These rhododendrons have shrubs, but more are trees as high as five or six meters, seven or eight meters, or even higher.

Although the shape of the leaves looks slightly different, it can be clearly seen that they are all rhododendrons.

Mu Qingli was full of emotion, and said: "It's a pity, it's not the flowering season, if it's the flowering season passing by here, tsk tsk, I don't know how beautiful it is!"

Mo Yunshen and the others were no strangers to rhododendrons, but they didn't think anything of them. Just looking at the dark green of the trees in front of them, it was obviously hard to imagine what it was like to be so beautiful.

A Yuan thought for a while, but smiled and said: "Is this called Rhododendron? Looking at the leaves, Brother Gao and I seem to have seen them before. There are red and purple flowers, and occasionally white, yellow, and pink flowers." Yes, it is very beautiful to open a hillside!"

Gao Dashan thought for a while, nodded and smiled, "After hearing what A Yuan said, I remembered it too, it seems to be true."

Of course, the two big men obviously don't care much about being good-looking but not edible.

Mo Yunshen was a little interested, and said with a smile, "Let's walk from here when the flowers bloom, and we can dig some to take away!"

Mu Qingli burst out laughing when she heard this. Such a huge arbor wants to dig some away, this project is not an ordinary difficulty!

After walking for three days among the almost endless Rhododendron mountains, a hilly area appeared in front of me. What was farther away was not really visible at the end of the line of sight.

The four of them subconsciously breathed a sigh of relief. Although there were no dangerous beasts in the Rhododendron Mountains, what they saw when they opened their eyes was the same scenery every day, and it would be boring if they watched too much.

Moreover, apart from rhododendron shrubs and rhododendron trees, large and small, tall and short, there are almost no other trees growing in this large mountain range. Vines together.

This is not the most important thing. The most important thing is that there are no large animals to hunt here, no wild fruits to satisfy hunger, and even water sources. They only saw two places in these few days.

It doesn't matter if they pass by, but if the villagers of the whole village migrate in the future, it will be quite a huge project just to replenish the water and food they carry.

Mu Qingli and the others walked a day's journey, and the villagers estimated that they would have to walk for two days to complete the journey. With the addition of the elderly, weak, women and children, the speed is even more difficult to say.

It's just that it's not yet time to think about it. Mu Qingli only made a rough assessment in her heart, but didn't think about it carefully.

It's too early to say anything at the moment, wait until I can go out...

"Finally came out!" A Yuan let out a long sigh of relief, and said with a smile: "Otherwise, let's rest here tonight and continue walking tomorrow."

Gao Dashan looked up at the undulating hills going straight to the distance, only a line of forest was faintly visible in the far, far away, and said: "Have a rest here for the night, tomorrow I think we should go back the same way, this trip It's been a long time since I came out, and it's almost time to pick wild fruits to make wine when I go back."

After careful calculation, it took a long time to come out, mainly because of the delay on the road, and the delay at Yixiantian and Brother Native for several days, it is indeed time to go back.

Fortunately, this trip went smoothly, and the four of them were very happy.

It was just after noon at this time, and there was most of the day to rest here.

A Yuan saw a lot of black and white feathers, and the cockscombs were particularly bright red. A grass chicken about two catties was pecking grass seeds in the grass, fluttering its wings and making clucking sounds from time to time, so he laughed and said, "Improve it tonight." Improve the food, just eat this, I'll hunt some back!"

Gao Dashan sat without moving, and only told him not to run far.

A Yuan promised loudly, but he had already run away.

Mu Qingli saw a myrtle not far away, and pulled Mo Yunshen to pick it off.

This is a kind of wild fruit that grows on shrubs. It is only the size of a finger, oval in shape, and its skin is black-gray when mature, covered with a dense layer of down.

The skin is very thin, when the outer skin is uncovered, the pulp inside is dark purple red and very sweet.

In modern times, Mu Qingli especially liked to eat this kind of fruit.

There is also the girl from Shennongtang, who will take her up the mountain to pick it every autumn and use it to make wine.

She didn't know how the girl in Shennongtang handled it, anyway, the wine was a transparent purple rose color after soaking, and it was especially mellow and smooth in the mouth, which was loved by everyone.

She is gone this year, and I don't know if that girl will go picking sparkling wine.

Mu Qingli smiled, she was open-minded by nature, sentimental, sad, and so on didn't have much to do with her, this thought just passed by in a flash.

Pick off the ripe myrtle, tear off a small opening at the top, put it on your lips and suck it lightly, and the pulp is sucked into your mouth.

Mo Yunshen ate one in a similar manner, and said with a smile: "The wild fruit that the lady knows, the taste will never be bad."

Mu Qingli glanced at him, this guy is getting better at talking.

This piece of myrtle has grown a lot, but you can't eat too much of this fruit, and you will get angry if you eat too much. Mu Qingli and Mo Yunshen didn't pick it deliberately, and picked two baskets for fun in front of them. In the space, I picked some more and gave them to Gao Dashan and A Yuan later.

When he returned to the station, A Yuan had already caught grass chickens and hunted six of them, which was enough for four people.

Just not far away, there is a spring at the bottom of the slope, forming an irregular pool. Large tracts of weeds and shrubs grow extraordinarily lush, which should be where the water flows.

A Yuan processed the grass chickens, and planned to stew two of them, wrap the four with leaves, smear seasonings, wrap them with thick mud balls, and roast them in the fire.

Seeing that it was still relatively early, Mu Qingli got the tiger that was killed a few days ago out of the space, and prepared to deal with it.

The tiger is very big, even with a very sharp blade in hand, the tiger's skin is not so easy to peel.

The four of them worked for a long time before peeling off the skin.

Mu Qingli cut off another big piece of meat from the boss and threw it to the big turtle to eat, and chopped up the rest in big chunks, packed them in big baskets with things padded at the bottom, and put them in the space.

As for the offal, I don't want it, just throw it in the grass.

The smell of blood quickly attracted many carnivorous birds and small animals.

Seeing the swirling and screaming falcon swooping down, Mu Qingli and the others inevitably thought of the cliff eagle in the sky.

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