then he took out two sleeping bags, one for each person, and fell asleep like this.

The two of them didn't dare to rest assured. Mo Yunshen slept first in the first half of the night, while Mu Qingli closed her eyes to rest her mind, staying alert, and switched back to it in the second half of the night.

Although the attitude of the three members of this family towards the two of them is pretty good, but who can guarantee that there will be no accidents?

If you are not careful, you will be eaten by them in the middle of the night...

A good night's sleep, both of them slept well, the next morning, before the two of them woke up, Xiao Daimeng fluttered over with her wings, her eyes eagerly circling Mu Qingli, ah Ahhh to eat.

Although Eagle Father and Eagle Mother were not as obvious as Xiao Daimeng, those two pairs of eyes were clearly staring at Mu Qingli and Mo Yunshen eagerly, with four words written brightly in their eyes: I ate it!

The meaning was so obvious that Mu Qingli and Mo Yunshen understood it all at once.

"There's a show!"

"Haha, yes!"

The two cheered up and laughed.

Of course, Mu Qingli would not refuse the great opportunity to strike while the iron was hot, and immediately picked up Xiaodaimeng and smoothed it, while taking out fresh food from the space and throwing it to Father Eagle and Mother Eagle. As for Xiaodaimeng, of course she enjoys her personal feeding.

Father Eagle and Mother Eagle obviously treated him much closer than yesterday, and the little boy was even more adorable. He was so clinging to Mu Qingli that he refused to leave. If it had hands, it would definitely hug Mu Qingli. The neck refused to let go.

Perhaps—because everyone spent the night in the same lair? Could it be considered a family living in the same room?

The two teased Xiaodaimeng for a long time, and exchanged feelings with Father Eagle and Mother Eagle. When they felt a little hungry, they decided to go down to cook.

Although there is still food in the space that can fill their stomachs, neither of them is the kind of person who is willing to wrong themselves. Of course, they have to go down and cook something warm to eat.

When jumping down from the lair to parachute, I heard the cries of Xiaodimeng and his parents, as if they were telling them to come back quickly...

In this way, Mu Qingli and Mo Yunshen lived in this lair with Xiaodaimeng's family of three every day.

The relationship between the three members of Xiaodaimeng's family and the two of them is getting closer and closer, but Xiaodaimeng's parents are extremely large in size, much larger than the three that Mo Yunshen and Gao Dashan brought down separately before. Boss circle.

It's fine to take one down at a time, but it's basically impossible to take a family of three down together.

Even if Gao Dashan or A Yuan are brought up to cultivate their relationship at this moment, it may not be possible.

After all, the family of three will be separated temporarily when they are taken down. Eagle father and eagle mother may be better, but they don't need to think about it, they will definitely not allow Xiaodaimeng to leave their sight.

The relationship that was formed with great difficulty, if the face is torn because of this, this--it is a bit too unworthy.

But if you want to give up, let alone Mu Qingli quit, at this time, even Mo Yunshen will quit.

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