Xiaoya'er and Xiaoluan almost cried when they saw their third uncle turned into this.

"Sangmenxing!" Old lady Zhang cursed again bitterly.

Mu Qingli became angry, and said coldly: "What do you want to do? Is it because everyone is gone and you are shaking again and want to show your prestige? Do you want me to go out and shout, and ask everyone to come and have a look?"


"Say a few words less!" Mr. Zhang scolded Mrs. Zhang, but he also gave Mu Qingli a dissatisfied look.

Mu Qingli gave him a big roll of the eyes, making him choke.

"Uncle, you go back first, I'm fine here." Sangu Mu said to Mr. Zhang.

"You?" Mrs. Zhang couldn't help but sneered again, and said bitterly, "Will you take care of it? Don't end up with bad things happening to you!"

No matter how good-tempered a person is, he would get angry when he heard such malicious words in this situation, not to mention that Mu Sangu was not a very good-tempered person at first, but she used to have to bow her head under the eaves.

After hearing this, she glared at Mrs. Zhang, but Mu Qingli sneered at Mrs. Zhang first, "Should I send you home? You will take care of it?"

"This is my home, please leave!" Sangu Mu said coldly.

Mrs. Zhang choked, and was frightened by Sangu Mu's expression. She was about to say something, but she couldn't say it, and was dragged away by Mr. Zhang in desperation.

"Take good care of Zishan, remember to call us if you have anything to do, don't be brave, it's a big deal." Mr. Zhang was so full of lawsuits that he felt headaches and irritability as hell.

Mu Sangu responded lightly.

Seeing this, Mr. Zhang sighed secretly, and had no choice but to leave.

"Sister, third uncle will be fine, right?" Xiao Ya'er and Xiao Luan rushed in, their faces full of nervousness and worry, as well as a bit of fear.

"Of course not!" Mu Qingli patted their hands and let them play in the yard.

Mu Sangu sat down wearily, and forced a smile: "Qingli, Yunshen, today is really thanks to you. Go back, I won't keep you anymore, later—"

When the word "later" was mentioned, Mu Sangu's face changed slightly, and she sighed, "You guys will come to play later."

Mu Qingli smiled and said: "We'll leave later, Sangu, don't you know, Mo Yunshen also knows medicine, especially the best at treating this kind of trauma!"

Mu Sangu's eyes lit up in a flash, and she said earnestly in a daze, "Really?"

Mo Yunshen smiled wryly to himself: The lady started letting him take the blame again...

He had no choice but to cooperate with a forced smile and nodded, "If Sangu can trust me—"

"Trust it, trust it, of course you can trust it! Yun Shen, you, show him quickly!" Mu Sangu nodded repeatedly.

Mu Qingli is not someone who can boast and talk big things, of course Mu Sangu believes it.

She also knew a little about Mo Yunshen's origin, and she had no doubts.

Mu Qingli originally thought that it would take a lot of effort to convince Mu Sangu, but she didn't expect it to be so easy, so she breathed a sigh of relief and hurriedly smiled: "Sangu, don't worry, Mo Yunshen just whispered to me , Said that the third uncle's injury is easy to treat, not difficult at all! It happens that he has some things with him, which can come in handy. Well, third aunt, go and boil some hot water first!"

Third Aunt Mu said "Ah!" and was almost dizzy with joy. She opened her eyes wide and looked at Mo Yunshen, her breath was a little short, but she was so excited that she couldn't say a word just looking at him.

Mo Yunshen wiped off his sweat silently, and hurriedly said with a smile: "Well, third aunt, go boil the water, just leave it to me."

"Hey, good! Good! I'm going to boil the water, I'm going to boil the water right now!" Mu Sangu staggered out like sleepwalking, and almost tripped over the threshold. When Mu Qingli saw her, she hurriedly called Xiaoya'er Come with Xiaoluan to accompany her.

Otherwise, it would be hard to say if the kitchen was burned down if the mind wandered away.

Mu Qingli breathed a sigh of relief, and took gauze, disinfectant alcohol, cotton swabs, trauma medicine and various other medicines out of the space, and handed them to Mo Yunshen.

Since Zhang Zishan had lost too much blood, replenishing blood was the top priority.

The big blood vine fruit came in handy.

Mu Qingli refined six of the big blood vines that were picked and made them into a blood-enriching elixir, which can be used at this time.

He poured some ground milk, melted the two pills, and swallowed Zhang Zishan together with Mo Yunshen.

Fortunately, it was refined into a pill, otherwise, Zhang Zishan would not be able to swallow the whole big blood vine fruit at this moment.

Mu Qingli cut another slice of Wannian ginseng and put it in Zhang Zishan's mouth.

Mo Yunshen clasped his palms on his vest, slowly sending a wave of internal force into his body.

After a while, I saw that Zhang Zishan's face was not so pale, and his complexion returned to normal. The palms of his cold hands became slightly warmer, and his breathing and pulse became stronger than before.

Mu Qingli and Mo Yun breathed a sigh of relief, and Mu Qingli smiled and said, "Now let's re-bandage his wound first."

Of course, what she provided was many times more expensive than Mr. Yu's.

"It's good for me to be alone here, you can go and accompany Sangu." Mo Yunshen nodded with a hum, but drove her out.

It's a joke, after all, men and women are different, and it is impossible for Mo Yunshen to keep Mu Qingli here for things like bandaging and treating wounds. Even the elders, the same men and women are different.

Mu Qingli didn't understand this at first, so she said, "Xiao Ya'er and Xiao Luan are with San Gu, I don't need you, so stop talking, let's do it!"

Mo Yunshen didn't want to say anything more about this man's big nerves, so he could only explain directly, and then pushed the woman who was a little sluggish for a moment out.

Mu Qingli: "..." She twitched her mouth silently, this guy has many problems...

Complaints in my heart are complaints, but what happened to that inexplicable little jump?

Mu Qingli slapped her forehead, feeling that she might be a little abnormal, so she turned around and went to the kitchen.

By the way, Xiaoluan brought the boiled warm water over to Mo Yunshen.

"Third Aunt, don't worry, Third Uncle's condition has improved, his complexion looks better, and his breathing is much calmer and stronger, really." Mu Qingli comforted with a smile.

"Really? Thank God!" Mu Sangu heaved a sigh of relief, half of her heart was relieved, she just felt that all the strength in her body was about to be drained, and she couldn't even move while sitting on the small stool.

It's good for Xiaoluan to learn how to deal with the wound. Mo Yunshen understood what Mu Qingli meant by sending him here, so he asked him to do it together, pointing and explaining.

According to Mu Qingli's previous explanation, first wipe the wound clean with warm water, then use a cotton swab dipped in disinfectant alcohol to smear it for disinfection, then apply medicine, and finally wrap it with gauze.

It was the first time for Xiao Luan to see such a bloody and hideous wound. At the beginning, his hands trembled with fright, but he endured it and followed Mo Yunshen's instructions step by step carefully. There was no mistake or mistake.

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